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A Selection of Print & Electronic Library Resources For MAE 4344 Edmon Low Library Oklahoma State University Kevin Drees Engineering Librarian July 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "A Selection of Print & Electronic Library Resources For MAE 4344 Edmon Low Library Oklahoma State University Kevin Drees Engineering Librarian July 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Selection of Print & Electronic Library Resources For MAE 4344 Edmon Low Library Oklahoma State University Kevin Drees Engineering Librarian July 2002 Edmon Low Library Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK KD 7/02

2 Purpose: demonstrate the following  Print Sources  Electronic Resources  Library Homepage; Index and Databases Page  Compendex  Applied Science & Technology Index  Web of Science  IEL (IEEE/IEE Electronic Library)  ASM Metals Handbook  Knovel  Standards  Patents

3 Print Resources

4 Electronic Resources

5 Searching techniques: To focus or broaden a search: generally applicable to any database or catalog  Boolean operators  Synonyms = similar terms with Boolean “OR”  Truncation  Proximity operator – Not detailed here; see database help menu

6 Boolean Logic {IDEA A(1) TERM(S)} OR {IDEA A(2) TERM(S)} OR Retrieves all records including either term. -- usually used to connect synonyms in a search Example: column OR pillar {IDEA A TERM(S)} AND {IDEA B TERM(S)} AND Retrieves only those records containing both terms. -- usually used for contrasting terms in a search Example: brittle AND elastic {IDEA A TERM(S)} NOT {IDEA B TERM(S)} NOT Excludes records containing a particular term. Example: brittle NOT elastic CD-ROM WORKSHOP; u.wisconsin, madison; njb, mmc, pjh 12/89 rev. for IIT, cbw 2/99 A 1 OR A 2 A AND B A NOT B

7 Synonyms = Similar terms  Used with the Boolean operator “OR”  method OR technique OR approach  design OR create

8 Truncation  Truncate the term  The use of $ or ? and the truncated term  For example “design$” for “designs”, “designation” etc.

9  Demonstrate Online Sources

10 Compendex  search the same topic in  Applied Science & Technology Index.  Web of Science,  IEL  ASM Metals Hdbk,  Knovel

11 Compendex  Search “slider crank”







18 Compendex  Boolean OR with synonyms

19 slider or pin or shaft crank or mechanism

20 Note: increase in output

21 Truncation searching  Design* should locate documents with  Design  Designer  Designation

22 Search: retrieved over 487,000 items

23 Locating full text  Study abstracts  Make decisions about usefulness  Plug journal title, conference title, etc into FTPL and Catalog to determine OSU full text availability  Determine if full text found meets needs

24 If you found useful abstract(s) but the FT did not meet the need  Try new search  Boolean AND –restricts search  Synonyms with Boolean OR widen search  Truncation (design*) widens search  Proximity operator – restricts search  If you just need more of the same  Use same or similar search terms in another database:  Index terms in the abstract  Also called “controlled terms” in Compendex  See the flow chart for full text availability



27 If you did not find useful abstracts  search the same topic in  Applied Science & Technology Index.  Web of Science,  IEL  ASM Metals Hdbk,  Knovel

28 Applied Science & Technology Index  Search: slider crank


30 slider and crank: retrieves 22 records


32 Locating full text  Study abstracts  Make decisions about usefulness  Plug journal title, conference title, etc into FTPL and Catalog to determine OSU full text availability  Determine if full text found meets needs

33 If you found useful abstract(s) but the FT did not meet the need  Try new search  Boolean AND –restricts search  Synonyms with Boolean OR widen search  Truncation (design*) widens search  Proximity operator – restricts search  If you just need more of the same  Use same or similar search terms in another database:  Index terms in the abstract  Also called “descriptors” in ASTI  See the flow chart for full text availability

34 If you did not find useful abstracts in Compendex or Applied Science & Technology Index  Consider  Web of Science,  IEL  ASM Metals Hdbk,  Knovel

35 Web of Science  Web of Science is the electronic version of Science Citation Index  Coverage from 1981 to the present  Search: slider crank







42 Locating full text and obtaining satisfactory results  Go through the same process as before to locate full text  If not satisfied with output modify the search terms as indicated previously  Also consider  design notes  Engineering handbooks  faculty/instructor

43 IEL (IEEE Electronic Library)  Database for electrical engineering, physics, computer science  Main advantage to mechanical and aero engineers is that there are a lot of electo- mechanical devices – and related information which is available in this database  Full text PDF available  Journals, conference proceedings, standards ____________________________  Search: automotive engine




47 Obtaining satisfactory results  Add search terms to focus a search if getting a lot of “vague” or unrelated results  Or, delete search terms to increase results  Or, use synonyms to increase  Pull index terms from an article that is useful. Go to the bottom of the abstract to locate index terms

48 Add the term, ‘vibration’, to previous search

49 20 items. Fewer results with an additional term

50 Locate and search with an index term: vibration reduction

51 Searching Multiple Databases:  Divide the class into groups to search the same topic in CDX, ASTI, WoS, and IEL, ASM Metals Hdbk, & Knovel.  Search: aluminum and fatigue and strength.

