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 The easiest way of visualizing this is through the motion of a pendulum.  An oscillation is the change in state from an extreme state (A) to the other.

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Presentation on theme: " The easiest way of visualizing this is through the motion of a pendulum.  An oscillation is the change in state from an extreme state (A) to the other."— Presentation transcript:


2  The easiest way of visualizing this is through the motion of a pendulum.  An oscillation is the change in state from an extreme state (A) to the other extreme state (A”) and back again.  This is similar to completing a “cycle”.

3  An oscillator is quite simply a device designed to maintain the rate of oscillation with a high degree of precision. This is property is rated Q a “Q factor” (Quality factor).

4  Frequency is the rate of oscillations per unit of time. For watchmaking purposes, we use the unit “Hz” (pronounced hertz) to denote this rate.  A hertz is a measure of frequency defined as the number of events happening per second. It is also an SI unit.  For example, a drummer hitting a drum 5 times per second can be said to have hit the drum at a rate of 5 Hz.

5  A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that uses the mechanical resonance of a vibrating crystal of piezoelectric material to control an electrical signal to a very precise frequency.

6  The piezoelectric effect is the property of a material to generate a voltage when flexed and flex when a voltage is placed across it.  Here's a quick animation showing how piezoelectricity occurs. It's somewhat simplified, but it gives you the basic idea:

7 1.Normally, the charges in a piezoelectric crystal are exactly balanced, even if they're not symmetrically arranged. 2.The effects of the charges exactly cancel out, leaving no net charge on the crystal faces.

8 3.If you squeeze the crystal (massively exaggerated in this picture!), you force the charges out of balance. 4.Now the effects of the charges no longer cancel one another out and net positive and negative charges appear on opposite crystal faces.

9  Quartz crystal has the property of piezoelectricity. It is used as an oscillator due to its naturally high Q factor.  Quartz crystals are manufactured to operate in a wide range of frequency, however the standard frequency used in watchmaking is 32,768Hz. (2 15 x1Hz)

10  What is a Hertz? What is its symbol?  Give the definition of an oscillation.  Give the definition of frequency.  What does the term “Piezoelectric” refer to?  What frequency does a typical wristwatch quartz oscillator operate at?

11  Though the physical shape of the quartz crystal can vary depending upon its purpose and required properties, we typically see the “XY” cut used in watchmaking. It resembles a tuning fork.  This shape provides not only increased stability and ease of manufacture, but the shock resistance necessary for an instrument which is subjected to daily use on a wrist.



14  The precision of a quartz crystal’s frequency is affected by such things as temperature change, ageing, pressure change and shock.  Let’s explore each area:  Temperature  Ageing  Pressure Change  Shock

15  The temperature characteristic of quartz oscillators varies from shape to shape as does its size. There are vibrational modes possible in quartz that vary less than one second per month over a temperature of 0° to 50°C, however quartz oscillators having this broad of a temperature range are much larger than other types of quartz oscillators.  Wearing a watch on your arm provides a temperature- controlling effect that allows a smaller quartz oscillator to be used but one that also has a narrower temperature range.

16  The following is a graph showing how the change in frequency is effected by the ambient temperature. The curve is placed allowing a range of temperatures to average out against the line at “0”.

17  Like all bodies in motion, quartz oscillators age. This occurs during the entire life of the watch. The longer it operates, the more it will deviate from its original frequency. As it ages, it will speed up.  By the time a quartz watch is one year old, the error due to ageing problems is negligible.

18  For Example: If a quartz watch changes by one second per month due to ageing during the first month of operation, then it will also change by one second per month during the following two months, and one second per month the next four months, etc. This logarithmic type of change is shown in the graph, and it is normally from one second per month to four seconds per month change in timekeeping per decade change in time.

19  This change is shown in the graph, and it is normally from one second per month to four seconds per month change in timekeeping per decade change in time.

20  Quartz does not suffer from significant gravitational effects but it is sensitive to the ambient pressure. For this reason, quartz crystals are mounted in a hermetically sealed can, either under a complete vacuum or under a partial vacuum with helium gas in the can. One of the failure modes of quartz crystals is for a slow leak of air into the can to occur. This will cause a 20 to 30 second per day loss by a watch. The curve of pressure versus timekeeping for the quartz is below.

21  Dropping a quartz watch causes changes in timekeeping accuracy just as it does in watches having a balance wheel. There are two kinds of damage that can occur at a given shock level. In one type the quartz is disturbed but not permanently damaged. The other type of damage results in a permanent change of the quartz, and it will not recover to its original timekeeping accuracy without the trimmer being readjusted. The curves are shown at a 4,000 G shock, somewhat more severe than a 3-foot drop to a hardwood floor.

22  What effect does Temperature have on the quartz oscillator?  What effect does Ageing have on the quartz oscillator?  What effect does Pressure have on the quartz oscillator?  What effect does Shock have on the quartz oscillator?

23  Even with these effects changing the frequency of the quartz oscillator, one must keep things in prospective when considering accuracy. Due to the high frequency and relatively small errors non- permanently damaging effects produce, the quartz oscillator in a cheap $2.95 movement is still approximately 30 times more accurate than that of a $5000 mechanical watch.  The quartz oscillator has an accuracy to within 5 seconds per month, as opposed to 5 seconds per day on a fine mechanical movement.


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