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InCites TM 1.

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1 InCites TM

2 Workshop Objectives: 2 After this work shop you can:
Understand the basic components of Incites (slide 3) Navigate all modules :Research Performance Profile, Global Comparisons and Institutional Profiles (RPP=slide 23, GC = slide 52, IP =71) Understand the normalised indicators and how to use them (slide 14) Perform an analysis of authors/departments/subject areas/collaborations using standard and normalised indicators (slide 31) Understand the Preset reports and what they inform on Create custom reports (slide 44) Save and share reports with colleagues (slide 46) Bench mark the performance of institutions/countries to global averages in multiple subject schema (slides 53-70) Compare the performance of an institution against peer institutions across a wide range of activities and subject focus (slides 73-83) Understand the use of citation data for the 2014 Research Excellence Frame Work and how Incites may be used to inform universities on submissions (slide 84-91) 2 2

3 Objective: Understand the basic components of Incites
Incites is a customised, citation-based research evaluation tool on the web that enables you to analyse institutional productivity and benchmark your output against peers worldwide. All bibliographic and citation data is drawn from the Web of Science Incites platform offers 3 modules Research Performance Profiles (RPP) Global Comparisons (GC) Institutional Profiles (IP) 3

4 InCites components Research Performance Profiles Global Comparisons
Institutional Profiles Bibliometrics Driven Internal View - Data for your institution’s published work. Granular - Detail at the paper, author, discipline level, and more. Collaboration data. Customized - Based on customer requirements. Optional Author-Based data sets Current - Updated Quarterly Bibliometrics Driven Comparative across institutions and countries. Top-Level - Detail summarized at the institution and country level for various disciplines Standardized - annual production, uniform data cut-off for all institutions Diverse, a wide range of metrics place influence of published research into multiple perspectives for an institution. 360o View of the world’s leading research institutions. Academic Reputation Survey Institution Submitted Data Bibliometrics A huge undertaking, providing a unique set of data, objective and subjective, and tools through which to examine and compare institutional resources, influence, and reputation. 4 4

5 Research Performance Profiles
A custom-built dataset created by Thomson Reuters to match customer specifications Datasets can be compiled using the following search criteria: Address (extracting from WOS records that contain at least one occurrence of an address e.g. Univ Manchester and variants as identified by the customer) Author (extracting from WOS records that contain specific authors/ or papers as identified by the customer) Other datasets are available for topic and journal Updated quarterly from date of issue. Customers can work with Incites team to request changes for better unification to improve further updates Incites can include source articles published between 1981 and 2012 as indexed in the Web of Science Customers can extract the data to populate their CRIS systems 5

6 Research Performance Profiles
RPP can be used to inform on.. The overall performance of research at an institution The performance of authors The performance of departments The performance of collaborations The performance of areas of research The performance of individual papers The performance of papers in specific journals The impact/influence of published research The performance of papers funded by a funding agency 6

7 RPP- Web of Science data
All document types included that match customer specification (articles, reviews, editorials letters, etc..) All authors indexed Last name + initials Variants included Name as published Full author name displays in Author Ranking report in Author based dataset All address indexed Author affiliation as published Main organisation (e.g. Univ Manchester) displayed in RPP Funding information from 2008 onwards Funding Agency as published Grant numbers in the Funding Acknowledgement Web of Science Subject Area applied at journal level 249 WOS/JCR subject categories Source records inherit all journal level categories (an article published in the Journal of Dental Research will inherit the categories Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine) Multidisciplinary journals categorised as ‘Multidisciplinary Sciences’ For some multidisciplinary journals (Science, Nature, British Medical Journal etc..) articles reassigned a new WOS category based on analysis of citing/cited relationships Journal Impact Factor from 2010 JCR Author Keywords and Key Words Plus 7

