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Selfish MAC Layer Misbehavior in Wireless Networks Pradeep Kyasanur and Nitin H. Vaidya 2005 IEEE Reviewed by Dean Chiang.

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Presentation on theme: "Selfish MAC Layer Misbehavior in Wireless Networks Pradeep Kyasanur and Nitin H. Vaidya 2005 IEEE Reviewed by Dean Chiang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selfish MAC Layer Misbehavior in Wireless Networks Pradeep Kyasanur and Nitin H. Vaidya 2005 IEEE Reviewed by Dean Chiang

2 How is network contention resolved? Distributed Contention Function (DCF)  Relies on protocol adherence from all of the network. I’m transmitting guys! Ok everyone better wait the same amount! You got it! …What if I don’t want to…?

3 Problem Definition Selfish Host Backoff = rand[1,1] Normal Host Backoff = rand[0,CW] Normal Channel Usage Channel Usage with a Selfish Host t t

4 Problem Challenges Difference between a small backoff and differing usage by each node? Node channel conditions are different. A node can claim an idle channel.

5 Solution Modified MAC Protocol Goal: retain performance of 802.11 while ensuring detection of misbehavior in a short interval Assumptions:  Misbehaving senders only. Receivers are assumed to be trusted.  No collusion between sender and receiver

6 Protocol Modifications - Backoff Receiver assigns random backoff and sends it in the CTS and ACK. Receiver is in control.

7 Protocol Modifications - Retransmission Sender adds attempt number to RTS Receiver estimates expected backoff from attempt number.

8 Penalty Scheme Penalize if:  B_actual < Alpha * B_expected (Alpha = 0.8) Penalty  Add to next backoff by an amount proportional to deviation and then some. Still not adhering? Identify as a selfish host. (Last W packets that deviated over total threshold T slots) Receiver is in control. Misbehavior with backoff cannot be spoofed by senders.

9 What happens after identification? Possibilities MAC Layer Receiver exiles sender by not responding to RTS. Network Layer Network routes around host.

10 Misdiagnosis Receiver senses a busy channel from 2 hops away when sender does not. Sender sends to receiver, receiver thinks sender did not adhere to assigned backoff. Solution: receiver does not count a busy channel for transmission, only during overheard RTS/CTS.

11 Results: Diagnostic Accuracy Notes: Low misdiagnosis rate Does not fully resolve selfish behavior problem. Only alleviates high end of deviation. Notice there is a threshold of misbehavior that can go undetected.

12 Results: Throughput Throughput comparison to 802.11 Adheres closely to throughput of 802.11

13 Results: Fairness Fairness Index comparison to 802.11 Fairness decreases with # of nodes Fairness deviates more when background traffic is high (TWO-FLOW)

14 Results: What about crafty clients? Correct Diagnosis % Protocol is worse at detecting adaptive misbehavior Throughput gain is not large because of penalty scheme HOWEVER

15 Pros and Cons Pros  Fast diagnosis, no need to collect tons of data  Low Misdiagnosis rate  Retains fairness and throughput of 802.11  Reduces workaround potential Cons  Additional overhead  Backwards compatibility  Spoofed MAC addresses

16 Addendum: Optimal Threshold Authors show a proof for an optimal threshold Threshold T is a function of assigned back-off value and # of slots. However, authors chose a static threshold in simulations. This suggests the data could be better.

17 Discussion/Consideration What does the police do? Why did the government create a police force? At what intrinsic layer does the government’s control end?

18 Discussion/Consideration Is this really the best place to handle selfish behavior? PC, Driver Wireless Network Adapter Regulated by IEEE Not Regulated by IEEE Base Station

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