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PowerPoint By: Brian Bergman By: Justin Richards.

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1 PowerPoint By: Brian Bergman By: Justin Richards

2  "Where is it?...Where is Glick's diary?“ (25)  George ends up with a mysterious diary in his hands not knowing at all what it may be. While George and Percy Smythe are leaving the museum one night two men come barging through demanding the diary at once. One of the men accidently catching many books on fire by bumping an oil lamp to the ground. Percy dies in the demanding brawl.

3  "Right now," George said slowly, "Glick's diary is on fire.“ (25)  An expert pickpocket( Eddie), an actress (Liz) and George become a team to try and solve Percy’s murder. They try to reveal why these people want Glick’s diary so desperately. A man named Augustus Lorimore has an obsession with reanimating the dead, Dinosaurs and humans. It is up to the three to stop him and his reanimated monsters.

4  “Distracted, both Sophia and Gerald turned towards the sound. Coiled up and ready to move, George did not waste a moment…” (143)  George, Liz, and Eddie have not much time to stop one of Lorimore’s creations that is roaming the streets. This massive dinosaur was brought back from the dead and is deadly.

5  “Maybe there was a tunnel close to the coal chute or whatever was behind the doors. Or maybe it was water rushing through a sewer…[George’s] first impression The thought that it sounded like something breathing.” (151)  George and the others hear something and believe it is one of Lorimore’s recreated monsters. The group is spooked and has to remain silent otherwise they might be the monster’s dinner.

6  “His ultimate goal, … to somehow recreate the animal and achieve a true marriage of living dinosaur and technology.” (270)  George explains what Lorimore is all about, to recreate animals and establish his power through monsters. The team develops a plan to get rid of him and his monsters.

7  This book was an exciting book but it didn’t have much of a personal connection to me because I never really showed interest in dinosaurs as a child and still today. I do not know much in the field of dinosaurs but the book was still an exciting book. This book was a gothic type of book which also doesn’t usually interest me but it was a new type of book for me to read and it was a thrilling book.

8  What starts with a museum robbery in Victorian London unites three as a team to take down a madman [Augustus Lorimore]. Eddie, George, and Liz. The team is being hunted by Augustus Lorimore. Lorimore is a crazy sinister factory owner, a man who is crazy about recreating the dead, both humans and dinosaurs. A big problem is that one of each is already terrorizing the streets of London. Eddie, George, and Elizabeth stop Lorimore's monsters and himself. Many close to death incidents keep the reader on their seat.

9  My recommendatiopn for this book would be 4 out of 5 stars. The book was an exciting book that will keep you on your seat the entire book.  Mr. Justin Richards is a great writer and I would be interested in reading other of his books. If you are interested in Dinosaurs then this type of book would right for you.

10  Richards, Justin. The Death Collector. New York, NY; Bloomsbury Publishing. 2006.

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