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Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Presentation projected for Power Point 2002 or higher.

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1 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Presentation projected for Power Point 2002 or higher

2 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project 134182 GirlsBoys IntroductionIntroductionBoysGirls Total182134 We interviewed 316 boys and girls. We submitted them a series of questions with multiple answers in order to know their habits on various matters. In these slides we summarize the elaboration of the data. The questionnaire was anonymous (there is no possibility to identify the student that filled out the form).

3 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project SpleepingSpleeping In average the interviewed sleep 7-8 hours per night, half thinks that it is enough for them, and half think it is not. In general some have some problem linked to sleep before scholastic test or sporting competitions. EatingEating In avarage the interviewed eat 3-4 times a day, many of them eat 1-2 croissants, crackers or equivalent in the morning and 1-2 fruits. Many, however, don't eat anything for breakfast. They drink 1-2 liters non alcoholic drinks, they rarely drink less, or more. Among the interviewed there are no vegetarian and nobody dislikes eating. Few assume integrating alimentary first and/or after sporting activity.

4 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Do you know the difference among integrating alimentary and doping?Do you know the difference among integrating alimentary and doping? Most part of students know this difference. There isnt difference between girls and boys.

5 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Chart n°1Chart n°1 Do you know the working of the following chemicals? Do you use one or more of the following chemicals?

6 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Do you know the working of the following chemicals? Do tou use one or more of the following chemicals? We can notice that young boys know how they work and they use them more often than older boys. We can see the same phenomena also for the girls.

7 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project SportSport Many boys and girls practice sport at competitive level. The greatest part of them devote more than two hours every time they practice sport. The most practised sports are: Ski, athletics and football for the boys. Swimming, basketball and volleyball for the girls.

8 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Generally we can say that those who practise sport don't smoke, or if they do, they dont do it a lot. More than 150 students dont smoke. We can see that girls smoke less than boys. Luckily only few people smoke more that 15 cigarettes a day.

9 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Speaking about alcohol we can say that, without distinction of sex and age, during the scholastic week they drink, at the most, 1-2 glasses of alcoholic drinks. At the weekend there is a rise to 3-4 glasses, we can notice that young guys drink less that older.

10 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Do you take (illegal) soft drugs such as marihuana, hashish, XTC, and so on? They answered: There are more boys than girls who have said to use illegal drugs. In average 50% of 16 years old boys have said to use them. Hungarian students have all said not to use them. Maybe many students have thought that using them once a month is not equiparable to using them as a habit.

11 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project

12 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Why do you smoke? Why do you drink alcohol? Why do you use drugs? 1.It relaxes me. 2.I cant refuse them when offered to me. 3.Its my (little) pleasure. 4.I need it during a party to have good time. 5.I always do when I celebrate an event. 6.It makes me move easy amongst people (communicate) 7.Its a habit. 8.To resolve a problem in a difficult situation.

13 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project There are more boys than girls that think smoking relaxes themselves. Proportionately there arent differences between young and old people. Especially smoke and drugs relax, they say that they cant refuse above all alcohol. Many boys and girls have said that their little pleasure are drugs. Alcohol is needed to have a good time during a party an they usually drink alcohol to celebrate an event. Alcohol and drugs make them move easy amongst people. All the three categories are checked for Its a habit. Someone said that smoking they can resolve a difficult situation.

14 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Generally young boys and girls havent already had a sexual relationship. In average 50% of older people have already had it. Luckily only few people havent taken precautions. None of them was a girl.

15 Progetto ispirato al Programma Education del TOROC G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project Thanks for your attention Istituto Luigi Des Ambrois Oulx- Italia. Presentation realized on the occasion of the conference to Kőszeg (Hungary) for the project G.R.G.Y.B.B. Powered By Davide Favaro no©

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