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STI 06 1 GERBERA = herbras – Gerbera jamesonii - As Ornamental Plant and cut flower Perennial plant, Origin from South Africa famili Compositae.

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Presentation on theme: "STI 06 1 GERBERA = herbras – Gerbera jamesonii - As Ornamental Plant and cut flower Perennial plant, Origin from South Africa famili Compositae."— Presentation transcript:

1 STI 06 1 GERBERA = herbras – Gerbera jamesonii - As Ornamental Plant and cut flower Perennial plant, Origin from South Africa famili Compositae

2 STI 062 Produce divisions and flowering continously everytime from old clump secara bergantian Produce divisions and flowering continously everytime from old clump secara bergantian High can reach until 50 cm, root spread (serabut) High can reach until 50 cm, root spread (serabut) Single Leaf, roset shape, bercelah tidak rata ditumbuhi bulu, flowering at tip of the stem, long stalk. Single Leaf, roset shape, bercelah tidak rata ditumbuhi bulu, flowering at tip of the stem, long stalk. berbentuk cakram berbentuk cakram

3 STI 063 Petal of Flower have similarity with kumpulan pita tersusun rapi membulat Petal of Flower have similarity with kumpulan pita tersusun rapi membulat Each of stalk,various, red, pink, yellow, krem dan orange Each of stalk,various, red, pink, yellow, krem dan orange

4 STI 064 There are 3 structure petal of Gerbera flower: Single : petal of flower – only 1 layer, usually single ( white, red and yellow ) Single : petal of flower – only 1 layer, usually single ( white, red and yellow ) Double : petal of flower consist of 2 layer  various flower, more than 1 colour. Double : petal of flower consist of 2 layer  various flower, more than 1 colour. Triple : petal of flower consist of 3 layer  the colour more than 2 colour. Triple : petal of flower consist of 3 layer  the colour more than 2 colour.

5 STI 065 Growth Requirement Vegetatif – Generatif growth optimal in the altitude of 600 – 1400 m dpl Vegetatif – Generatif growth optimal in the altitude of 600 – 1400 m dpl Full intensity of light, temperature 21 – 27 0 C, minimum 16 0 C Full intensity of light, temperature 21 – 27 0 C, minimum 16 0 C Fertile soil, rich organic material, have good aeration and porous. Fertile soil, rich organic material, have good aeration and porous. pH 5.5 – 6, soil  must have good Water Holding Capacity pH 5.5 – 6, soil  must have good Water Holding Capacity Add gambut atau pukan yang telah terdekomposisi Add gambut atau pukan yang telah terdekomposisi

6 STI 066 Cultivation of Plant Seed and Propagation of Plant Seed and Propagation of Plant Field Cultivation Field Cultivation Plantting Plantting Re-planting Re-planting Watering Watering Weeding dan penggemburan Weeding dan penggemburan Defoliation Defoliation Fertilizing Fertilizing Handling of Pest and Disease Handling of Pest and Disease Harvest and Post Harvest Harvest and Post Harvest

7 STI 067 Seed and Propagation of Plant Seedling should be have same size  agar tumbuh serempak Seedling should be have same size  agar tumbuh serempak Free from pest and disease, Free from pest and disease, Provided with prosperous enough Provided with prosperous enough Seedling from tissue culture  Commercial for breeder  from Holland Florist de Kwakel BV, Presman Gerbera BV, Piet Schreurs de Kwakel BV Seedling from tissue culture  Commercial for breeder  from Holland Florist de Kwakel BV, Presman Gerbera BV, Piet Schreurs de Kwakel BV Generatif propagation  for pot plant or vegetatif with splitting / divisions or cut rimpang divisions from mother plant that healthy and the age up to 1,5 years Generatif propagation  for pot plant or vegetatif with splitting / divisions or cut rimpang divisions from mother plant that healthy and the age up to 1,5 years The young divisions  not produce generatif shoot yet. The young divisions  not produce generatif shoot yet.

8 STI 068 Washing and clean up with leave it 2 -3 leaf Washing and clean up with leave it 2 -3 leaf Pulse and place for few minute in Benlate 0.5 g/l or Previcur 1 cc/l for 15 minute Pulse and place for few minute in Benlate 0.5 g/l or Previcur 1 cc/l for 15 minute For stimulate the root  used Rootone F ( Plant Growth Regulator + fungicide ) For stimulate the root  used Rootone F ( Plant Growth Regulator + fungicide )

9 STI 069 Planting to the row, with mix media Soil : pukan = 2 : 1 with plant spacing 5 x 5 cm (for smaller varieties) and 7x7 cm ( for bigger varieties ) Planting to the row, with mix media Soil : pukan = 2 : 1 with plant spacing 5 x 5 cm (for smaller varieties) and 7x7 cm ( for bigger varieties ) Drench 1 – 2 / day  see the weather condition Drench 1 – 2 / day  see the weather condition Ready to planting  age’s 3 – 4 weeks when have 12 new leaves and Ready to planting  age’s 3 – 4 weeks when have 12 new leaves and root 3 – 5 cm

10 STI 0610 Cultivation the field Cultivate 2 – 3 weeks before planting Cultivate 2 – 3 weeks before planting cangkul dengan deepth 40 cm until soil structure fertile enough cangkul dengan deepth 40 cm until soil structure fertile enough Make row width 1 m heigth 25 cm, and the distance between row 50 cm Make row width 1 m heigth 25 cm, and the distance between row 50 cm Add pukan/organic material decomposizied 2 – 3 m 3 /100m 2 – mix until complete Add pukan/organic material decomposizied 2 – 3 m 3 /100m 2 – mix until complete 1 weeks before planting  + Urea 40 g, TSP 60g and KCl 75g per m 2 1 weeks before planting  + Urea 40 g, TSP 60g and KCl 75g per m 2 Soil sterilization with basamid or steaming Soil sterilization with basamid or steaming

11 STI 0611 Planting Palnting with 40 cm between outside of the row and 30 inside row Palnting with 40 cm between outside of the row and 30 inside row Plant hole : 1 cangkulan Plant hole : 1 cangkulan Planting all of root  leher akar tertimbun tanah, jangan ada akar yang terlipat atau diluruskan ke bawah tetapi dihamparkan horisontal didasar lubang  early morning or afternoon  drench / watering it. Planting all of root  leher akar tertimbun tanah, jangan ada akar yang terlipat atau diluruskan ke bawah tetapi dihamparkan horisontal didasar lubang  early morning or afternoon  drench / watering it.

