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Intervention Resource Guide. Math Intervention Courses Address foundational math skills – Whole numbers – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Intervention Resource Guide. Math Intervention Courses Address foundational math skills – Whole numbers – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intervention Resource Guide

2 Math Intervention Courses Address foundational math skills – Whole numbers – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Decimals Address more in-depth skills – Fractions and negative numbers – Algebra, Geometry, Probability and Statistics Conceptual understanding, computational and procedural fluency and problem solving skills

3 Six general principles Equity – math is for all students, regardless of personal characteristics, background, or physical challenges Curriculum – math should be viewed as an integrated whole, as opposed to isolated facts to be learned or memorized Effective Teaching – teachers display 3 attributes: deep understanding of math, understanding of individual student development and how children learn math; ability to select strategies and tasks that promote student learning Problem Solving - Students will gain an understanding of math through classes that promote problem-solving, thinking, and reasoning Continual Assessment – of student performance, growth and understanding via varied techniques (portfolios, math assessments embedded in real-world problems Importance of Technology – use of these tools may enhance learning by providing opportunities for exploration and concept representation. Supplement traditional.

4 Interventions Found Effective Reinforcement and corrective feedback for fluency Concrete-Representational-Abstract Instruction Direct/Explicit Instruction Demonstration Plus Permanent Model Verbalization while problem solving Big Ideas Metacognitive strategies: Self-monitoring, Self-Instruction Computer-Assisted Instruction Monitoring student progress Teaching skills to mastery

5 Teacher Directed/Explicit Instruction Student Directed/Implicit Instruction Explicit Teacher Modeling Building Meaningful Student Connections C-R-A Sequence of Instruction Manipulatives Strategy Learning Scaffolding Instruction Teach Big Ideas Structured Language Experiences Authentic Context Cooperative Learning Peer Tutoring Planned Discovery Experiences Self-monitoring Practice Allsopp, & Kyger, 2000


7 Bottom Line Utilize existing tools and resources whenever possible. Align strategies and interventions specifically to identified barriers which preclude student success within core instruction.

8 Common Supplemental Options Ascend Voyager GO Math!


10 Table Talk Think about your school’s current math intervention program/courses. Compare the foci of these courses to what students need to know, understand and be able to do to master Math CCSS What changes (if any) may need to occur to support student master of CCSS

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