8 RPP- Web of Science Data
2 6 1 7 6 3 4 5 8

9 These metrics enable the comparison of an article(s) impact to global averages
RPP Key Metrics Journal Expected Citation Rate Average citations for records of the same type, from same journal, published in the same year Category Expected Citation Rate Average citations for records of same type, from same category, published in the same year Percentile in Field Citation performance relative to records of same document type, from same category, published in the same year. Most cited paper awarded lowest percentile (0%) and least to non-cited awarded highest percentile (100%) H Index Journal Actual/ Journal Expected Ratio of the actual citation count (of a paper) to the expected count of papers published in same journal, year and document type Category Actual/ Category Expected Ratio of the actual citation count (of a paper) to the expected count for papers from same category , year and document type 9

10 Global Comparisons (GC)
Global Comparisons contains aggregated comparative statistics for institutions, countries and fields of research Built by Thomson Reuters. Common to all customers. All customers see the same data in GC All data drawn from Web of Science (SSI, SCI File depth from Updated annually Data for Articles, Reviews and Research Notes Use Institutional Comparisons to compare performance of an institution or groups of institutions overall, across fields or within fields Institutional name variant unification (main organisation) Use National Comparisons to compare the performance of more than 180 countries and 9 geopolitical regions overall, across fields or within fields. Multiple Subject Categories WOS- 249 subject categories Essential Science Indicators – 22 broad categories Regional Categories (UK, Australia, Brazil and China) OECD 10

11 Global Comparison Key Metrics
Web of Science documents Times Cited Cites per document (Average Impact) % Documents Cited (at least 1 citation) Impact Relative to Subject Area (average cites of an institution in a subject area compared to the expected impact in the subject area) Impact Relative to Institution (average cites of papers in a field compared to the average cites overall for the institution) % Documents in Subject Area (market share) % Documents in Institution % Documents Cited Relative to Subject Area % Documents Cited to Relative to Institution Aggregate Performance Indicator: this metric normalises for period, document type and subject area and is a useful indicator to compare institutions of different age, size and subject focus. 11

12 Institutional Profiles
Institutional Profiles is a dynamic web-based resource presenting portraits on more than 550 of the world’s leading research institutions. Through rigorous collection, vetting, aggregation and normalization of both quantitative and qualitative date, the profiles present details on a wide array of indicators such as faculty size, reputation, funding, citation measures and more. Citation metrics from Web of ScienceSM Profile information from the institution’s themselves. Reputational data from the Global Institutional Profiles Project. Data from this project is used by THE to inform on the World University Rankings 12

13 Key Features Visualization tools facilitate instant comparisons of performance across a wide array of indicators and subjects : Research Footprint™ Trend Graph Scatter Plot The ability to create customized Peer Groups for continuous comparative tracking 13

14 Objective: Understand the normalised indicators and how to use them
‘The number of times that papers are cited is not in itself an informative indicator; citation counts need to be benchmarked or normalised against similar research. In particular citations accumulate over time, so the year of publication needs to be taken into account; citation patterns differ greatly in different disciplines, so the field of research needs to be taken into account; and citations to review papers tend to be higher than for articles and this also needs to be taken into account.’ Source REF Pilot Study 14

15 NORMALISATION It is necessary to normalise absolute citation counts for: Document type (reviews cited more than articles, some document types cited less readily) Journal where published Year of publication (citations accumulate over time) Category (there is a marked difference in citation activity between categories) Golden rule: Compare like with like 15

16 Is this a high citation count?
This paper has been cited 4148 times. How does this citation count compare to the expected citation count of other articles published in the same journal, in the same year? It is necessary to normalise for: Journal = Nature Materials Year = 2007 Document type = article 16

17 Create a benchmark- the expected citations
Search for papers that match the criteria Run the Citation Report on the results page 17

18 Create a benchmark- the expected citations
Articles published in ‘Nature Materials’ published in 2007 have been cited on average times. This is the Expected Count We compare the total citations received to a paper to what is expected 4148 (Journal Actual) / (Journal Expected) = 30.11 The paper has been cited times more than expected. We call this Journal Actual/Journal Expected 18

