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Improving Self-esteem in 6 th Grade Girls By: Kimberly Ramacciotti Missouri State University Fall 2009 Conducted at Carver Middle School.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Self-esteem in 6 th Grade Girls By: Kimberly Ramacciotti Missouri State University Fall 2009 Conducted at Carver Middle School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Self-esteem in 6 th Grade Girls By: Kimberly Ramacciotti Missouri State University Fall 2009 Conducted at Carver Middle School

2 The Problem: Teachers have indicated a need to improve Self-esteem in 6 th grade girls at Carver Middle School. Teachers have indicated a need to improve Self-esteem in 6 th grade girls at Carver Middle School.

3 SIMS (Students, Interventions, Measurements and Settings) Students- 6 th Grade girls identified by their teachers of needing help developing positive Self-esteem. Students- 6 th Grade girls identified by their teachers of needing help developing positive Self-esteem. Interventions- Conducted a small group, meeting six times for 45 minutes each week. Interventions- Conducted a small group, meeting six times for 45 minutes each week. Measurements- Students were given a Pre-test and post- test to rate self-esteem on a Likert scale. Measurements- Students were given a Pre-test and post- test to rate self-esteem on a Likert scale. Settings- Counselor met with the small group for 45 minutes in a classroom, meeting for six weeks at Carver Middle School. Settings- Counselor met with the small group for 45 minutes in a classroom, meeting for six weeks at Carver Middle School.

4 Response to the Problem 6 th grade girls were identified by their home room teachers as needing help developing positive Self- esteem. 6 th grade girls were identified by their home room teachers as needing help developing positive Self- esteem. During the First and Second quarter a small group was conducted using the following practices: During the First and Second quarter a small group was conducted using the following practices: -Small group exercises that promote positive Self-esteem -Processing time during group to talk openly about each group members feelings. -Friendship building activities to promote connectedness and a sense of belonging at school.

5 Pre-Group Preparation 10 students were interviewed to see if they had an interest participating in a small group. 10 students were interviewed to see if they had an interest participating in a small group. 10 permission forms were sent home for guardian’s consent. 10 permission forms were sent home for guardian’s consent. 2 students guardians declined permission. 2 students guardians declined permission. 8 students accepted to be a part of the group. 8 students accepted to be a part of the group.

6 Small Group schedule Group began Oct 1 st 2009. Group began Oct 1 st 2009. Group met for 6 weeks Group met for 6 weeks Group met on Thursdays from 1:15- 2:00pm. Group met on Thursdays from 1:15- 2:00pm. Out of 8 students 3 missed one session each. Out of 8 students 3 missed one session each.

7 Group Topics Each Group started by each member naming their HI and LOW of the day to encourage sharing and discussion. Each Group started by each member naming their HI and LOW of the day to encourage sharing and discussion. Session 1-Introductions, Pre-test, Each student made a “Brochure about ME” then shared with the group. Session 1-Introductions, Pre-test, Each student made a “Brochure about ME” then shared with the group. Session 2-Teambuilding exercises: Yarn web and human knot. Session 2-Teambuilding exercises: Yarn web and human knot. Session 3- Played the candy game to find out unique qualities about each group member. Session 3- Played the candy game to find out unique qualities about each group member. Session 4-Made a acrostic poem then answered questions dealing with self esteem and discussed. Session 4-Made a acrostic poem then answered questions dealing with self esteem and discussed. Session 5-Pass the Hoola-hoop game, then discussed meaning of various terms dealing with acceptance and self-esteem in a game format. Session 5-Pass the Hoola-hoop game, then discussed meaning of various terms dealing with acceptance and self-esteem in a game format. Session 6- Post-test, Played Pictionary using activities the students listed they are good at doing as cards for the game. Closure. Session 6- Post-test, Played Pictionary using activities the students listed they are good at doing as cards for the game. Closure.

8 Pre-test and Post-test Based on likert scale Based on likert scale 1-Strongly disagree 2- Disagree 3-Nuetral4-Agree 5-Strongly Agree

9 5 members stayed the same 2 members improved 1 member decreased


11 2 members stayed the same 4 members improved 2 members decreased

12 6 members stayed the same 2 members improved

13 2 members stayed the same 4 members improved 2 members decreased

14 Conclusions As a whole 14 questions had an improved rating by the group members. As a whole 14 questions had an improved rating by the group members. As a whole 6 questions had a decreased rating by the group members. As a whole 6 questions had a decreased rating by the group members. 20 questions were rated the same on pre- test and post-test. 20 questions were rated the same on pre- test and post-test.

15 Recommendations Counselor will check in with all group members individually before the end of the semester to check on students progress. Counselor will check in with all group members individually before the end of the semester to check on students progress. Group members decided to meet once a week during lunch to continue building friendships built throughout the small group. Group members decided to meet once a week during lunch to continue building friendships built throughout the small group.

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