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Maria Leggett Time Warner Cable

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1 Maria Leggett Time Warner Cable
TU310: Moving to Performance Support Through a Single Source Content Management Strategy We’re launching XYZ product and we need training. When do you need the training materials? We want to launch to our salesforce in 3 weeks. 3 weeks? I’ll see what we can do. Yes. There might be other audiences that might need training. Our customer support groups should know out it. Our field personnel as well. We will have to change everything for multiple audiences. Maria Leggett Time Warner Cable @maria_leggett

2 You Know the Story… “We’re launching XYZ Product next month.”
“We need training.” “Our documentation is not ready yet.” Who has been through this? -We all have pain points in training -Last minute requests -Impacted audiences haven’t been thoroughly vetted -No information available -BTW sales will also need to be trained -We will have to change everything “When will you have training ready?” @maria_leggett

3 Materials/Contact Additional Material Download
Full PPT Presentation InfoPath Template Sample Schema Implementation Plan Contact @maria_leggett @maria_leggett

4 Learning Support at Time Warner Cable
Just like other learning and development departments, Time Warner Cable is challenged with designing training for a large audience with a small development staff. Learning & Development supports training for customer-facing and customer support employees in sales, care and technical operations for 2 lines of business residential and business services. Multiple audiences – cross functional training needs Add data point – 11 designers – 25,000 employees Learning & Development @maria_leggett

5 Time Warner Cable Second Largest Cable Company in the U.S.
Over 15 Million Customers in 29 States Three Lines of Business: Residential Business Class Media Employees 50,000 Who is Time Warner Cable? @maria_leggett

6 Training Deliverables
Instructor-led Training Virtual Instructor-Led Training eLearning Courses Huddles Job Aids/Reference Guides Video Performance Support Mobile App Embedded System Support You are familiar with the different learning deliveries. At Time Warner Cable, we deliver different learning materials in different modalities in order to deliver learning that prepares our employees and gives us a competitive advantage. Seeing screenshots of different deliverables - montage @maria_leggett

7 Learning Products 359 Employee-Impacting Training Initiatives in 2013
Here is the amount of training we deliver 359 customer impacting initiatives 1042 deliverables – VILT, train the trainer, ILT, eLearning, ePerformance support 1042 Deliverables @maria_leggett

8 Learning Design & Development Process
We employ a design process called the 4-D model that follows the ADDIE model. In this process we provide a time range for the different phases of design and development. But as we all know, training development is often a lot more organic than systematic because training is often not included in the overall project planning or process @maria_leggett

9 The reality is…putting out training fires
Short time to develop materials Increased costs/Resources – need to add more resources to a project to meet timelines, hire outside vendor support Redundancy of Information/Work – moving so quickly to address the training needs without having the time to determine if we already had the content that we could leverage. The team was working in isolation of each other. REALITY Training Fires Lack of content documentation/SMEs Long time to develop Redundancy of information/ Can’t easily find existing training information

10 Design Materials Process
Create design documents from provided source documentation Create facilitator guide, participant guide and performance support materials If you look at the traditional method of developing training content, it looks like this. Create assessment and presentation deck @maria_leggett

11 Resources Instructional Designer Instructional Designer
Facilitator Guide Virtual Delivery Facilitator Guide Job Aid @maria_leggett

12 The Definition Single Source Content Management
A system to develop content once and publish out to many different modalities. Changes occur only once in the single source file and updated content is published out to the different modalities Structure Smaller content chunks Separation of content vs. output Collaborative development /interaction with the content @maria_leggett

13 The House Roof Windows/Views Frame/Walls Blueprint Foundation
Analogy of the house – think of the different pieces of the house, foundation, framework/structure/ roof/ windows/views/ different people working on the house – different roles of people working on the house Frame/Walls Blueprint Foundation @maria_leggett

14 Foundation Consistent pieces in the foundation @maria_leggett

15 Framework Provide structure to the house Hold the house up
What holds the foundation together – Modules and the topics SMEs – would need to provide input to the structure of the modules and topics (people choose colors/order) @maria_leggett

16 Roles Owner Contractor Inspector Expert @maria_leggett
Think of the role that you are in and how you view the house. Owner is the stakeholder – wants to see everything Contractor is the Instructional Designer – wants to look at how all the components fit together – view detailed oriented Expert is the SME for the content – concerned with a particular room Inspector is QA person or compliance – wants to ensure everything is correct and in compliance with established standards Inspector Expert @maria_leggett

