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Cherokee High School 2015-16 One History, One Vision, One Nation… Our TIME!

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Presentation on theme: "Cherokee High School 2015-16 One History, One Vision, One Nation… Our TIME!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cherokee High School 2015-16 One History, One Vision, One Nation… Our TIME!

2 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle

3 One History, One Vision, One Nation…Our Time! Tonight’s meeting is about new beginnings! We hope you have a better understanding of the following when you leave tonight:  New People: Introductions  The WARRIOR Five R Philosophy  Transitioning from MS to HS  The registration process, how student’s classes are selected.  Pathway Components required for graduation.  HOPE rigor components needed to qualify for the scholarship.

4 Administration

5 The Power of Transition  Teacher Meeting in January  Student group meetings with individual teams/larger groups at our feeder middle schools with our Leadership 56 Team!  FMS/TMS visited for Tours last week.  Other Future Warriors have been/will be invited in for group/individual tours soon.

6 The Power of Transition  TMS and FMS toured with the Leadership 56 Team as guides.  CHS holds Elective/Club Fair and Parent Meeting  CHS travels to FMS/TMS with administrators and counselors to individual register incoming freshmen.  Parents receive course request for approval.  Students receive schedule in the mail.

7 Guidance Counselors Students with the LAST NAME beginning with the letters: A-ElTracy Tuck El-LobSonia Murillo Loc-RivGayle Cuomo Ro-ZKaren Holton

8 Guidance Counselors Guidance Counselors are available to students for a wide variety of services:  Academic Counseling  College and Career Counseling  Recommendations  Social/Emotional  Parent Conferences/Reviews

9 The WARRIOR Way! RelevanceRigorResponsibilityRespectRelationships

10 Academic Relevance  CCGPS  Clear instructional goals  Effective Instruction  Use of data and research-based strategies  Career Tech Programs including new Healthcare/Engineering Pathways  Additions of high tech fabrication labs

11 Academic Rigor  Continued growth of our Honor’s, AP, CTAE and core programs.  Find opportunities for all students to grow in academic rigor.  Support rigorous learning with an aggressive ExP tutoring program that includes SAT/ACT Prep.

12 Relationships  Warrior Wednesday-Teacher as Advisor  Clubs/Sports  Tutoring  Mentoring  Join the Tribe!  Live or delayed sports coverage with Play On Sports.  Family Passes for CHS sporting events  Bring on more clubs including gymnastics, Model UN, etc.

13 Responsibility  High expectations for all.  Character education  Warrior Monday-Teacher As Advisory Homerooms  Exciting, well-developed lessons  Become an active member of the Warrior community.

14 RESPECT  Firm, fair and consistent discipline  Open-door policy.  Model good behaviors  Make an investment in your school, work and life.

15 Course Selection and Recommendations  Courses generally “roll” from one Instructional Setting to the next for students. For example: a student in Advanced 8 th Lit/Comp in MS would “roll” into Honors 9 th Lit/Comp.  Factors that could change a students placement for HS courses:  Grades  Standardized Test Scores  Attendance  Teacher Recommendation

16 Course Selection and Recommendations  Students should carefully consider their academic schedule and rigor “load”. Students will want to balance their academic course work, electives and extra-curricular opportunities in order to make the most of their high school education!

17 The FRESHMAN Academy  Freshmen have classes together to foster community.  Dedicated Administrator: Kelly Strickland  Dedicated Teaching Staff and Counselor to focus on transitioning students.  All Freshmen have lunch together, no upper classmen.  Academy Teachers apply for membership

18 The FRESHMEN Academy  Students who are failing any academic subject at the 4 ½ week grading period will give up ½ of the lunch period for mandatory tutoring.  Special classes (Peer Leadership, etc.) and opportunities for Freshmen to develop good leadership (Teach one, Lead one)

19 Graduation Requirement for the Class of 2019 In order to complete the requirements for GRADUATION, students must complete the following:  Earn 23 units in the appropriate academic areas  Pass the Georgia High School Writing Test  Complete the requirements for a Pathway

20 Graduation Requirement: Pathway Completion Pathway Options Advanced Academic World Language Career, Technical, Agricultural Education Fine Arts

21 Graduation Requirement: Pathway Completion-World Language  Students become World Language Completers by taking three years of the same World Language  American Sign Language  French  Latin  Spanish ** Most four year universities require three years of a World Language. All four-year colleges require at least two years of a World Language.

