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THE GIANT PANDAS! By, Alexi Melton, Julie Lawrence, and Kendra Thurmond.

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Presentation on theme: "THE GIANT PANDAS! By, Alexi Melton, Julie Lawrence, and Kendra Thurmond."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE GIANT PANDAS! By, Alexi Melton, Julie Lawrence, and Kendra Thurmond

2 Biological Classification  Order: Carnivora  Family: Ursidae  Genus and Species: Ailuropoda melanoleuca SAVE THE PANDAS!

3 Geographic Distribution  Mountain ranges in central China  Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces  Once lived in lowland areas…  But were restricted by:  Farming  Forest cleaning  Other developments SAVE THE PANDAS!

4 Habitat  Forests  Broadleaf & coniferous  Dense understory of bamboo  5,000-10,000ft elev. SAVE THE PANDAS!

5 Size  About the size of American black bear  Stand 2-3 ft. tall at the shoulder (on all four legs)  Reach 4-6 ft. long  Males weigh up to 250lbs; females, 220lbs SAVE THE PANDAS!

6 Diet  VERY exclusive  99% bamboo!  Small rodents and grass on occasion SAVE THE PANDAS!

7 Status  Listed as ENDANGERED!  In the World Conservation Union’s Red List of Threatened Species  About 1,600 left in the wild  Approx. 300 live in zoos SAVE THE PANDAS!

8 Why are Pandas Endangered?  Habitat Loss  Decreased bamboo forests  Industrialization & population growth  Selective Mating  Females fertile a few days during Spring  Hunting  Poaching still occurs SAVE THE PANDAS!

9 Panda Endangerment Effects  Bamboo Propagation  Ingest bamboo -> distribute the seeds  WWF reports declined bamboo proliferation  Eco Effects  Habitat of panda  Provides tourism capital, hydropower, agricultural & water resources  Upsets balance of ecosystems in the region SAVE THE PANDAS!

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