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Andre Park Double Diamond Pearl Millionaires Club Effective Presentations to Increase Enrollments.

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Presentation on theme: "Andre Park Double Diamond Pearl Millionaires Club Effective Presentations to Increase Enrollments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andre Park Double Diamond Pearl Millionaires Club Effective Presentations to Increase Enrollments

2 4 type of Opportunity Presentation 2 on 1 - Set up an 15-20 min. appointment Location: Any place that’s comfortable for your prospect. Presentation Flip book or DVD. Business Partner with you or on speaker phone Promote & Invite to next live Event.

3 4 type of Opportunity Presentation 2 on 1 - Set up an 15-20 min. appointment Location: Any place that’s comfortable for your prospect. Presentation Flip book or DVD. Business Partner with you or on speaker phone Promote & Invite to next live Event.

4 4 type of Opportunity Presentation Home Party- ( T-Party, PBR, N3-Party, Business Mixer) Presentation Flip book or DVD Within 7 days of signing up. Massive Invite...25-50 guests or more. Cold Noni Juice/Hiro“Energy” Drinks & Bottled Water. ( preferably clear beverages) Small Cups Snacks / Finger-Foods (Nice but not necessary) Play light jazz. (No words) Don’t forget to...Promote the Next Event!

5 4 type of Opportunity Presentation Conference Call - Time 15 to 25 min. GET ON THE CALL 5 min. early. NO BACKGROUND TALKING during presentation. 3-WAY AT LEAST ONE GUEST. NO POLITICS / NEG. CONVERSATION MUTE YOUR PHONE during the presentation.

6 4 type of Opportunity Presentation Hotel Meeting ( Briefing and Training, Super Saturday ) Time 30 to 45 min. DRESS- business professional at Super Events and business casual at weekly events. SHOW UP ON TIME- 20 min. early. NO KIDS in the hotel event. NO SLEEPING or TALKING during presentation. SIT WITH YOUR GUEST. PLAY TEAM- laugh at jokes and raise hands. NO POLITICS / NEG. CONVERSATION NO IN and OUT during the presentation.

7 Presenting With Integrity & Sensitivity Under promise/Over deliver vs. Over promise/Under deliver Ask question and listen Words to use- Just Imagine, you, yours, how would that make you feel, invest. Words NOT to use – me, I, get in, buy, Don’t talk too much.

8 8 step Opportunity Presentation 1 Relate – Time – Job – Money – Health 2 Industry – Wellness 600 billion – Expected to grow into a Trillion Dollar – Preventive maintenance

9 8 step Opportunity Presentation 3 Company – build trust in the company, – Show stability, leadership, and vision - 3 rd Party Testimonials – facts, – history, 4 Products – value, – scientific validation – why should someone buy these products?

10 8 step Opportunity Presentation 5 Testimony – real experiences that validate the benefits of products/business – Have 2 people tell there story from the heart. 6 Getting Started/Compensation – Answer “what’s in it for me” – What it takes to get Started and how much money can be made.

11 8 step Opportunity Presentation 7 Training and Support Your system 8 Close with Passion Just Imagine, How would that make you feel? How to turn a verbal commitment into an action People’s natural reaction to pressure is resistance Transfer of feeling Get the yes’s rolling Start big

12 Confident and Bold Demeanor Confident In your Dress Grooming Self Ability to change lives

13 K.I.S.S. Over complicate leads to Intimidate Don’t try to prove your knowledge/skills to them The more that they can relate/understand – The more excited/motivated they will be Visual aids are there to aid, not distract

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