22 Graduation Requirement: Pathway Completion-Advanced Academics Students earning an Advanced Academic Pathway must have THREE years of course work in an academic discipline AND complete either an Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment course. For example:  Honors 9 th Lit, Honors 10 th Lit, American Lit, AP Language.  Honors World Geography, Honors World History, Honors US History, AP Macro Economics, Government  Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, AP Environmental  Honors Accel Alg/Geo; Honors Accel Geo/Adv Alg; Honors Accel Pre-Cal; AP Stats or AP Calculus


24 Graduation Requirement: Pathway Completion-Career Technical Agriculture Education CTAE- Students complete 3 years in the same pathway. FACS And JROTC Healthcare Engineering And Work-based Learning Agriculture and Construction Business Tech And Video Production Metals/Welding And Automotive


26 Graduation Requirement: Pathway Completion-Fine Arts Students are considered Fine Arts Pathway completers if they complete THREE years (earn three credits) in the same fine arts concentration.  BAND  CHORUS  DRAMA  VISUAL ARTS  JOURNALISM


28 Graduation Requirement: Pathway Completion Pathway Options Advanced Academic World Language Career, Technical, Agricultural Education Fine Arts

29 HOPE Rigor CHANGES  HB 326, Georgia Code 20-2-157 requires that certain course credits be earned in order for students to be HOPE Scholarship eligible.  Students graduating from high school on or after May 1, 2017 must receive FOUR credits from the following categories:  Advanced Math  Advanced Science  Advanced English  Advanced Foreign Language Course  AP course work in one of the above categories.

30 HOPE Rigor CHANGES Rigor COUNTS at CHS! We have 45 Rigor compatible courses!  MATH: Adv Algebra, Statistics, Pre-Cal, Calculus, AP Calculus, AP Stats  English: AP Language, AP Literature  Science: Chemistry, Physics, Forensics, Scientific Research, Human Anatomy/Physiology, AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Physics, AP Environmental  Social Studies: AP Psychology, AP Gov, AP Micro Econ, AP Macro Econ, AP Human Geo, AP World History, AP US History  Foreign Language: Any level II, III, or higher

31 HOPE Rigor CHANGES Typical Sophomore Schedule:  Geometry  Chemistry (1 rigor credit)  World History  Foreign Language II (1 rigor credit)  World Literature  1 electives Typical Junior Schedule:  Advanced Algebra (1 Rigor credit)  Foreign Language III (1 Rigor credit)  Physics (1 Rigor Credit)  US History  American Literature  1 Elective

32 HOPE Rigor CHANGES  Typical Senior Schedule  Statistics or Pre-Cal (1 rigor credit)  Human Anatomy or Forensics or Science Research or AP course (1 rigor credit)  Econ/Gov OR AP Econ/AP Gov (2 rigor credits for AP)  Honors Comp or Comp or Brit Lit or AP course (1 rigor credit for AP)  Electives:  Foreign Language (rigor credit)  AP course (rigor credit)

33 Advanced Placement: AP Courses  AP, Honors and College Prep Course Work 21 AP Course Offerings  Science: Biology, Physics 1, Physics C, Environmental Science, Chemistry  Math: Statistics, Calculus  English: Language, Literature  Social Studies: Macro Econ, Micro Econ, Government, US History, World History, Human Geography, Psychology  Foreign Language: Spanish, Latin, French  Electives: Music Theory, Art Design, Computer Science

34 One History, One Vision, One Nation…Our Time! Tonight’s meeting is about new beginnings! We hope you have a better understanding of the following when you leave tonight:  The WARRIOR Five R Philosophy  Transitioning from MS to HS  The registration process, how my student’s classes are selected.  Pathway Components required for graduation.  HOPE rigor components needed to qualify for the scholarship.

35 Once a Warrior, Always a Warrior

36 Remind 101 Messages for the Class of 2019  Text to this number 81010 this message: @525e0



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