12 STI 0612 Replanting Replanting Replanting not more than 30 days in the morning or afternoon. Replanting not more than 30 days in the morning or afternoon. Watering Watering Normal condition : require 6 liter/hr/m 2 Normal condition : require 6 liter/hr/m 2 Before the initiation of flowering  can applied overhead sprinkler, after that  can use drip irigation Before the initiation of flowering  can applied overhead sprinkler, after that  can use drip irigation

13 STI 0613 Weeding dan penggemburan Weeding to reduce the competition between plant and weed. Weeding to reduce the competition between plant and weed. Penggemburan to increase the soil porosity  to make better aerase & drainase. Penggemburan to increase the soil porosity  to make better aerase & drainase. Weeding and penggemburan biasanya  do it all together dengan pembubunan to make main stalk  in surface of soil. Weeding and penggemburan biasanya  do it all together dengan pembubunan to make main stalk  in surface of soil.

14 STI 0614 Defoliation Put off dried leaf and dried flower, wilted or infected pest and disease Put off dried leaf and dried flower, wilted or infected pest and disease Do it together with penjarangan rumpun. Crowded clump  invite the pest and disease  flower has decreasing quality  smaller stem and size of flower smaller too. Do it together with penjarangan rumpun. Crowded clump  invite the pest and disease  flower has decreasing quality  smaller stem and size of flower smaller too.

15 STI 0615 Fertilizing Organic gertilizer –pukan ayam before basic fertilizer  re- applied every each years : 1 – 2 kg/m2 Organic gertilizer –pukan ayam before basic fertilizer  re- applied every each years : 1 – 2 kg/m2 Plant that age : 1 – 2 month after planting  200g Urea, 100 g KNO3 dissolved with 100 l air with application 3 liter/m 2 – watering the row once a week. Plant that age : 1 – 2 month after planting  200g Urea, 100 g KNO3 dissolved with 100 l air with application 3 liter/m 2 – watering the row once a week. After the age 2 month more  10 – 5 g NPK 15:15:15 per plant and 7 gram MgSO 4 / m2 sowing surrounded the plant  application 1 years  once time After the age 2 month more  10 – 5 g NPK 15:15:15 per plant and 7 gram MgSO 4 / m2 sowing surrounded the plant  application 1 years  once time Foliage fertilizer and Plant Growth Regulator (ZPT) 10 lliter foliage fertilizer/m2 Foliage fertilizer and Plant Growth Regulator (ZPT) 10 lliter foliage fertilizer/m2 Green Vitabloom (30-10-10) and yellow 5-50-17 with consentration 3 g / liter every weeks, need rotation Green Vitabloom (30-10-10) and yellow 5-50-17 with consentration 3 g / liter every weeks, need rotation Atonik 1cc/10 l water  applied together with vitabloom, to stimulate root and leave growth. Atonik 1cc/10 l water  applied together with vitabloom, to stimulate root and leave growth.

16 STI 0616 Handling Pest and Disease Handling Pest and Disease Tungau, kumbang, ulat, kutu daun,, thrips, belalang, siput Tungau, kumbang, ulat, kutu daun,, thrips, belalang, siput Penyakit Bercak daun Coreospora, kapang kelabu, tepung Penyakit Bercak daun Coreospora, kapang kelabu, tepung

17 STI 0617

18 STI 0618 Harvest and Post Harvest 1 st flower and 2 nd flower (3 – 5 month after planting )  put off because < standar, more than 6 month  better quality 1 st flower and 2 nd flower (3 – 5 month after planting )  put off because < standar, more than 6 month  better quality ¾ rise and open up – ready to harvest and have 1 – 2 lingkar cincin benang sari ¾ rise and open up – ready to harvest and have 1 – 2 lingkar cincin benang sari Harvest with hand, the method : Panen dengan tangan dengan cara memutar dan pull off – pulse into the water and placed in the shade place. Harvest with hand, the method : Panen dengan tangan dengan cara memutar dan pull off – pulse into the water and placed in the shade place. Per clump  produce 5 – 15 kuntum/ years or 35 – 105 kuntum per m 2 Per clump  produce 5 – 15 kuntum/ years or 35 – 105 kuntum per m 2

19 STI 0619 Harvest : Sortiage < 40 cm pull off Sortiage < 40 cm pull off > 40 cm good flower, free from pest and disease, fresh and each of flower wraped by paper berbentuk kerucut, ikat per 10 tangkai – wraped paper. > 40 cm good flower, free from pest and disease, fresh and each of flower wraped by paper berbentuk kerucut, ikat per 10 tangkai – wraped paper. For delivery outside city and export  packing in special kardus For delivery outside city and export  packing in special kardus ditata mendatar dan rtangkai sejajar, tangkai diberi tabung plastik yang berisi air ditata mendatar dan rtangkai sejajar, tangkai diberi tabung plastik yang berisi air

20 STI 0620

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