19 Percentile in Field. How many papers in the dataset are in the top 1%, 5% or 10% in their respective fields? This is an example of the citation frequency distribution of a set of papers in a given category, database year and document type. The papers are ordered none/least cited on the left, moving to the highest cited papers in the set on the right. We can assign each paper to a Percentile in the set. In any given set, there are always many low cited/ none cited papers (bottom 100%) In any given set, there are always few highly cited papers (top 1%) 100% % % Only document types article, note, and review are used to determine the percentile distribution, and only those same article types receive a percentile value. If a journal is classified into more than one subject area, the percentile is based on the subject area in which the paper performs the best, i.e. lowest value 19

20 No All Purpose Indicator
This is a list of a number of different purposes a university might have for evaluating its research performance. Each purpose calls for particular kinds of information. Identify the question the results will help to answer and collect the data accordingly 20

21 Incites Access
Enter username and password or IP Authentication 21

22 Incites Start Page These are the modules. Click on ‘Get Started’ to open a module 22

23 Objective: Navigate the two principal modules: 1
Objective: Navigate the two principal modules: 1. Research Performance Profiles RPP is custom built for each institution Article level statistics Aggregations as a whole dataset or create custom subsets Create a custom report to analyse a subset of papers Run a preset report on the whole dataset 23

24 Executive Summary- an overall synopsis
107, 781 source papers timespan 949,293 citing papers Green bar = papers published per year, scale on left side Blue bar = citations received to papers published in that year, scale on right side Tables to highlight frequently occurring authors, subject areas and most cited authors 24

25 Source Article Listing-Paper level metrics
Article citation data and normalised metrics Article bibliographic information Click on article title to navigate to the record in Web of Science Order the papers by the metrics available in drop down menu Times Cited Percentile in Field 2nd Generation Citations 25

26 Source Article Listing Key Metrics- for individual paper evaluation
MEASURE IDENTIFY Times Cited Total cites to paper Most cited papers Second Generation Cites Total cites to the citing papers Long term impact of a paper Journal Expected Citations Average Times Cited count to papers from same journal, publication year and document type Papers which perform above or below what is expected compared to similar papers from same journal and same period Category Expected Citations Average Times Cited count to papers from same category, publication year and document type Papers which perform above or below what is expected compared to similar papers in the same subject category from same period Percentile in Subject Area Percentile a paper is assigned to with papers from same subject category/year/ document type ordered most cited (0%) to least cited (100%) Papers which perform the highest or lowest in their field based on the papers citation count Journal Impact Factor Average cites in 2010 to papers published in the previous 2 years in a given journal Journals which have high or low impact in 2010 26

27 Summary Metrics- a dashboard of performance indicators
Citation data and normalised metrics which give an overview of the overall performance of the papers in the data set Percentile Graph For each percentile range, the “expected” number of papers (article, review & notes) in each would be equal to that same “Percentile”, meaning… We’d expect 5% of this institutions papers to rank in the 5th Percentile. However, 6.79% of this institution’s papers rank in the 5th Percentile. 6.79% - 5% = 1.79% Therefore, the number of papers this institution has placed in the top 5% of all papers published exceeds what is expected by 1.79% This 1.79% is what is presented on the graph, in Green because it exceeded the expected. Below-expected would be presented in Red 27

28 Summary Metrics Key Indicators (for an author, institution, department
MEASURE IDENTIFY % Cited to %Un Cited % of papers in dataset that have received at least one cite Amount of research in dataset with no impact Mean Percentile Average Percentile for set of papers in dataset. Percentile is assigned to a paper within a set of papers from same subject category/year/ document type ordered most cited (0%) to least cited (100%) Average ranking of papers in dataset. How well the papers perform compared to papers from same category/year/document type Average cites per document Efficiency (or average impact) of author papers Dataset with high/low average impact (using when making comparisons) Mean Journal Actual/Expected Citations Average ratio for papers in dataset. Ratio is relationship between actual citations to each paper to what is expected for papers in same journal/ publication year and document type Papers that perform above (1) or below the expected journal citation count Mean Category Actual/Expected Citations Average ratio for papers in the dataset. Ratio is relationship between actual citations to each paper to what is expected for papers in same category/ publication year and document type Papers that perform above (1) or below the expected category citation count Percentage articles above/ below what is expected 1% of papers are expected to be in top 1% percentile. Green bar indicates by what percentage the papers are performing better than expected. Red bar indicates the percentage by which the papers are performing lower that expected at a given percentile range How well the papers in the dataset are performing at the specific percentile ranges (1%, 5%, 10% 50%). 28

