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October 10, 20001. 2 USB Compliance and Logo Program Doug Gemmill USB-IF Compliance Committee Chairman.

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Presentation on theme: "October 10, 20001. 2 USB Compliance and Logo Program Doug Gemmill USB-IF Compliance Committee Chairman."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 10, 20001

2 2 USB Compliance and Logo Program Doug Gemmill USB-IF Compliance Committee Chairman

3 October 10, 20003 Agenda w Compliance Program w New Test Procedure Document w Revised Testing Guidelines w Integrator’s List versus Product Search List w Introducing Compliance Review Board w Logo Program Update

4 October 10, 20004 Compliance Testing w Low Speed & Full Speed products – USB-IF sponsored compliance workshops (“Plugfests”) – Certified independent test labs w High Speed products – USB-IF sponsored compliance workshops – Intel Peripheral Integration Lab is be a High Speed test lab u Will not be available in other test labs until mid-to-late 2001

5 October 10, 20005 Why Do Compliance Testing w Significant number of devices tested at Compliance Workshops fail – Third party device drivers – Power supply/consumption – Signal integrity w Cables are of varying quality today – 7 out of 20 cables failed Intel compliance testing – 2 out of 11 failed Gigatest compliance testing

6 October 10, 20006 New Test Procedure Doc w The document has been written – Describes test procedure for both plugfests & labs u Lists procedure for all types of products: devices, hubs, and systems – Consistent with testing, no matter where you test w Appendix identifies what items will change – Always check the USB-IF website for latest information w Check

7 October 10, 20007 Integrators List w Confidential list of products that pass USB-IF compliance program on the USB-IF website – Two lists: low/full speed and high speed w New additions made for vendors by USB-IF, based upon test results w List is viewed by licensees only – password controlled

8 October 10, 20008 Product Search List w Public list of products, a single point source, that pass USB-IF compliance program w High visibility for products on this list – Anyone use it in purchasing and bundling decisions – List is WWW.USB.ORG product search and featured product sources – USB-IF uses this list for all demo and press activities – Shipping products listed in monthly retail newsletter Members Are Responsible for Maintenance of the Product Search List!

9 October 10, 20009 Test Guidelines w Guidelines currently being added to Compliance web page w Gives guidelines for: – When to retest current products – What to do with captive cables vs. detached cables – And many others commonly-asked questions! w Being developed by Compliance Committee w Pages will be updated regularly, check the website often!

10 October 10, 200010 Test Procedure w Hosts – Systems – Motherboards – Add-in Cards – Silicon – Cores w Hubs – Silicon w Devices – Silicon Host Hub Device

11 October 10, 200011 Cables w Devices must test and ship with cables listed on Integrator’s List w Check the web for certified cable and connector test labs w USB-IF will make spot checks to ensure compliance

12 October 10, 200012 USB-IF Certified Test Labs w Many benefits for vendors to use test houses – Testing available anytime, more convenient (especially for non-U.S. vendors); can line up with product rollouts – One-stop shopping for debug and other related testing services – Companies with secret products can keep them out of public view

13 October 10, 200013 Compliance Review Board w One representative from each of the following: – One member from each company on the USB-IF board – This group shall have the final say regarding all compliance-related issues – “Is the problem presented causing a degradation in user experience?” u E.g.: Quality of product vs. suspend mode drawing too much current w Email alias:

14 October 10, 200014 Incentive Strategy w Two incentives with USB 2.0: – Adopter Agreement provides license for compliant products only u “The USB 2.0 Adopters Agreement allows a signing company to participate in a reciprocal, royalty-free licensing arrangement for compliant products. Please review the agreement terms for specific details” – New, more enforceable logo and logo license u Logo will be issued to products passing compliance program u Create incentive for vendors to use logo with a Marketing program to build equity in new logo

15 October 10, 200015 Why Develop Stronger Testing Program w Non-compliant cables may not cause user failures today, but will likely cause them on USB 2.0 – Spec “headroom” goes away with USB 2.0 higher speeds w Higher speed creates greater challenges for designers w The promise of “Easy PCs” and USB ease-of-use will be in full swing – The “Easy PC” paradigm puts new demands on systems and peripherals – Expectation level for USB will be very high - cannot afford any glitches in transition to USB 2.0 w There will be more products from more vendors – i.e., storage products will migrate to USB

16 October 10, 200016 New Compliance Program Model Testing available to vendors anytime through certified independent test houses Testing Availability Needed to Implement Incentive Program Vendor Incentive Needed for Feasible Test House Business Model Logo license provides incentive for vendors to perform and pass compliance testing Both Testing and Incentive Are Dependent Upon Each Other for Success

17 October 10, 200017 Using the New Logo w Company must sign royalty-free license to gain access to logo artwork – One license per company w Individual products must pass compliance testing to use new logo for that product w New logo usage should start as soon as possible – All HS products should use new logo – FS/LS products should start converting now w Marketing program ($$$) starting in early 2001 to raise awareness of new logo

18 October 10, 200018 Logo Usage Guidelines w Logo usage guidelines are attachment to logo license – Defines min size, colors, do’s and don’ts, etc w Logo can be applied to packaging, collaterals, etc. during development – Product cannot ship with new logo until it has passed testing w Logo may be used in conjunction with promotional items – T-shirts, trinkets, etc

19 October 10, 200019 Steps To Using Logo for USB Products w Download logo license from USB-IF website (, get signed and send in to USB-IF w Get product tested at Compliance Workshop or test lab – If it passes, it goes on Integrators List and can use new logo w Put logo on product packaging in time for product launch w Ship product with new logo!

20 October 10, 200020 Channel Marketing Plan w Objective: Educate the channel that new logo = compliance w PR campaign – Press, analysts, articles, trade publications w Trade and channel advertising – CRN, CRW, Twice, Web-based, etc w Channel training programs – Collaterals, training and detailing, in-store merchandising and product demonstrations, trade shows and events, endcaps

21 October 10, 200021 Give YOUR Product a Chance to Excel in the Market w Read the spec, design your products compliant w Make sure your products are spec compliant – In house testing – Independent test lab – Test your product in USB -IF compliance workshop w Take advantage of the FREE marketing provided for USB-IF compliant products – Use the logo correctly – Get included in USB-IF Product Search Page!

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