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Method of Apparatus for making Biofuel July 1st 2009 Eco Energy International Co., Ltd. Yokohama Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Method of Apparatus for making Biofuel July 1st 2009 Eco Energy International Co., Ltd. Yokohama Japan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Method of Apparatus for making Biofuel July 1st 2009 Eco Energy International Co., Ltd. Yokohama Japan

2 Our Biofuel

3 Equipment

4 Facility under construction 7900gal ( 30t)/9hrs of B50 Mar 2008

5 Facility under construction 7900gal ( 30t)/9hrs of B50 July 2008

6 Facility Capacity 24000gal ( 91t)/22hrs of B50


8 Equipment July 2008

9 Equipment

10 Packed System 26 ~ 120Gal/hr

11 Method & Apparatus for making Biofuel Used Vegetable Oil and Virgin Vegetable Oil convert to Biofuel Price competitive power to petroleum diesel oil Track record of over thirty months without any problems in Bus and trucks operations No Methanol, but catalytic agents No water wash required Patent pending

12 How is Biodiesel being Used in US and in Japan US market As a neat fuel (B100) As a blending stock with petrodiesel (B20) - federal, state, and alternative fuel providers - EPA and Executive order compliance - Emission reductions In low levels with petrodiesel (B2) - Lubricity and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel - Agriculture supporting its own product - Terminal locations primarily throughout the Midwest Japan market Transportation fuel (B30, B40) Heavy duty equipment (B40,B50) Generator, heating(B60 ~)

13 Technology of Eco Energy Outstanding technology of oil conversion No need to be mixed with Methanol into vegetable oil. Special Catalytic agents No water washing required No byproducts of Glycerin Almost 100% yield is expected, others expected up to 90% yield Lower initial cost of equipment installation Used vegetable oil is convertible Low operating costs Good fuel stability

14 Can be blended with Diesel, or preferred blend with Kerosene Sulfur : Diesel > Kerosene Cold weather : Diesel unacceptable, Kerosene acceptable! Blend with Kerosene Good stability More power Less emission to be mixed with vegetable oil and petroleum oil by our unique technology

15 Catalyst Base oil catalyst separation New Biofuel Production process Vegetable oil Used Cooking Oil Catalyst Mixing process separation catalyst Kerosene Biofuel Petroleum Diesel or

16 The Biofuel Reaction Eco Energy technology: Combining Vegetable oil(100 lbs.) + Catalyst (a few percent of Vegetable oil) Yields Biofuel(100 lbs.) + Catalyst (a few percent of Vegetable oil) + No Glycerin Existing technology: Combining Vegetable oil(100 lbs.) + Methanol or Ethanol (10 lbs) Yields Biodiesel (100 lbs.) + Glycerin (10 lbs.)

17 Environmental Attributes Energy Balance-for every one unit of energy needed to produce biodiesel 3.2 units of energy are required. Biodegradable and Non-Toxic – Confirmed by a report of the United States Department of Agriculture that biodiesel is safer than diesel and biodegrades as fast as dextrose, a test sugar Greenhouse Gases – A 78% life cycle decrease in CO2 accordance to a USDA and DOE study

18 Biodiesel Health Properties Reduce Particulate Emissions Reduce targeted compounds thought to cause cancer PAH nPAH Biodiesel blends does not generate any new hydrocarbon species Significantly reduces the mutagen city of exhaust in both the gaseous and particulate phases

19 Cold Flow Properties Biodiesel (B100) freezes faster than most petrodiesel Untreated B20 freezes about 2-10 degree F faster than petrodiesel depending on - the cold flow properties of the biodiesel - the cold flow properties of the petrodiesel B2 differences are imperceptible Traditional cold weather options that work with biodiesel and blends - Blend with kerosene, use of additives - Block and filter heater - in-door vehicle storage

20 Present technology The process of converting vegetable oil into biodiesel fuel is called transesterification. Chemically, transesterification means taking a triglyceride molecule, or a complex fatty acid, neutralizing the free fatty acids, removing the glycerin, and creating an alcohol ester. This is accomplished by mixing methanol (wood alcohol) with lye (sodium hydroxide) to make sodium methoxide. This is a dangerous liquid is then mixed into vegetable oil.

21 (OLD) Biodiesel Production Process

22 Eco Energy International Co., Ltd. Located in Yokohama, Japan Established July 21 1970 CEO,President Mr. Takashi Kohno Exclusive license of the technology in the world Contacting party Takashi Kohno Cell phone 090-5513-1819 81-90-5513-1819 (English, Espanol, Japanese) Address 126 Yamashitacho Nakaku Yokohama Kanagawa JAPAN 231-0023

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