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Moultonborough School District 2013-2014 Budget. Goals for Tuesday, November 20 th  To develop a collective understanding of the economic “new normal”

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Presentation on theme: "Moultonborough School District 2013-2014 Budget. Goals for Tuesday, November 20 th  To develop a collective understanding of the economic “new normal”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moultonborough School District 2013-2014 Budget

2 Goals for Tuesday, November 20 th  To develop a collective understanding of the economic “new normal” and its impact on MSD  To develop a collective understanding of the population and demographic “new normal” and its impact on MSD  To look at and discuss “Draft One” of MSD’s proposed 2013-2014 budget

3 The Budget Environment: Leading Economic Indicators – U.S. ( The economy continues to improve

4 The Budget Environment: Stock Market – S&P 500 (www.CNNMoneyI) The stock market continues its upward trend

5 The Budget Environment: CPI – Northeastern U.S. ( CPI trending downward, following energy prices

6 The Budget Environment: Percent Unemployed (NH Employment Security – ELMI Bureau) Overall, unemployment rates are declining

7 The Budget Environment: Real Estate Market (LakesRegionRealEstate – Roy Sanborn) Locally, more homes are selling, but at a lower price Homes Sold Median Price

8 The Budget Environment: “New Normal’”  Overall, economic signs are improving, BUT  Continued slow recovery from the “great recession”  Deficit reduction at federal level = less aid for education  Downshifting at state level = increased costs at local level  Declining property values = higher local tax rates

9 A Look At Our Schools: Cost Per Student (NH DOE) Our cost per student is high, but stabilizing

10 New Normal  Includes:  Slow growth economy  Stable or declining birth rate  Slower in migration  Aging population  Limited revenues  Rising fixed costs



13 The Following two Slides are from



16 A Look At our Schools: Enrollments (NH DOE) As expected, enrollment continues to decline

17 The following slides are from the NH Center from Public Policy ( “From Tailwind to Headwind: NH's Shifting Economic Trends” NH Center for Public Policy: Slowing rate of growth; workforce population now moving out of state rather than moving in Demographics Task Force Report: Aging population, especially in Lakes Region



20 A unique opportunity to LEAD the conversation or be victims of the “new normal”  Looked closely at the number of sections we need in art, music, physical education, and foreign language in K-12  Worked line by line in every budget area: athletic, buildings and grounds, technology, and school buildings  Looked closely and creatively at the schedule at MA 1. Reorganize the 8 period day, alternate electives, class sign- ups in January 2013 to allow for in-depth schedule work 2. Meet with Interlakes to look at AP offerings and distance learning potential 3. Redirect some MA staff to 21 st Century Learning—Real World Design Challenge—STEM 4. Take our 10 th grade students to tour the Regional Technology Center, meeting for parents and parent tour

21 2013-14 Budget Challenges: Major Increases  NH Retirement: Downshifted costs and rate increase of about 24.7% = $187,133  Health Insurance increase of about 11% = $151,443  Dental Insurance increase of 1.2% = $9964  Year 2 of CBA = $96,000  Special Education increases = $27,000  Transportation increases of approximately $14,000  Total of above increases about $485,500  2013-14 Budget V.1 absorbs all of the above AND reduces the budget by $112,383; a reduction of about.8% from the current year

22 2013-14 Budget Challenges: Major Decreases  Reduction in Force of 6.2 FTE’s  3.5 positions already reduced  -3 half-time positions at MCS will be fully retired  -MCS assistant principal positions vacant  -Athletic Director/physical ed teacher now ½ time  -1/2 time Community Ed absorbed by Business hire  2.7 additional reductions in proposed budget  -.7 music,.5 physical ed  -.5 foreign language, 1 art  Reduction in department heads, co-curricular activity advisors, unit leaders

23 Lakes Region Technology Center  ABOS—Administrative Business & Office Systems Graphics & Design  Agricultural Science  Auto Collision Repair  Automotive Technology  Business Information Technology  Child Care  Computer Networking  Construction Trades  Culinary Arts  Health and Science Technology  Hospitality  Marketing Education  Multi-Media Television/Radio  Multi-Media Communication/Stage

24 Dec. 6LRTC presentation @ MA10:00 a.m. Dec. 10MA 10th graders (approx. 49 total) to LRTC. Leave MA shortly after school starts at 7:30 a.m. Dec. 13LRTC/MA combined presentation for parents at MA 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Dec. 17MA parents who are interested visit LRTC. Meet there at 8:30 a.m.

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