29 Funding Agency Listing
Click on the WOS document column to view the papers funded by the agency Order the Funding Agencies by the indicators in the drop down menu 29

30 Article Type Listing Use the Article Type Listing to examine the weighting of each document type in the dataset and differences in performance/ impact between the document types 30

31 Objective: Perform analysis of authors/collaborations/subject areas using citation data and normalised metrics 31

32 Author Ranking Report Order authors using the citation and normalised metrics in the menu It may be necessary to establish thresholds to focus on authors who achieve a minimum parameter such as: Papers published Citations received Create an ‘Author Ranking Report’ in Custom Reports and establish the thresholds required. Click on any data value to view the Author Profile Report 32

33 Author Profile Report A profile of an authors performance including: Collaborations Subject focus Publication activity Citation Impact 33

34 Author Ranking Report 34

35 Author Ranking Report for Author Dataset
Full author names Only authors who have been identified by the customer appear in this report Less contamination from co-authors from other institutions as viewed in an Address Dataset 35

36 Author Ranking Key Metrics
MEASURE IDENTIFY Times Cited Total cites to an authors papers Authors with highest /lowest total cites to their papers WOS documents Total number of papers by an author in dataset Authors with highest/ lowest number of publications Average cites per document Efficiency (or average impact) of author papers Authors with highest/lowest average impact h-index An authors research performance. Publications are ranked in descending order by the times cited. The value of h is equal to the number of papers (N) in the list that have N or more citations Authors with highest impact and quantity of publications in a single indicator Journal Actual/Expected Citations Average ratio for authors papers. Ratio is relationship between actual citations to each paper to what is expected for papers in same journal/ publication year and document type Authors who’s papers perform above (1) or below what is expect in their respective journals. Useful when comparing authors in different fields/ career length Category Actual/Expected Citations Average ratio for authors papers. Ratio is relationship between actual citations to each paper to what is expected for papers in same category/ publication year and document type Authors who’s papers perform above (1) or below what is expected in their respective subject categories. Useful when comparing authors in different fields/ career length Average percentile Average Percentile for set of authors papers. Percentile is assigned to a paper within a set of papers from same subject category/year/ document type ordered most cited (0%) to least cited (100%) Authors who’s papers are performing at the top or bottom of their respective fields 36

37 Time Series and Trend Report
Total citations received to papers published in an individual year. E.g. Papers published in 1981 have received 23,789 citations. Raw data in table below Papers published per year. 1981= 1833 documents. Raw data in table below Average citations to papers published in an individual year. Papers published in 1981 have been cited an average of times. Raw data in table below. Use this indicator to identify the year/s in which the research had the highest average impact. 37

38 Collaborating Institutions Report
Order the collaborations using the indicators in the menu. The Collaborating Institutions report is extremely important in not only identifying most frequent collaborating institutions, but those collaborations producing the most influential research. In practical terms, one can identify collaborations that produce the most return on investment . Sorting by Category Actual/Expected Cites is an easy way to identify this. Customise this report to focus on collaborations that meet a minimum threshold. 38

39 Collaborating Countries Report
Order the country level collaborations using the indicators in the menu. Customise this report to focus on collaborations that meet a minimum threshold. 39

