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Presentation on theme: " Engaging Parents in the Common Core NT/NTE Wednesday Evening Session February 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Parents in the Common Core NT/NTE Wednesday Evening Session February 6, 2013

2 2 Objectives Participants will understand how to organize and run successful parent workshops. Participants will interact with tools to help parents to understand college readiness and the Common Core standards. Participants will practice talking to parents about the Common Core and college readiness

3 Warm Up 3 I KNOW I WANT TO KNOW What do you know and what do you want to know about engaging parents? Please jot down your “I Want to Know”s on a notecard

4 Parent Engagement Panel

5 Please Welcome Monique Darrisaw-Akil Kathleen Feeley Rosalyn Jarvis Earline Mensah Mollita Muhammad Richard Williams 5

6 Engag eNY.or g 6 What Works Best for Engaging Parents?

7 Toolkit for Parent Engagement

8 8 Toolkit for Parent Engagement Planning Tools Event Checklist for Planning a Parent Night

9 9 Toolkit for Parent Engagement Planning Tools Annotated Agendas for Parent Nights: Consolidated One- Night Parent Session Two-Night Parent Sessions OR

10 10 Toolkit for Parent Engagement Planning Tools Sample slides from parent night presentations Full presentations are available for download on

11 11 Toolkit for Parent Engagement Parent Handouts Parent’s Backpack Guide to the Common Core

12 12 Toolkit for Parent Engagement Parent Handouts Frequently Asked Questions

13 13 Toolkit for Parent Engagement Parent Handouts What Parents Can Do to Help their Children Learn

14 14 Toolkit for Parent Engagement Parent Handouts Common Core Resources for Parents to Learn More

15 Parent Communications Practice Activity

16 16 Role Play Exercise: Objectives Teacher/principal ambassadors and NT/NTE team members will: 1.Review the materials in the “Toolkit for Parent Engagement” 2.Prepare for and envision successful parent engagement conversations 3.Test the toolkit materials and share feedback

17 17 Part One First, take 5 minutes at your table to review the Toolkit Materials, including planning materials and parent handouts

18 18 Part Two Pair off for two rounds of practice conversations lasting 5 minutes each. Choose roles: one should be a parent, the other a teacher or school leader Spend 4 minutes practicing the conversation. Give1 minute of feedback—what worked and what didn’t work. In the same roles, practice again.

19 19 Scenario You have each just attended your school’s Parent Session, and are having a 1:1 follow up conversation. The parent wants to know more about the Common Core State Standards and how s/he can help prepare her/his child and approaches the educator for help. This conversation should focus on ways in which parents and educators can work together effectively to ease the transition to the Common Core and ensure that students receive the support that they need.

20 Follow Up Feedback Please reflect and record your feedback: What questions did you feel prepared to answer? When did you feel unprepared? What did you find to be the most important points for communicating with parents? What information should be shared in advance of a parent night? What should be shared to conduct strong follow-up? What other materials (training tools, activity guides) will help you communicate more effectively with parents? 20

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