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Section 1: Building Blocks of Social Structure

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1 Section 1: Building Blocks of Social Structure
CHAPTER 4 Social Structure Section 1: Building Blocks of Social Structure Section 2: Types of Social Interaction Section 3: Types of Societies Section 4: Groups Within Society Section 5: The Structure of Formal Organizations

2 SECTION 1 Building Blocks of Social Structure Question: What are the two major components of social structure, and how do they affect human interaction?

3 Building Blocks of Social Structure
SECTION 1 Building Blocks of Social Structure Status Examples of Roles Examples of Conflict / Strain fire fighter putting out fires, saving lives, wearing a uniform voluntarily puts self in danger but has loved ones who need him or her mother providing food and shelter, nurturing family, disciplining children work fatigue and long shifts make household tasks and interactions difficult P.T.A. president running meetings, recruiting new members, planning activities has trouble getting members to attend and follow through on promises

4 SECTION 2 Types of Social Interaction Question: What are some common types of social interaction, and what are examples of each?

5 Types of Social Interactions
SECTION 2 Types of Social Interaction Exchange Competition Types of Social Interactions Conflict Cooperation Accommodation

6 SECTION 3 Types of Societies Question: What are the three main types of societies and characteristics or examples of each?

7 Types of Societies SECTION 3 Preindustrial Industrial
Postindustrial Types of Societies hunting and gathering; pastoral; horticultural; mechanical solidarity agricultural manufacturing urban; technology; organic solidarity information; provision of services

8 Question: What are the purposes and functions of groups?
SECTION 4 Groups Within Society Question: What are the purposes and functions of groups?

9 control members’ behavior
SECTION 4 Groups Within Society define boundaries select leaders GROUP FUNCTIONS set goals assign tasks make decisions control members’ behavior

10 Question: How are bureaucracies structured? SECTION 5
The Structure of Formal Organizations Question: How are bureaucracies structured?

11 The Structure of Formal Organizations
SECTION 5 The Structure of Formal Organizations Head of the Bureaucracy (CEO, Superintendent, president, etc.) Department Head/VP (subordinates) Department Head/VP

12 Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 4
1. How can a person’s status differ from his or her role? 2. How does role conflict affect groups and individuals? How can it be resolved? 3. What are the five most common forms of interaction recognized by sociologists? 4. Identify and describe the three broad categories of societies used by sociologists. 5. How do the roles of group members differ between primary and secondary groups? 6. What, according to Max Weber’s model, are the major characteristics of a bureaucracy? 7. What weaknesses influence the effectiveness of bureaucracies?

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