40 Collaboration Reports Key Metrics
MEASURE IDENTIFY Times Cited Total cites to set of papers (collaboration) Institutions/countries with which the research has the most impact (cites) WOS documents Total number of papers published in collaboration with an institution/country Institution/ countries with which your researcher collaborate the most Average cites per document Efficiency (or average impact) of papers Institution/ countries with which the research has the highest/lowest average impact h-index Performance of a set of papers. Publications are ranked in descending order by the times cited. The value of h is equal to the number of papers (N) in the list that have N or more citations Institutions/ countries with which the collaboration has the highest impact and quantity of publications as measured in this single number indicator Journal Actual/Expected Citations Average ratio for collaboration papers. Ratio is relationship between actual citations to each paper to what is expected for papers in same journal/ publication year and document type Collaboration with an institution or country with which the papers perform above or below what is expect when compared to similar papers in their respective journals Collaboration with best return on investment Category Actual/Expected Citations Average ratio for authors papers. Ratio is relationship between actual citations to each paper to what is expected for papers in same category/ publication year and document type Collaboration with an institution or country with which papers perform above or below what is expected in their respective subject categories Average percentile Average Percentile for set of collaboration papers. Percentile is assigned to a paper from a set of papers from same subject category/year/ document type ordered most cited (0%) to least cited (100%) Collaborations with which the papers on average rank high (0%) or low (100%) with regard to their total cites in the respective fields the papers belong to 40

41 Subject Area Ranking Report
Order the subject areas using the indicators in the menu. Use this report to determine the intensity of publication output for each subject area and compare the performance of papers across disciplines. 41

42 Journal Ranking Report
Order the journals using the indicators in the menu. Use this report to identify the journals in which the source papers are published and compare the performance of papers in these journals using the standard and normalised metrics. 42

43 Impact and Citation Ranking Reports
949,293 Citing Papers in dataset Examine the citing papers to determine: Who is influenced (authors, institutions) Where is the influence (countries) What is influenced (fields, journals and article type) 43

44 Objective: Create Custom Reports
1. Specify a report type from the menu 2. Select the metrics to be included in the report 4. Use the delimiters to create a custom dataset 3. Set the time period 5. You can preview the papers that match the parameters specified, run the report or save the selections 44

45 Create Custom Reports- Preview Documents
Save your Refined Collection to ‘Folders’ Use the Refine Document Collection to refine your custom dataset 45

46 Objective: Save and share reports with colleagues

47 Folders My Saved Reports My Saved Custom Report Selections
Save reports you generate My Saved Custom Report Selections Save selections for the report you frequently run My Saved Document Collections Save collections (subset) of the documents Shared Reports Shared Custom Report Selections Shared Document Collections 47

48 Save Selections 48 Provide a title for your saved selection
Save your selection to ‘My Folders’ 48

49 Open a Custom Report 49 Create a folder, share the report or delete
Click on the title of report to open it 49

50 Shared Reports Click on the title of any report in the ‘Shared Reports’ folder to open it 50

51 Create PDF’s You can print, export to excel, or create a PDF of any report 51

52 Objective: Navigate the principal modules 2. Global Comparisons
Institutional Comparisons Compare output and impact for institutions National Comparisons Compare output and impact for countries Updated on an annual basis is the current file WOS documents include articles, reviews and notes only 52

53 Institutional Comparisons
Compare the overall impact and productivity of a single UK institution for period Include World for benchmarking against global averages. Select Comparison Tab Select UK Select institution and World Select Time period (All Years cumulative graph) 53

54 Institutional Profiles- a single institution
View standard citation data and the accompanying normalised metrics to compare a institutions performance against global averages: 85.37% of the papers have been cited. This is 5.78% above the World % cited of 79.59% The average impact of documents from Univ Manchester is This is 9% above the worlds average impact of 15.84 The percentage of documents cited relative to world is greater than 1, indicating that documents from this institution received more citations per document than the world average. The aggregate performance indicator (API) measures the impact of an institution or country relative to an expected citation rate for the institution or country.  The indicator is normalized for field differences in citation rates as well as size differences among entities and time periods. According to the current definition of API: in a given time period the total citations accrued for all papers, in all fields, is divided by the sum of the average citation rates for each paper, respective to their fields and time periods The API for Univ Manchester is greater than 1, indicating that the papers are performing above expected. 54

