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 High Knees 25 times (quads and hamstrings)  Butt Kicks 50 times (glutes)  1 mile run (quads, hamstrings)  Hip Flexors Both hips for 15 seconds (hips)

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Presentation on theme: " High Knees 25 times (quads and hamstrings)  Butt Kicks 50 times (glutes)  1 mile run (quads, hamstrings)  Hip Flexors Both hips for 15 seconds (hips)"— Presentation transcript:


2  High Knees 25 times (quads and hamstrings)  Butt Kicks 50 times (glutes)  1 mile run (quads, hamstrings)  Hip Flexors Both hips for 15 seconds (hips)

3  10 mile bike ride (heart health, hamstrings, quads, calves)  Jump Rope (30 reps for 5 sets)(heart health, hamstrings, quads, calves)  Swimming (heart health and all leg and arm muscles) (Free style 20 laps in a 25 meter pool)  Step Aerobics (100 reps for 10 sets) Step up and then down continuously (heart health and all leg and arm muscles)

4  Squats (10 reps for 6 sets) Using your Body Weight (quads, glutes, hamstrings)  Push-Ups (12 reps for 4 sets) (core, biceps, triceps, deltoids)  Plank (2 minutes for 5 sets) (core, triceps, deltoids)  Dips (15 times for 6 sets) (core, biceps, triceps, deltoid, trapezius, pecs)

5  Dumbbell Shrugs (8 reps for 2 sets) (pecs, trapezius, deltoids)  Chin Up (5 reps for 2 sets) (biceps and triceps)  Handstand Push Up (3 reps for 2 sets) (biceps, triceps and core)  Side Plank (2 minutes for 3 sets) (core, obliques)

6  Sit-Ups (50 reps 6 sets) (core)  Plank with diagonal arm lift (2 minutes for 2 sets) (core, biceps, deltoids, pecs)  Single Leg Lowering (25 reps for 2 sets) (core, hamstrings, lower back)  V-Sit (25 reps for 4 sets) (core, hamstrings)

7  Walking (.5 of a mile) (leg muscles)  Calf Raise Down (25 times) (calf muscles)  Side Arm Swirls (both arms forward 8 times and backwards 8 times) (trapezius, deltoids)  Stretching Quads (quads)


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