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Demeisha Thomas of the WORLD

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1 Demeisha Thomas of the WORLD

2  Content Area: Social Studies  Grade Level: 3 rd Grade  Summary: The purpose of this instructional PowerPoint is to have students learn and identify major rivers and their functions in different cultures.  Learning Objective: Given different websites that contains factual information about rivers the students will refer/relate the material within the website to answer the question in the PowerPoint with 100 percent accuracy.  Content Standard: Culture encompasses similarities and differences among people, including their beliefs, knowledge, changes, values, and traditions. Students will explore these elements of society to develop an appreciation and respect for the variety of human cultures.  Accomplishment: Understanding cultural diversity

3 Using the following websites explore the different rivers and how it is used in different society. tm

4  Many other chemicals enter river water as it flows downstream, including animal waste, human sewage, agricultural (farm) runoff, urban runoff, and mining/factory effluent.  Rivers play a major role in many cultures. Some use it for drinking water, transportation, electric power, food and etc.  River water could be extremely hot or it could be cold/frozen  Rivers are the homes of many animals such as beavers crocodiles, fish, birds and many mammals Facts

5  Review Mississippi RiverOrange River Nile RiverCongo River Lena River

6  A. Mississippi River A. Mississippi River  B. Lena River B. Lena River  C. Congo River C. Congo River  D. Nile River D. Nile River  E. Orange River E. Orange River What is the longest river?

7  Good Job! Nile is the correct answer. Correct

8  Which River is EXTREMELY hot?  A. Orange River A. Orange River  B. Congo River B. Congo River  C. Mississippi River C. Mississippi River  D. Nile River D. Nile River  E. Lena River E. Lena River

9 Great Job! Correct

10  A. Orange River A. Orange River  B. Lena River B. Lena River  C. Mississippi River C. Mississippi River  D. Nile River D. Nile River  E. Congo River E. Congo River Which of the following rivers provide water and electric power for Africa?

11  Super! The correct answer is Orange River. Correct

12  Congratulations ! You have brainstormed and enhanced your technology skills.You have also learned to identify different cultures. You should have a better understanding of how important rivers are and their many purposes throughout culture. Now you can share you JOURNEY with some else. Summary

13 Try Again Incorrect

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