55 Institutional Comparisons- multiple institutions compared in a field of interest
Compare the overall performance of selected UK institutions in a particular field. Include World to view subject area baselines. Select Comparison Tab Select UK Select institutions of interest (include World for global averages) Select subject (WOS, ESI, RAE 2008) Select All Years/latest 5 years/latest 10 years 55

56 Institutional Comparisons- multiple institutions compared in a field of interest
Generate graphs for each indicator in the table Use the ‘Subject Metrics’ to inform on how papers from each institution perform in that subject when compared to what is expected in that subject area. 56

57 Institutional Comparison
Compare trended performance of selected UK institutions in a field Select Comparison tab Select UK Select UK institutions of interest Select field (WOS,ESI, RAE 2008) Select in 5 year groupings (or use the time period to select a preferred time period) Trended graphs are useful for tracking changes over time, illustrating changes that may have arisen from policy decisions, hiring of staff, investment etc.. 57

58 Institutional Comparisons
Compare the overall performance of a single institution in multiple subject areas Select Institution Tab Select UK Select preferred institution Select fields (ESI works best) Select time period (overall or trended) 58

59 Institutional Comparisons
Use the % in institution graph to examine the areas of research with a strong focus at that institution 59 59

60 Institutional Comparisons
Compare the trended/overall performance of All institutions in a single field Select ‘Subject Area’ tab Select UK or other UK grouping (Russell Group etc..) Select All United Kingdom or All for other grouping Select time period (overall or trended) 60

61 Institutional Comparisons
Use the ‘impact relative to field’ graph to identify institutions that have an impact above what is expected in that field (greater than 1). 61 61

62 Global Comparisons Examine the overall performance of a single country during the period Add World to view global averages. Select Compare Tab Select UK Select England (and World) Select All Years Cumulative 7.37% of all Web of Science (world) documents have England in the Address field. The average impact of documents from England is This is 27% above the worlds average impact (15.84) The % cited for England is This is greater than the worlds % cited by 6%. This indicates that documents with at least one occurrence of England in the address received more citations per document than the world average. 62

63 Global Comparisons Compare the overall performance of multiple countries for the period Select Comparison Tab Select country grouping Select countries of interest Select time period Overall (Cumulative) 63

64 Global Comparisons Use the ‘Impact Relative to World’ indicator to identify countries that have a higher ratio of cites per document than the world average cites per document (red line in graph) 64

65 Global Comparisons Compare the trended performance of multiple countries in a Subject Area for a preferred period of time Select Subject Area Tab Select country grouping Select ‘All’ grouping Select a field (WOS, ESI, OECD) Select in 5 year groupings (or any other preferred time period) 65

66 Global Comparisons Use the % documents in country to track changes in a field of research over time between countries. 66

67 Global Comparisons Compare overall performance of selected country groupings for time period Select Comparison Tab Select country groupings Select All Years (Cumulative) 67

68 Global Comparisons Use the ‘% documents in world’ graph to examine each groupings share of the worlds total research output 68

69 Global Comparisons Compare the trended performance of selected country groupings in a subject area for a preferred period of time Select Comparison Tab Select country groupings Select Field (WOS, ESI, OECD) Select in 5 year groupings or any preferred time period 69

70 Global Comparisons Use the ‘% documents in Subject Area’ indicator to examine changes in each territories’ share of papers in an area of research over time 70

71 Objective: Navigate the principal modules 3. Institutional Profiles

72 Institutional Profiles can answer........
Where is my institution viewed most favorably in terms of the reputation of research produced or teaching practices? How does our research output compare with the results it yields – both in terms of impact and income? What is the optimal balance between capacity and performance? Is my institution's output being appropriately reflected in our perceived reputation? How does my institution's research perform against citation impact? How does our research income compare to others and are we seeing a return on investment? 72

