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STIs The Facts STI’s- sexually transmitted infections.
STI’s are illnesses that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. STI’s are dangerous- can cause blindness, deafness, insanity, and death, STI’s may have no symptoms or some that come and go. Most STI’s can be treated- early detection is important. STI’s can recur- body can’t build up an immunity to STI’s. Most STI’s can be spread only through sexual contact. signs and symptoms_kwB1wNk
Practicing Abstinence
STI’s are different in two ways from communicable diseases. First no vaccines are available to prevent them. Second the body doesn’t build up an immunity to them. Therefore the only sure way to avoid getting an STI is abstinence.
Smart Behaviors/Help From Others
Choose friends carefully Avoid being alone with a date Seek advice from trusted adults Say no through words and actions Parents and guardians Teachers and counselors Public service announcements
Chlamydia Bacterial Is one of the most common STI’s in the United States It is very hard to detect because signs of the disease may not show up until the disease is more advanced.
Chlamydia Cont’d Signs: pain and burning during urination, genital reddening and discomfort, and discharge. Treatment- oral antibiotics Complications: scaring of reproductive organs, sterility, infections of the fetus in pregnant women.
Pelvic inflammatory Disease
It is an infection of the fallopian tubes and pelvic cavity in females, causing ectopic pregnancy and miscarriages. PID can cause sterility in females. Although rare, males may also become sterile if chlamydia spreads to the testicles.
Gonorrhea Bacterial Signs: discharge, swollen lymph nodes in the groin, burning during urination, abnormal menstrual cycle in women. Treatment: antibiotics although some strains of the disease are resistant to antibiotics. Complications: sterility, permanent damage to joints, heart and other organs, infection of the fetus in pregnant women.
Genital Warts Virus Signs: warts in the genital area one to six months after sexual contact with an infected person. Treatment: topical medication, freezing surgery to remove the warts. Complications: cancer of reproductive system, obstruction of urinary tract in males, can be passed down to newborns during birth.
Genital Herpes Virus Signs: painful itchy blisters in genital area, discharge, fever, burning during urination. Treatment: NO CURE, medications to relieve symptoms. Complications: cervical cancer in females, brain damage and death in infants of infected mother.
Syphilis Bacteria Signs: reddish sores in genital area, body rash, flu-like symptoms. Treatment: Antibiotics usually penicillin. Complications: damage to heart blood vessels, liver, kidneys, nervous system, blindness, insanity, and death. Syphilis is less common in today’s society with decreasing incidences since 1990.
Trichomoniasis Protozoa
Signs: yellowish discharge, with strong odor, itching in females, males may have no or slight symptoms. Treatment: antibiotics Complications: infections in the bladder and urethra
Vaginitis Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa
Signs: itching, burning during urination, males may have no symptoms but can transmit the disease. Treatment: antibiotics or fungicide creams Complications: urinary tract infection
Nongonococcal Urethritis
Bacteria Signs: sterility, swollen testicles, and or prostate infection. Treatments: antibiotics Complications: sterility, swollen testicles and/or prostate infection.
Pubic Lice Small crablike insects
Signs: presence of lice and eggs in pubic hair, itching Treatment: medicated shampoo, washing all bed linens and clothes Complications: no lasting effects
Scabies Tiny animals called mites
Signs: rash, itching, where mites have burrowed under the skin Treatment: insecticide cream, washing all bed linens and clothes. Complications: scratching can cause bacterial infections.
HPV Genital human papillomavirus called HPV is the most commonly transmitted STI. Pap Test- a test for a cancer of the cervix. There are more than 40 different types of the papillomavirus that can infect the genital areas of men and women. They can also infect the mouth and throat. HPV is not the same as Herpes and HIV which causes AIDS. Anyone who has had sex or who is having sex may contract HPV. Most people will at one time in their life get HPV even if they only ever have one partner.
HPV Cont.’d HPV is passed through genital contact, most often through vaginal and anal contact. HPV may also be passed on through oral and genital contact. It is possible to get more than one type of HPV virus. In rare cases a pregnant mother with HPV can pass it to the baby during delivery. Most people who develop HPV never develop signs and symptoms and most never know they have it. In 90% of cases most go away in 2 years. People whose HPV doesn’t go away can have genital warts, recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) a rare condition where warts grow on the back of the throat. Cervical Cancer where it grows on the woman’s cervix. Less common cancers include cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, and anus, head and neck cancer, and also a cancer where it grows on the back of the tongue and tonsil region called oropharyngeal. There are shots to given to boys and girls, men and women to help prevent HPV. Condoms do help protect but may not protect the entire area of where HPV can be.
Hepatitis B Hepatitis B- a viral STD that causes loss of liver function and severe liver disease. Once in the body hepatitis B attacks the liver, causing severe illness. It can lead to incurable liver cancer and death.
Hepatitis B The word hepatitis means “inflammation of the liver”.
Hepatitis B is spread by having unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex with an infected person. By sharing a needle with an infected person. Receiving a tattoo or ears/other body parts pierced with unsterilized equipment. Less likely, by receiving infected blood from a blood transfusion. Once Hepatitis B is acquired, there is no cure for it. The virus remains in the body and can possibly infect others throughout life. In the United States, it is standard to immunize all children from hepatitis B beginning in infancy.
Yeast Infection (Candidiasis)
Yeast infection- an infection caused by a yeast that multiplies out of control in the vagina. Yeast may multiply out of control to cause intense itching, burning, irritation, and swelling of the outer genitals and a whitish, lumpy vaginal discharge.
Yeast Infection A female who is pregnant, takes birth control pills, diabetes, takes antibiotics, or uses douches is especially likely to develop candidiasis. Over-the-counter antifungal vaginal inserts and creams relieve symptoms to help cure yeast infections. Gonorrhea and chlamydia have similar symptoms. For prevention- wear loose-fitting cotton, not nylon underwear or panty hose with cotton panels.
Tinea Cruris ( Jock Itch)
Jock itch- fungal infection of the inner thigh and groin. Causes intense itching. Condition is common for athletes who sweat heavily or stay in wet clothing for long periods of time. The same fungus that causes athlete’s foot causes jock itch. Over-the-counter medication usually clears it up.
Conclusion 12 million new cases appear every year
30 different types of STI’s STI’s can harm you and your sexual partner and your children.
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