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2.01 Understand safety procedures

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Presentation on theme: "2.01 Understand safety procedures"— Presentation transcript:

1 2.01 Understand safety procedures
2.01 Emergency Responses 2.01 Understand safety procedures

2 Environmental Safety Basic Emergency Response
2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

3 Environmental Safety Basic Emergency Response
Immediate actions to save lives protect property protect the environment meet basic human needs 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

4 Environmental Safety Basic Emergency Response
Prepare Respond Recover 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

5 Environmental Safety Basic Emergency Response
Prepare plan organize train equip Practice safety drills evaluate and improve 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

6 Environmental Safety Basic Emergency Response
Respond gain awareness of the situation activate key resources direct response action 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

7 Environmental Safety Basic Emergency Response
Recover Short-term recovery is immediate Long-term recovery may take months or years 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

8 Environmental Safety Basic Emergency Response
Remember: Stay Calm Follow procedure of agency Provide for the safety of yourself and others 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

9 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

10 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Needs of a Fire Heat Fuel Oxygen 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

11 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Classes of Fire Extinguishers Class Uses A Ordinary combustibles B Flammable liquids C Electrical fires D Burning or combustible metals only ABC Used on class A, B, C fires 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

12 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Emergency Fire Plan 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

13 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Rescue/Remove anyone in immediate danger of the fire 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

14 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station and call “911” 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

15 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Contain the fire by closing doors (do not lock) and windows 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

16 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Extinguish the fire (if able to do so safely) OR Evacuate the area 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

17 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Use of Fire Extinguisher 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

18 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Pull. The pin, release a lock latch, or press a puncture lever. 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

19 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Aim the extinguisher nozzle, horn, or hose at the base of the fire. 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

20 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Squeeze or press the handle 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

21 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

22 Environmental Safety Fire Safety
Fire Prevention Obey “No Smoking” Rules Extinguish flames completely Dispose of wastes properly Prevent Clutter Do Not Block Exits 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

23 Environmental Safety Other Emergency Procedures
2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

24 Environmental Safety Other Emergency Procedures
Spills Get the MSDS Follow the procedure for cleaning up the spill & disposing of products Report the incident to supervisor Receive appropriate first aid 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

25 Environmental Safety Other Emergency Procedures
Blood and Body Fluids Exposure Wash or flush with water Report exposure to supervisor Discuss with facility’s exposure control manager Follow appropriate post exposure treatment 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

26 Environmental Safety Other Emergency Procedures
Foreign Body in Eye Do not remove object Seek immediate medical attention Notify supervisor 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

27 Environmental Safety Other Emergency Procedures
Chemical Injury to Eye Rinse with copious amounts of water Seek immediate medical attention Notify supervisor 2.01 Understand safety procedures 2.01 Understand safety procedures

28 2.01 Understand safety procedures
Safety Scenarios The End 2.01 Understand safety procedures

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