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UC Irvine Donald Bren School of ICS School Overview & Research Strengths Hal Stern Ted and Janice Smith Family Foundation Dean 2.23.15.

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Presentation on theme: "UC Irvine Donald Bren School of ICS School Overview & Research Strengths Hal Stern Ted and Janice Smith Family Foundation Dean 2.23.15."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC Irvine Donald Bren School of ICS School Overview & Research Strengths Hal Stern Ted and Janice Smith Family Foundation Dean 2.23.15

2 ICS Overview  Only computing-focused school in the UC system  Founded in 1968 as a department; became a School in 2002  Three departments: Computer Science, Informatics, Statistics  One of five such schools among AAU Universities (others are GaTech, CMU, Cornell, Indiana)  Our mission: Provide computer science and information technology leadership for the 21 st century through  Research and development of emerging technologies  Collaborations to address societal issues  Innovative and broad computing curricula

3 Bren School Rankings  Computer Science graduate program ranked 29 th nationally by US News & World Report (2014)  14 th among public universities  Almost identical to last ranking in 2010  NEW (Fall 2014) … US News & World Report added “Global University” rankings. UC Irvine is 23 rd in the world for computer science!  The U.S. ranking above is purely based on reputation  The global ranking is primarily based on productivity  New European ranking effort (  UC Irvine computer science faculty ranked 16 th in U.S. for likelihood of producing highly cited work  Academic Analytics (2012 data):  CS Department - top 25 of 230+ departments  Informatics Department - top 5 of 40+ departments  Statistics Department – top 3 of 80+ departments

4 Undergraduate Majors  Computer Science  Informatics  Software Engineering (established 2012)  Computer Game Science (established 2010)  Business Information Management (joint with The Paul Merage School of Business)  Computer Science & Engineering (joint with The Henry Samueli School of Engineering)  Data Science (proposal under campus review)

5 ICS Data and Trends

6 Graduate Studies M.S. AND PH.D. DEGREE PROGRAMS IN:  Computer Science  Informatics (new for Fall 2015 … formerly ICS with concentration in Informatics)  Statistics  Networked Systems  Software Engineering (established 2012)

7 ICS Data and Trends


9 ICS Diversity UndergradFall 2005…Fall 2013Fall 2014 Female129…389480 Total1053…16762105 % Female12.3%…23.2%22.8% UndergradFall 2005…Fall 2013Fall 2014 URM85…227319 Total1053…16762105 % Female8.1%…13.5%15.2%

10 Recent Achievements  Education  Graduated first-cohort of computer game science graduates Significant participation from Blizzard in support of senior projects  ACM Computing Team finished 2 nd in 2013 SoCal regional; participated in international programming championship in Russia  Graduate students -- 3 NSF Graduate Research Fellowships  Outreach / Access  Competitions: App Jam + (middle school), Med App Jam (ICS & Med students), Autism App Jam, Butterworth Product Development Competition  Summer App Camp for middle school students  NSF-funded Alliance for California Computing Education for Students and Schools (ACCESS) focused on K-12 CS education  Mentoring Program (Alumni/friends mentoring women/URM students)  Engr/ICS Corporate Partners Program

11 Recent Achievements  Research / Collaboration  Faculty recognitions: Nik Dutt, Gene Tsudik – ACM Fellow Alex Nicolau – IEEE Fellow Eric Mjolsness – AAAS Fellow Jessica Utts – Elected president of the American Statistical Association Scott Jordan – Chief Technologist at the FCC (on leave 2014-2016)  Mike Carey / Chen Li - $1.1 million (NSF + companies) to support AsterixDB (big data management system)  Andre van der Hoek - $1.4 million (NSF) to study “crowdprogramming”  RWJ Foundation $1.9 million award to researcher Matt Beitz at UCI and colleagues at UCSD to study how personal health data can be used  Nalini Venkatasubramanian invited to White House to demonstrate SmartAmerica project on low-cost sensors for safe communities  Gillian Hayes named the initial Robert and Barbara Kleist Professor of Informatics to continue her research on health and technology  Padhraic Smyth named to head new Provost-funded “Data Science Initiative”

12 Current Year Activities  Data Science undergraduate major (statistics and computer science  Students take a combination of CS and Statistics courses  Professional M.S. degree programs  Computer Science (CS Dept)  Human-Computer Interaction and Design (Informatics Dept)  Software Engineering (Informatics Dept)  New Engineering/ICS Office for Access and Inclusion  Large scale research proposals  Social impacts of computing (NSF Center proposal)  Big data management system (seeking NSF and industry support)