73 Institutional Profiles
Select a visualization tool 73

74 Create an Institutional Profile
Create a profile from over 500 research institutions from 47 countries Use country groupings, the index or perform a search 74

75 Institutional Profile
Change the indicators in the radar graph using the indicator groups listed The table provides the raw value and the score (see below) for each indicator included in the group selected. Cumulative probability is a statistical method of representing a single value within a normally distributed set of data. For example, if the value of research income for a given institution is $443,500,650 and its cumulative probability score is 90, then there is a 90% chance that the research income of a randomly selected institution will be less than $443,500,650. 75

76 One need simply to visually align the range of scores to the graphic.
InCites – Institutional Profiles: View an Institutional Profile The Research Footprint facilitates the visualization of levels of performance for the various indicators. One need simply to visually align the range of scores to the graphic. Reputation -- The value is the percentage of the vote that went to this university, i.e. what percentage of all the responses in the reputation survey suggested Caltech as one of the top institutions -- based on an invitation-only survey of more than 13,000 academics around the world. Score- 99, therefore any randomly selected university will 99% of the time fall below the Caltech Value for Reputation 76

77 InCites – Institutional Profiles: View an Institutional Profile
All institutions represented in Institutional Profiles have supplied up-to-date facts and statistics about: the size of their research and academic staffs their levels of funding the number of undergraduate and graduate degrees awarded 77 77

78 Create a Research Footprint
1. Select institutions from country groupings or use the search feature. You can select up to 5 institutions 2a. Select the indicators to include in the graph. Choose from indicator groups or individual indicators 2b. Select subject areas Hovering the mouse over an Indicator Group will provide detail of individual indicators. Options on this page enable you to create radar graphs that: illustrate the high and low achievers in a small group of institutions identify the strong and weak subject areas of an institution support focused analyses of research performance based on a customized group of indicators 3. Select a time period (individual years) 78 78

79 Research Footprint The Research Footprint is a radar graph that illustrates the relative strength or weakness of performance indicators. It is accompanied by a table containing two measures of size, strength or activity for each indicator 79

80 Create a Trended Graph 1. Select institutions from country groupings or use the search feature. You can select up to 6 institutions 2a. Select the indicators to include in the graph. Choose from individual indicators 2b. Select subject areas 3. Select a time period (individual years or a time span from ) 80

81 Trended Graph A trend graph illustrates the activity or progress of one indicator in one subject area. An upward trend with a modest slope indicates improvement over time. A downward trend over a period of more than two years shows decline. A perfectly horizontal line might represent steady activity, or it might signify stasis, depending on the indicator selected. Trend graphs are especially useful for comparing the performance of institutions of comparable size and mission. 81

82 Create a Scatter Plot Graph
Creation of a Scatter Plot. 1. Select one or more institutions or country averages. Each institution you select will be represented by a large green circle on the scatter plot. All other institutions will be represented by small circles. 2. Select indicators The selections you make here determine the values of the coordinates that form each datapoint. They also determine the scale of the x and y axes. 3. Select a Time Period Select one of the years listed. The values that form the datapoints will derive from data for the selected year. 82

83 Scatter Plot Graph Each circle or datapoint on a scatter plot represents the relationship of two indicators for one institution or one country average. The large green circles represent the relationship of two indicators for the institutions you selected. The other circles represent the relationship of two indicators for all other institutions in the dataset. 83

84 Objective: Understand the use of citation data for the 2014 Research Excellence Frame Work and how Incites may be used to inform universities on submissions 84