52 Analysis of results/comparison

53 Compendex: 1033 hits  Emphasis on fatigue strength, aluminum, and aluminum alloys (in this search)  a great number of Japanese journals for this search  as well as Elsevier as a publisher

54 ASTA: 102 hits  emphasis on materials and metallurgy sources (in this search)  a subset of ASTA is found in Compendex (can replicate this using in CDX, serial title lookup on right hand side of the screen, checking against the title list in ASTI)

55 Web of Science – 407 hits  emphasis on materials, metallurgy, fatigue, and composites journals (in this search)

56 IEL – 11 hits  emphasis on aluminum as an electrical component as you might expect  IEEE – OSU receives most of the IEEE and and a few IEE publications through this one database.

57 ASM Metals Handbook – 177 hits  Properties, materials selection, metallurgy of aluminum, fatigue and fracture.

58 Knovel  There are 1121 match(es) in 90 book(s) found for (aluminum) AND (fatigue) AND (strength)  Including Aluminum Alloy Database  Tabular data can be easily exported to Excel.

59 Knovel: Advanced Search



62 Conclusions  Searching in only one database limits the amount of information retrieved.  So then, it is better to search in more than one database – results will likely be more comprehensive.  ASM Metals Hdbk and Knovel add to the results – efficient searching.

63 Standards Defined  A standard is a rule or requirement that establishes the  size,  shape  uniformity,  quality,  performance  definition,  testing methodology for any given material, chemical, process, etc. (Figa, 1998), (CSSINFO, 2000)

64 Standards - Standards are written for, but not limited to  raw materials  manufactured products. (Figa, CSSINFO)  methods of analysis:  chemical  electrical  mechanical  nondestructive  units of measure* (National Bureau of Stds)/(NIST)  time  distance  mass  information privacy issues  environmental considerations *C.B. Wenger, personal communication, March 2000

65 Standards – Why  Safety  Reliability – Expectations are established  Quality  Ease of use  Interchangeable parts – price reduction  Commerce - standards influence the buyer-seller transaction. quality and stability of product influences market.  recurring Problems – establishment of standards usually implements the most practical and appropriate solution  Benchmarks (CSSINFO, 2000)

66 Why Charge for Standards?  1. Supporting the standards development process. Expenses incurred:  operational costs of standards organizations  technical development, writing, etc.  creation of catalog and indexes  print & electronic distribution  2. Supporting the standards users  Telephone assistance is free -- this aids in the dissemination of information – user expectation  user assistance cost is part of the whole package  3. Education, court costs, global acceptance  4. Intellectual property and commercial value  standard is intellectual property of an organization  Users have to pay a fair value to use it. ( American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 1997-2002)

67 Standards – Producers  Over 350+ societies in the the U.S. produce standards  Over 40+ non US – national and International societies and organizations  military and government  U.S.  Outside the U.S.

68 Some Standards Sources of Importance to OSU  ANSI – American National Standards Institute  NSSN -- National Standards Systems Network  Electronics Standards Store  ASTM -- American Society of Testing and Materials  ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers  DOE -- Department of Energy  IEEE -- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers  NIST – National Institute of Standards & Technology (formerly NBS-National Bureau of Standards)  World Standards Services Network

69 How do I locate standards  Locate the organization that produces the standard –  Look at the application & objective  Industrial – guidelines suggest standard(s)  Consumer goods  Many organizations standards are searchable on the web.  It does not cost you anything use the index to locate the title of the standard  Full text - cost

70 Look for a standard on friction testing machines  ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials)  Search the ASTM website (index) for the standard  OSU Library owns the print in full text, not the electronic.  Locate the print set on the 2 nd floor, Reference area, Call # 620.112 A512bs


72 Click: search for individual standards




76 Locate the item in print at the OSU Library  Simply take the standard number shown and locate the full text of the standard, using the index of the first volume of the set.

77 Look for a standard/code on elevators  ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)  Search the ASME website (index) for the code  Full text of very few of the ASME codes are available in the library, and most of them are not current.


79 Type: elevator




83 ASME  A17 - Standards Committee on Elevators and Escalators.  The website gives information regarding the standard and how to obtain it.

84 Iterative nature of the search process  One of the things you should realize from the presentation is the iterative nature of the search process is similar to that associated with the design process  the two can be intertwined  A change in design may require a change in information needs – going online or to the library

85 Summary:  Print sources  Handbooks, etc  Electronic Resources  Use more than one for comprehensiveness  Standards –  ASTM in print & electronic  ASME  Handouts  Search Process/Full text availability, etc  Patents – see Patents Powerpoint Presentation.

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