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S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S.

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Presentation on theme: "S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S."— Presentation transcript:

1 S L O V E N S K Á T E C H N I C K Á U N I V E R Z I T A V B R A T I S L A V E Fakulta chemickej a potravinárskej technológie S L O V A K U N I V E R S I T Y O F T E C H N O L O G Y I N B R A T I S L A V A Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology

2 Introduction  We searched for new forms of education of young generation in the field of natural and technical sciences within the scope of the APVV (Slovak Research and Development Agency) project: „ „Physics and Chemistry in our Life Today and Tomorrow“.

3  to overcome distaste, aversion to physics  to arouse an interest of youth in the world of nature around us  application of the idea “science by game”  popularization of well known natural phenomena  to transfer new science - technical knowledge Long-range goals

4 Transfer of information  by our participation in activities open to public  by our own lecture - experimental tours at secondary schools

5 I. Public activities Days of Open Doors 2010, 2011, 2012 Days of Open Doors 2010, 2011, 2012 Night of Researchers 2010, 2011 Night of Researchers 2010, 2011 Week of Science and Techniques 2010, 2011 Week of Science and Techniques 2010, 2011 Training for teachers of chemistry and natural sciences - yearly Training for teachers of chemistry and natural sciences - yearly

6 Days of Open Doors 2010, 2011, 2012 ) Days of Open Doors ( 2010, 2011, 2012 ) Introduction lecture about our faculty and about employment of our graduates Introduction lecture about our faculty and about employment of our graduates infotainment lectures from various fields of research realised at our faculty: (2012) infotainment lectures from various fields of research realised at our faculty: (2012) Fats of everyday living Scents, pheromones and sex Industrial disasters Modern physics and chemistry in medicine “chemical fair” - more than 30 display stands with interactive physical and chemical demonstrations “chemical fair” - more than 30 display stands with interactive physical and chemical demonstrations quiz and award of prizes quiz and award of prizes

7 Days of open doors 26.5.2010 Holá O.: Rádioactivity around us

8 Chemical fair 2010

9 Days of open doors 24.5.2011

10 Days of open doors 24.5.2011

11 Days of open doors 2011

12 Night of Researchers Night of Researchers – 24.9.2010 - Avion

13 Night of Researchers - 23.9.2011 Holá O., Ilčin M.: Radioactivity around us Ionizing radiation and its influences

14 Night of Researchers– 23.9.2011


16 Week of Science and Techniques on Slovakia 2010 Bratislava SNM – Museum of Natural Sciences

17 2.12.2010 Holá O.: Multi-purpose utilization of strong magnets – MRI, cyclotrons, synchrotrons

18 II. The lecture-experimental tours at secondary schools Popularization of science and Popularization of science and transfer of new science and technology knowledge through lecture-experimental tours at secondary schools of Slovakia These lectures consist of: power-point presentations, video films concerning the lecture topic virtual as well as real demonstrations evaluation of answer of quiz - prize

19 Topics 1. Movement and cause of movement 2. Laws of conservation 3. Liquid at rest and in movement 4. Light – natural and artificial sources of light 5. Can you explain light phenomena around us? 6. Electric field 7. Magnetism in nature 8. The use of strong magnets - MRI, cyclotrons, synchrotrons 9. Radioactivity - bugbear of mankind or our fellow 10. Origin of X-rays and their usage 11. Nuclear power engineering 12. Modern imaging techniques in medicine 13. Nuclear medicine – open irradiators in diagnostic and therapy 14. Radiation protection 15. Chemical reactions known and unknown 16. Insulation methods of aromatic matters

20 Our video film library of Physics and Chemistry 1. 1. Projectile motion 2. 2. Inertia forces 3. 3. Equation of motion 4. 4. Electrostatic field 5. 5. Magnetism 6. 6. Our Sun 7. 7. Games with fluid 8. 8. Reflection and interference 9. 9. Optic lattice 10. 10. Physical toys 11. 11. Chemical reactions known, unknown?

21 1. 1. Radioactivity 2. 2. Irradiator 3. 3. X-rays and diffraction device 4. 4. Application of X-rays in medicine 5. 5. Modern imaging techniques in radiology and nuclear medicine 6. 6. Nuclear medicine – open radiation sources in diagnostics and therapy 7. 7. Ionizing radiation and radiation protection in medicine 8. 8. Days of radiation protection Our video film library of Ionizing radiation

22 Attended schools Secondary grammar and vocational schools in Slovakia: Number of schools: 18 Number of lectures: 65 Towns: Bratislava, Komárno, Krompachy, Liptovský Mikuláš, Nová Baňa, Prievidza, Púchov, Slovenská Ľupča, Košice, Žiar n/Hronom

23 Nová Baňa Žiar n/Hronom Púchov Liptovský Mikuláš Slovenská Ľupča Krompachy

24 Our performance in Prievidza

25 Experiences  To supply the power-point presentation of lecture directly by demonstrations, experiments  To combine the power-point presentation with the video clips and video-films, internet  To allow a pause during a lecture  To assign a written questions, tasks at the beginning of lecture – it helps to maintain the attention during the whole lecture  To give a time for discussion and for “playing” with demo tools  To evaluate the student’s answers of written quiz and to reward some students with symbolic prizes

26 Photodocumentation

27 Krompachy

28 Púchov

29 Bratislava - Metodova

30 Prievidza

31 Quiz prize reward

32 Conclusion  We can emphasize that the combination of a lecture, videos, experiments as well as inclusion of physics toys as more attractive teaching aids, contributed to the enhancement of physics education and students’ knowledge.  At all the schools where we lectured, students seemed to be very pleased by our presentations and showed great interest in the topic.

33 Contact This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV LPP-0230-09.

34 Thank you for your attention!

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