85 Research Excellence Framework 2014
Purpose: new system for assessing the quality of research in higher education institutions in the UK Inform UK funding bodies allocation of grant for research (£1.76 billion for research) Conducted by HEFCE, SFC, HEFCW & DEL 36 Units of Assessment Process of expert review by expert panels Assessment criteria: 3 elements Output: assess quality of research output in terms of their ‘originality, significance and rigour with reference to international research quality standards. Weighting 65% Impact: Significant additional recognition will be given where researchers have built on excellent research to deliver demonstrable benefits to the economy, society, public policy, culture or quality of life. Weighting 20% Environment: asses the research environment in terms of its ‘vitality and sustainability’ including its contribution to vitality and sustainability of the wider discipline or research base. Weighting 15% Research outputs: details of up to FOUR research outputs produced by each member of submitted staff during publication period (1st January 2008 to 31St December 2013) 85

86 Use of Citation Data by Panels
Some panels to consider number of times an output has been cited and use of appropriate benchmarks Expert review as primary means of assessing ‘originality, significance and rigour’ Panels recognise limited value of citation data for recently published outputs (period) No citation data available for certain types of output The variable citation patterns for different fields of research Possibility of negative citations Limitations of outputs in languages other than English Equality implications from ‘Analysis of data from the pilot exercise to develop bibliometric indicators for the REF: The effect of using normalised citation scores for particular staff characteristics’ 86

87 REF Units of Assessment 2014
Units of Assessment that may use citation data to inform assessment Sub-panel 1: Clinical Medicine Sub-panel 2: Public Health, Health Services and Primary Care Sub-panel 3: Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy Sub-panel 4: Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience Sub-panel 5: Biological Sciences Sub-panel 6: Agriculture, Veterinary, and Food Science Sub panel 7: Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences Sub-panel 8: Chemistry Sub-panel 9: Physics Sub-panel 11: Computer Science and Informatics Sub-panel 17: Geography, Environmental Studies and Archaeology Sub-panel 18: Economics and Econometrics Sub-panel 17 will only use citation data for physical geography ‘Process for gathering citation data for REF 2014’ 87

88 Pilot Exercise to develop bibliometric indicators for REF
Report published 2009 22 institutions participated Data collected from WOS and Scopus Data normalised ‘54. The number of times that papers are cited is not in itself an informative indicator; citation counts need to be benchmarked or normalised against similar research. In particular: citations accumulate over time, so the year of publication needs to be taken into account; citation patterns differ greatly in different disciplines, so the field of research needs to be taken into account; and citations to review papers tend to be higher than for articles and this also needs to be taken into account.’ 55. We can normalise a citation count by dividing it by the average number of citations obtained by all items included in the bibliometric database that were published in the same year of the same document type and in the same field as the item under assessment 88

89 Source of Citations Self citations (difficult to define and measure). Not taken into account Institutional citations (citations coming from same institutions as output) International citations received by output. Defined as number of citations from papers with at least one author associated to non-UK address Computed proportion of outputs in submission that were result of international collaboration 89

90 REF Pilot Study 90 Outcomes calculated for 3 main models:
address based submitted staff in 2008 RAE selected papers for authors (limited to 6 papers with highest normalised scores) Following indicators assessed the number of outputs included in the model the mean normalised citation score for these outputs the median citation score for these outputs the proportion of the outputs greater than twice world average the proportion of the outputs greater than four times world average the proportion of the outputs that are (as yet) uncited the proportion of citations to the outputs that are from the same institution the proportion of citations to the outputs that are from overseas the proportion of outputs that result from an international collaboration 90

91 Using Incites in REF preparation
Use Source Article listing to inform on bibliographic details and Raw Citation Count for papers Use Percentile in Subject Area to inform on publication selection (paper in top 10% or 25% of field compared to world papers in that field) Use Normalised Metrics (Category Actual/ Category Expected) to inform on papers with a citation impact that is twice or four times greater than the world average Use Category Expected indicator to inform on the normalised score for the output Use the Summary Metrics to inform on proportion of papers uncited (for subject area/author) Use the Summary Metrics to inform on Median Citation Score for selected papers Use Citation Impact Reports to inform on proportion of citations from oversees/ same institution for selected papers Use Subject Area Ranking to inform on which UOA to submit to Use Collaboration Reports to inform on papers that are a result of an international collaboration 91

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