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Why Are Jeff’s Mad Monkeys Always Jumping Poor Lincoln?

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Presentation on theme: "Why Are Jeff’s Mad Monkeys Always Jumping Poor Lincoln?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Are Jeff’s Mad Monkeys Always Jumping Poor Lincoln? George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Q. Adams Andrew Jackson James Polk Abe Lincoln

2 Washington’s Farewell Address
Avoid foreign alliances avoid political parties Avoid sectionalism (Page 266) Whiskey Rebellion (Page 263) George Washington 1st President “Father of Our Country” Leader of Continental Army during American Revolution

3 Alien and Sedition Acts (Page 271)
XYZ Affair (Page 270) Alien and Sedition Acts (Page 271) John Adams 2nd President of the United States of America

4 Wrote the Declaration of Independence
Sent Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Territory and find a route to the Pacific Ocean Wrote the Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 Marbury v. Madison- set up Judicial Review (Page 281) Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican Bought the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803 3rd President of the United States Of America

5 4th President of the United States of America
James Madison War of 1812 (Pages ) Considered the Father of the U.S. Constitution

6 Industrial Revolution Era of Good Feelings (Page 321-322)
James Monroe Enacted the Monroe Doctrine (page 327) 5th President of the United States of America

7 Son of John Adams (2nd President)
Industrial Revolution John Q. Adams Son of John Adams (2nd President) 6th President

8 -South Carolina wanted to nullify tariffs, but Jackson didn’t allow it
Nullification Crisis -South Carolina wanted to nullify tariffs, but Jackson didn’t allow it (Page 339) Founder of modern day Democratic Party Spoils System (Page 337) Bank War-Pet Banks (Page ) Andrew Jackson Nicknamed “Old Hickory” Enacted the Indian Removal Act- “Trail of Tears” (Page ) 7th President Hero From the battle of New Orleans

9 Manifest Destiny James Polk Texas Annexation

10 Emancipation Proclamation (Pages 473-476)
Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth Gettysburg Address (Page ) Abraham Lincoln Civil War 1st Republican President 16th President of the United States of America

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