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HOW BILLS BECOME LAW washington state legislature civic education programs.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW BILLS BECOME LAW washington state legislature civic education programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW BILLS BECOME LAW washington state legislature civic education programs

2 HOW BILLS BECOME LAW AND MANY WAYS THEY DON’T washington state legislature civic education programs

3 BILL OUTCOMES 2013-2014

4 1 71 7 out of every bills introduced becomes law


6 1 DRAFTING idea study writing  ambulance seatbelts trespass notices digital privacy hospital employee breaks GMO food labeling tribal schools eminent domain ambulance seatbelts trespass notices GMO food labeling eminent domain digital privacy hospital employee breaks GMO food labeling tribal schools education funding Seahawks license plates oil trains alcohol in theaters sewer districts crab fishing covering highway loads marijuana licenses minimum wage bridge safety teacher evaluation mental health care prison construction taxes rural libraries transparency fingerprinting small business assistance gun control Christmas tree farms plastic bag ban beekeeping mint growers

7 1 a DRAFTING sponsors “dropped” HOPPER  HB1152 HB1134 HB2180 HB2255 SB5620 SB5048 SB6583  HH H HS S S

8 2 INTRODUCTION first reading committee assignment House Labor & Workforce House Education House Tech. & Econ. Dev. Senate Agriculture House Transportation Senate Law & Justice Senate Higher Education  HB1152 HB1134 HB2180 HB2255 SB5620 SB5048 SB6583

9 3 POLICY COMMITTEE hearing testimony amendments voting  HB1152 HB1134 HB2180 HB2255 SB5620 SB5048 SB6583 Passed, referred to appropriations Heard, not voted Passed, referred to Rules Not heard Passed, referred to appropriations

10 3 a FISCAL COMMITTEE hearing testimony amendments voting  HB1152 HB1134 HB2180 HB2255 SB5620 SB5048 SB6583 $ Passed, referred to Rules (no fiscal hearing needed) Referred to Rules

11 4 RULES COMMITTEE gatekeeping “pulls” Floor Calendar X Review Calendar/ White Sheet Consideration Calendar/ Green Sheet House HB1152 HB1134 HB2255 Senate SB 5048 House HB1134 HB2255 Senate SB 5048 House HB1134 HB2255 Senate SB 5048

12 5 FLOOR ACTION second reading amendments debate third reading final passage PASSED HOUSE 85:12 PASSED HOUSE 58:40 PASSED SENATE 31:17  HB1134 HB2255 SB5048

13 6 OPPOSITE CHAMBER repeat process PASSED SENATE with amendments Died in Senate committee PASSED HOUSE with amendments  HB1134 HB2255 SB5048

14 7 RECONCILING negotiation concurrence conference  HB1134 SB5048 * *  HH S S  House concurred in Senate amendments Senate concurred in House amendments  PASSED LEGISLATURE

15 8 GOVERNOR sign veto partial veto HB1134 SB5048 SIGNEDVETO

16 9 IT’S A LAW!  1134 – S2.SL AN ACT Relating to state-tribal education compact schools


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