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A regional-scale soil phosphorus balance for exploring mineral fertilizer substitution potentials – the case of Norway Ola Stedje Hanserud 1,2, Eva Brod.

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Presentation on theme: "A regional-scale soil phosphorus balance for exploring mineral fertilizer substitution potentials – the case of Norway Ola Stedje Hanserud 1,2, Eva Brod."— Presentation transcript:

1 A regional-scale soil phosphorus balance for exploring mineral fertilizer substitution potentials – the case of Norway Ola Stedje Hanserud 1,2, Eva Brod 1,3 and Helge Brattebø 2 1.Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmnental research (Bioforsk) 2.Industrial Ecology Programme, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) 3.Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

2 Main objective Identifying the theoretical potentials for substituting mineral P fertilizer with P-rich waste sources, using Norway as a case study, disaggregated into its 19 counties

3 Method Substance flow analysis (SFA) Annual averages for 2009-2011 Main P flows to and from agricultural soil, converted to tons of P

4 National aggregate numbers

5 +

6 -637 -738 -443 -29 -262 -304 754 -2 6 -79 70 75 64 -105 -12 137 101 34 t P/yr Manure as only input

7 -637 -738 -443 -29 -262 -304 754 -2 6 -79 70 75 64 -105 -12 137 101 34 t P/yr Manure as only input


9 -637 -738 -443 -29 -262 -304 754 -2 6 -79 70 75 64 -105 -12 137 101 34 t P/yr Manure as only input 10 negative counties

10 -466 16 -300 77 -124 -161 1048 97 61 1 111 305 216 106 174 249 176 71 t P/yr Inputs: Manure Meat and bone meal Full wastewater potential 4 negative counties

11 Regional importance of wastewater P (tons P/yr) Inputs Output Animal manure Wastewater, potential Meat and bone meal Total withdrawal (yield + losses) Share wastewater of total withdrawal Norway12.00027003501340020 % Oslo & Akershus 27072030101071 % Sogn og Fjordane 7104036406 %

12 Assumptions Manure and wastewater P distributed within each county to substitute mineral P Balanced fertilization of crops (input = output) → overestimation of needed input 100% plant available P in meat and bone meal and manure

13 Wastewater P plant availability 1.Treatment method with certain treatment effect → total amount P in sludge 2.Total amount of P in sludge → plante available P given treatment method Treatment methodTreatment effect (%) 1 P-efficiency (%)* Chemical9015-35 (average: 25) 2 Biological30100 3 Chemical-biological9515-35 (average: 25) 2 Mechanic15100 * Compared to plant availability of mineral P fertilizer 1 Berge & Mellem 2012, 2 Øgaard 2013, 3 Krogstad et al. 2004

14 Quantification plant availability RegionTot-P in sludge (t/yr) Plant available P (t/yr) P-efficiency (%) North sea counties 143536025 Rest of the country 42515035 Whole country 186051027 Potential for mineral P substitution with todays technology:510 t P/yr Potential for mineral P substitution with new technology: 2700 t P/yr

15 Conclusions Regional soil P balances indicate substitution potentials Great theoretical potential in replacing mineral P fertilizer Plant availability of recovered wastewater P differs with technology/infrastructure Needs to be followed up with study of feasibility – Technical/economic/environmental – Social acceptability – Drivers (prices/costs, legislation, targets)


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