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FOOD CHAIN AND WEBS Presenters: Bunantie Cain andAlecia Harris.

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2 FOOD CHAIN AND WEBS Presenters: Bunantie Cain andAlecia Harris

3 OBJECTIVES  Define food chain and web  Classify organisms found in a food chain and web  Construct food chain and web

4 ORGANISMS FOUND IN A FOOD CHAIN AND WEB Food ChainFood Web 100 200 300 400

5 WHAT IS?  Organism that eats only plants Organism that eats only plants

6 ANSWER #1  Answer: What is a herbivore?Answer: What is a herbivore?

7 WHAT IS #2?  Organisms that feeds on dead a decaying matter Organisms that feeds on dead a decaying matter

8 ANSWER 2?  What is a decomposer? What is a decomposer?

9 CHAIN QUESTION 300  Shows organisms feeding pattern in a linear sequence Shows organisms feeding pattern in a linear sequence

10 ANSWER 300  What is a definition for a food chain? What is a definition for a food chain?

11 CHAIN 400 QUESTION  Special organism that feeds directly on a herbivore? Special organism that feeds directly on a herbivore?

12 400 ANSWER?  What is a secondary consumer? What is a secondary consumer?

13 FOOD WEB-  Eats everything else but does not get eaten by anything? Eats everything else but does not get eaten by anything?

14 ANSWER 100- FOOD WED  What is a top carnivore or predator? What is a top carnivore or predator?

15 FOOD WEB 200  Is an interconnected food chain based on what eats what? Is an interconnected food chain based on what eats what?

16 FOOD CHAIN 200 ANSWER  What is a definition of a food web? What is a definition of a food web?

17 FOOD WEB- 300  Organisms that prey on another organism by hunting or stalking Organisms that prey on another organism by hunting or stalking

18 ANSWER- 300?  What is a predator? What is a predator?

19 FOOD WEB 400- QUESTION  Eats both plants and animals Eats both plants and animals

20 ANSWER 400?  What is an omnivore? What is an omnivore?

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