17 Windows & Doors Owner Contractor Inspector Expert @maria_leggett
Consider who is in the house and the views that they would see. The front of the house might be facing the ocean and the in the back of the house, you can see the mountain. Windows in the house – view from the front of the house – beach and mountain in the back ILT view eLearning View Consider the security of the house. SME only has access to certain rooms. Don’t want to give them the key to everything Inspector – will ask for the keys to the particular rooms – have to give them key Must request access/permission to different areas Inspector Expert @maria_leggett

18 Building the House Purpose Activity Structure
Brainstorm the learning elements and design for a single source content management system Activity Structure Pieces of the process Roles in the process Changes in the process Let’s build a house. Here is an example of a house. Your house may not look like this but will be similar in structure. The purpose of this activity is to construct the components of a single source content management system in the physical representation of a house. Let’s build a house.

19 Activity Instructions
Find the flipchart that matches your puzzle piece Using the flipchart, brainstorm the components for design of a single source content management system. Foundation Framework Windows Roof Let’s build a house. The purpose of this activity is to construct the components of a single source content management system in the physical representation of a house. Directions: You will break into groups of four. Each group will have a bag with pieces needed to build a house representing the components of single course development. There are different roles in this process. Each person selects a role to represent in the process. Owner/Stakeholder Contractor/ Instructional Designer Expert/SME Inspector/QA Build out the house: Foundation (octagon ) – The foundation pieces of the house represent the base for any learning product. Business Drivers, Goal, Objectives, Measurements of Success Framework (square) – What holds the foundation together – Topics Build out the roof of the house. Consider… Audiences (circles) – How will this learning product be delivered. Consider how it is related to the audience Modality (Triangles) – Who needs this training. Determine your audiences. 10 Minutes

20 Changes Add a room addition Replace the windows
What happens when you have an audience change or addition to your materials? (audiences, modality) With single source design, you still have the foundational base and can add or modify the pieces

21 Learning Design & Development Process
This is how we did it. All housed under one roof. Everything in the same structure – representative of our process Make design 2 & 3 connect together and highlight the efficiencies Efficiencies around formatting in word – tables, footers, section headers

22 InfoPath Part of the Microsoft Office Looks similar to Microsoft Word
Collects and distributes form information with no programming Information collected is reusable because content is collected in XML format Create multiple views of the information for different tasks or people

23 After Single Source Design
Facilitator Guides Web-Based Courses Huddle Guides <XML> Participant Guides Job Aids Imagine working with only one document source to create training no matter what the modality or output. Single source content means that that the creation and editing only need to occur once. Using a XML (extensible Markup Language) which is a platform independent language provides the flexibility to publish to different mediums. Assessments Reference Guides Mobile Devices

24 After Single Source Design
Training Deliverables Design Views Facilitator Guide Project Definition Report Source Document eLearning Course Design Document InfoPath (XML) Technology: XSLT/VBA Sales Job Aid Design Document (SMEs) Here is how we did it. Job Aid Customer Service Job Aid

25 Foundation: Project Definition Report – InfoPath Design

26 Foundation: Project Definition Report - User View

27 Foundation: Project Definition Report - User View

28 Framework: Design Document- User View

29 Framework: Design Document- User View

30 Framework: Design Document- User View

31 Framework: Design Document- User View

32 Framework: Job Aid - User View

33 Framework: Job Aid - User View

34 Framework: Job Aid - User View

35 Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4

36 Training Material Efficiencies
Formatting/Layout Table Layout Headers/Footers Directives Page Numbering Graphics Course Time Calculations Make design 2 & 3 connect together and highlight the efficiencies Efficiencies around formatting in word – tables, footers, section headers

37 Word Conversion

38 Word Conversion

39 Why Single Source Development?
Reduces development time Reduces costs Provides a consistent and structural approach to design and development Separates content from presentation Allows for reusability/portability to other applications Key Driver: Make materials as economic as possible while delivering effective training

40 Materials/Contact Additional Material Download
Full PPT Presentation InfoPath Template Sample Schema Implementation Plan Contact @maria_leggett

41 Feedback Counts! Your feedback helps ASTD continue to provide top-notch educational programs that help you stay on top of a changing profession. Evaluation forms for this session are available via the mobile app and at the following link:

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