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Cytology I. Introduction A. Definition B. How to Study? 1. Microscopy.

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Presentation on theme: "Cytology I. Introduction A. Definition B. How to Study? 1. Microscopy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cytology I. Introduction A. Definition B. How to Study? 1. Microscopy

2 a. Light Microscopy (LM)
i. Advantages Magnification Resolution Depth of Field ii. Types Figure 6.3

3 b. Electron Microscopy (EM)
i. Advantages Magnification Resolution Depth of Field ii. Types TEM SEM Figure 6.4

4 2. Cell Fractionalization

5 a. Technique b. Advantages i. Whole samples ii. Specificity
Figure 6.5 b. Advantages i. Whole samples ii. Specificity iii. Starting Point

6 3. Cell Staining

7 a. Vital Staining for Contrast

8 b. Antibody Staining More Specific Contrast

9 II. Parts of a Cell A. Barriers 1. Cell Walls

10 a. Prokaryotes

11 a. Prokaryotes

12 b. Fungi

13 c. Plants Figure 5.7

14 c. Plants

15 c. Plants Figure 6.28

16 2. Cell Membrane


18 B. Cytosol = Cell Sap

19 1. Consistency 2. Molecular make-up like thickening Jell-O
92% is water, 7% protein, and the rest is gases, salts, lipids, and the like dissolved in the water

20 Representative Animal Cell
Figure 6.9

21 Representative Plant Cell
Figure 6.9

22 C. Organelles = Cell Machinery
1. Membrane Bound

23 a. Nucleus = the keeper of the plans
Envelope, pores, and nucleolus Figure 6.10

24 b. Endomembrane System = rER, sER, and Golgi
Figure 6.12 Figure 6.13

25 c. House cleaners -> Lysosome or Peroxisome
Figure 6.14

26 d. Energy Transformers = Chloroplast & Mitochondria
Figure 6.17 Figure 6.18

27 e. Vacuoles i. Animal Types = Food or Contractile
ii. Plant Types = Central, Amyloplasts, & Chromoplasts

28 2. Non-Membrane Bound

29 a. Cytoskeleton Figure 6.20

30 b. Ribosomes c. Centriole Figure 6.11 Figure 6.22

31 D. Cellular Specializations
1. Microvilli 2. Cilia

32 Microvilli = short non-moving membrane extensions to increase cell’s overall surface area
Cilia = long, moving internal cellular extensions to move something across the cell surface.

33 3. Flagella

34 Flagella move the entire cell
Figure 6.24

35 Flagella move the entire cell
Figure 6.25

36 E. Intercellular Junctions
1. Plants 2. Animals

37 Plants Animals Desmosomes Gap Junctions Figure 6.28 Figure 4.11

38 F. Extracellular Matrix


40 Focus on the goal.

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