13 Research Areas of Excellence  Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Statistics  Algorithms / methods for analyzing large amounts of data  Faculty  Pierre Baldi – bioinformatics/genomics, chemistry/drug discovery  Rina Dechter – automated reasoning for AI systems  Padhraic Smyth – applications in climate science, web data  Hal Stern – biostatistics, forensic science  Noteworthy  New campus “Data Science Initiative” led by Padhraic Smyth (  Center for Statistical Consulting (M. Phelan, Interim Director)

14 Research Areas of Excellence  Bioinformatics / Medical Informatics / Computational Biology / Health & Technology  Artificial intelligence and machine learning focused on fast-growing datasets in biology, chemistry, medicine  Software engineering to develop and apply medical records systems  Faculty  Pierre Baldi – bioinformatics/genomics, chemistry/drug discovery  Yunan Chen – human-computer interaction for health records sysems  Gillian Hayes – technology for autism and other diseases  Rick Lathrop – computational biology / synthetic biology for cancer  Noteworthy  Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics (Pierre Baldi, Director)  Endowed chair to support work of Gillian Hayes on technology and health  Recent successful efforts on p53 repair for cancer treatment (Lathrop)

15 Research Areas of Excellence  Computer Architecture and Embedded Computer Systems  Computers are integral part of all devices/machines (cars, smartphone, appliances)  Puts a premium on innovative architecture and power-aware designs  Faculty  Nikil Dutt – embedded systems, computer-aided design  Alex Nicolau – parallelizing compilers, power-aware computing  Nalini Venkatasubramanian – low-cost sensors, middleware  Noteworthy  Recognitions: Dutt (ACM Fellow), Nicolau (IEEE Fellow)  SCALE project (Venkatasubramanian) demonstrated at the White House as part of Smart America project

16 Research Areas of Excellence  Computer Games and Virtual Worlds  Great growth of computer game industry (initial focus on entertainment)  Increasing application of games to education and training, health (treatment of chronic diseases), business (marketing and behavior modification)  Faculty  Yunan Chen – games for health  Magda El-Zarki – use of sensors, video over IP  Walt Scacchi – networked computer games, virtual worlds  Josh Tanenbaum – game culture, wearable technology and gaming  Noteworthy  New research center, Institute for Virtual Environments and Computer Games (Magda El-Zarki, director)

17 Research Areas of Excellence  Databases and Information Systems  Database researchers continue to face new challenges: size of datasets, variety of data types, etc.  Faculty  Michael Carey – database system architecture, information integration  Ramesh Jain – multimedia information systems, experiential computing  Chen Li – data cleaning, next generation search  Sharad Mehrotra – emergency response technologies, databases  Noteworthy  AsterixDB – open source big data management system (initial release June 2013) with recent funding of $1.1 million (NSF and industry)  SRCH2 – startup from UCI search technology (Chen Li, CTO)

18 Research Areas of Excellence  Human-Centered Computing / HCI  Technological innovation must account for the human element  Social aspects include: user interfaces, computer-supported collaboration, impact of technology  Faculty  Paul Dourish – social analysis of people and technology  Mizuko Ito – new media, cross-cultural comparisons of media use  Gloria Mark – technology in the workplace, impacts of email  Gary and Judy Olson – technology for supporting long distance collaboration  Noteworthy  Six-year $1.5 million collaboration w/ Google on collaborative tools (Olsons)  Facebook’s new policy regarding death heavily influenced by Ph.D student Jed Brubaker’s research  Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded Health Data Exploration Project ($1.9 million) co-led by research Matt Beitz

19 Research Areas of Excellence  Security and Privacy  Security is focused on keeping computers and associated information secure from intrusions/detection  Privacy is concerned with legal rights and personal expectations regarding the privacy of their data and information  Faculty  Michael Franz – compiler technology, biological-motivated software security  Michael Goodrich – algorithms for information assurance  Alfred Kobsa – modeling of user privacy behavior  Gene Tsudik – computer and network security, privacy-preserving communication  Noteworthy  Automated software diversity research featured in The Economist (Franz)

20 Research Areas of Excellence  Software Engineering  Software development is now an important part of many industries  Need for careful design and organization in decentralized/distributed environments  Faculty  Crista Lopes – large software systems  David Redmiles – graphical user interfaces, user studies  Richard Taylor (emeritus) – software architecture  Andre van der Hoek – design tools for software, education in software engineering  Noteworthy  OpenSimulator open source tool for developing virtual environments (Lopes)  HTTP, DNS are key contributions of UCI alums to internet (Fielding, Mockapetris were students of Richard Taylor (emeritus))  Recent $1.4 million NSF award to study “crowd”-programming (van der Hoek)

21 Contact  Questions  Hal Stern –  Shana Chance Director of Corporate Relations (ICS & Engr)  Nancy Kim Yun Director of Corporate and Research Collaborations (ICS & Engr)

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