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TM Moving Forward from Evaluation Findings: Next Steps Lakshmy Menon, MPH Program Evaluation Team Field Services and Evaluation Branch Division of Tuberculosis.

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Presentation on theme: "TM Moving Forward from Evaluation Findings: Next Steps Lakshmy Menon, MPH Program Evaluation Team Field Services and Evaluation Branch Division of Tuberculosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 TM Moving Forward from Evaluation Findings: Next Steps Lakshmy Menon, MPH Program Evaluation Team Field Services and Evaluation Branch Division of Tuberculosis Elimination NCHHSTP/CDC

2 TM Disclaimer The contents and conclusions in this presentation have not been formally disseminated by CDC and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.

3 TM Agenda Program Evaluation: The CDC Framework Interpreting data for program improvement How to determine next steps Questions

4 TM Program Evaluation: The CDC Framework

5 TM Interpreting Data for Program Improvement Step 5. Justify Conclusions Step 6. Ensure use and share lessons learned

6 TM How to determine next steps Step 5: To justify conclusions, ask these questions: Is your evaluation focus area still relevant? If yes, does your evaluation require further support? NTIP National and local surveillance data (not monitored through NTIP) Operations data (day-to-day program activities

7 TM How to determine next steps If not, what has changed in the program? NTIP National and local surveillance data (not monitored through NTIP) Operations data (day-to-day program activities)

8 TM If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it. - Winston Churchill

9 TM Translating Findings The process and steps needed or taken to ensure effective and widespread use of lessons learned, practices, and policies Evaluation is fundamental to improving translation

10 TM Translating Findings: Mechanisms Step 6: Ensure use and share lessons learned Report dissemination TBPEN, NTCA, DTBE-sponsored webinars, DTBE brownbag seminars Use findings to change program policies and practices Share findings with other stakeholders

11 TM DTBE Cooperative Agreement Request for Information “Grantees shall conduct the following activities: Monitor their progress toward the national objectives and performance targets using National Tuberculosis Indicators Project (NTIP) reports and/or other data sources.” Source: 2012 Funding Opportunity Announcement, DTBE, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.

12 TM DTBE Cooperative Agreement Request for Information “Grantees shall conduct the following activities: When applicable, use NTIP to report their performance on national objectives in the annual and interim progress reports for the TB cooperative agreement.” Source: 2012 Funding Opportunity Announcement, DTBE, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.

13 TM DTBE Cooperative Agreement Request for Information “Grantees shall conduct the following activities: Where appropriate, grantees should continue to report and describe progress toward project- specific objectives and activities using their own data and/or NTIP.” Source: 2012 Funding Opportunity Announcement, DTBE, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.

14 TM Annual and Interim Report Requirements “Annual and interim reports must include”: Introduction: description of the evaluation objectives Description of data collection and analyses for each evaluation objective Conclusion and discussion of results Recommendations to program administrators for future program focus and evaluation efforts Source: Attachment 1, 2012 Funding Opportunity Announcement, DTBE, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA.

15 TM Acknowledgements Victor Balaban, PhD Judy Gibson, MSN RN Awal Khan, PhD Brandy Peterson, MPH MCHES Christina Dahlstrom, MPH

16 TM Questions? Contact information Lakshmy Menon, MPH Tel: 404.639.1694 Email:

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