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TSW: Describe the structure, powers and authority of the executive branch in order to demonstrate an understanding of Article II of the United States Constitution.

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Presentation on theme: "TSW: Describe the structure, powers and authority of the executive branch in order to demonstrate an understanding of Article II of the United States Constitution."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSW: Describe the structure, powers and authority of the executive branch in order to demonstrate an understanding of Article II of the United States Constitution. Warm Up  If you were to design a “Help Wanted” poster for the job of President of the United States, what would it say? What qualifications would you want the President to meet? What characteristics do you think a person should have to be President?

2 Executive Branch: Roles and Powers of the President L/S/N Government

3 The Executive Branch: Structure Review President & Vice President Main Function: Lead Executive Branch Regulatory Agencies Main Function: Enforce laws and regulations Cabinet Main Function: Advisors to the President

4 Demographic Characteristics of Presidents  Male—100%  Caucasian—100%  Protestant—97%  British ancestry—82%  College Education—77%  Politicians—69%  Lawyers—62%  Top 3% wealth/social class—At least 50%  Elected from large states—69%

5 Think About It…  Interpret each of the following quotes.  What message can be gleaned from each quote?  What seem to be the Presidents attitudes’ toward their jobs?

6 33rd President, 1945-53

7 35 th President, 1961-1963 National television address during the Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962

8 36th President, 1963-69

9 37 th President, 1969-1974 In the aftermath of the Watergate scandal, President Nixon departs the White House after his resignation, August, 1974

10 The President: Qualifications and Term of Office  Article II of the Constitution: the president must be A natural born citizen of US At least 35 years old A resident of the US for 14 years before office  Informal Requirements: government experience, education, money, character  The 22 nd in 1951  set two four-year term limit on presidency

11 The President’s Powers and Tools of Influence  Article II  control of armed forces, approves legislation, appoints executive officials, and appoints judges  Executive Order  rules w/ force of law  Executive Agreement  pact btw. President and foreign head of state  Executive Privilege  refusal to provide info to Congress or a court  Reprieve  postponement of legal punishment  Pardon  release from legal punishment  Amnesty  group pardon to people for an offense against the government

12 Presidential Roles  Head of State—ceremonial duties  Chief Executive—heads federal offices and agencies that see Congress’ laws are carried out  Chief Legislator—propose legislation  Economic Planner—federal budget  Party Leader—patronage  Chief Diplomat—directs foreign policy  Commander in Chief—control of armed forces

13 Guided Practice/ Group Activity  Class will be divided into 6 groups— 2 groups—Executive Orders 2 groups—Executive Agreements 2 Groups—Executive Privilege  Follow instructions on handout  Use resources to complete your groups section (Teach the class)  In groups, respond to questions in Part II

14 Independent Activity/ Homework  Read each of the scenarios on the handout titled “Making Connections: Analyzing Presidential Decisions”  Complete the chart to apply your knowledge of the President’s formal and informal powers.

15 Activity: Roles of the President  Sift through class newspapers, magazines, and/or use class computers to locate images of Presidents (any president…past or present).  Create a collage to show the president fulfilling each of the roles we discussed in class.

16 Homework:  Complete Practice Activities Powers of the President Checks and Balances Closure/Learning Log:  Think back to what we learned about checks and balances…  How do the President’s powers/duties interact with the powers of the Legislative and Judicial branches?

17 A Few of the Greats

18 The Electoral College  # of Electors=# of states’ Representatives + Senators  Purpose—Founding fathers did not feel public knew enough about leaders/popular leaders not always best  Debated Issues Winner Take All, 3 rd Party Candidates, Election in House  Suggestions for reform Proportional representation, Direct Popular Election

19 BCR: Electoral College The elimination of the Electoral College is a proposal that has been made to expand democracy in the United States.  Do you agree or disagree with the proposal to eliminate the Electoral College?  Explain why you agree or disagree.  Include details and examples to support your answer.

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