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Natural Gas The Natural Choice Now.. ANGA Member Companies.

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Presentation on theme: "Natural Gas The Natural Choice Now.. ANGA Member Companies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Natural Gas The Natural Choice Now.

2 ANGA Member Companies


4 Rise of the Shale Plays Haynesville Fayetteville New Albany Floyd-Neal Marcellus/ Devonian/Utica Woodford Barnett- Woodford Eagle Ford / Pearsall Barnett Lewis Cody Mulky Bakken Antrim Baxter-Mancos Mowry Gammon Mancos Pierre


6 Total Potential Natural Gas Resources (trillion cubic feet) Source: Potential Gas Committee Report, June 2009 *From 1990-2006, traditional resources include shale gas, which was not broken out separately by the PGC until 2008. A New Age of Nat Gas Abundance Potential Shale Gas Resources Potential Traditional Resources* Proved Reserves

7 Growing Role for Shale Gas North American Dry Gas Productive Capacity (BCF per Day) Source: IHS CERA, Fueling the Future, 2010 Shale Tight Sands Coalbed Methane Conventional Associated

8 Fracture Stimulation Groundwater often found 50 – 600 feetGroundwater often found 50 – 600 feet Average shale gas well is >7,500 feetAverage shale gas well is >7,500 feet ─ 1 ½ miles below the Earth’s surface ─ 1 ½ times deeper than the deepest part of the Grand Canyon ─ More than 25 football fields laid out goal post to goal post Groundwater is protected by:Groundwater is protected by: ─ A properly designed well is most effective ─ Subsurface fluid properties ─ Casing and cement provide multiple barriers multiple barriers

9 FRACTURE STIMULATION WATER USE VS. OTHER ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Energy ResourceRange of Gallons of Water Used per MMBtu of Energy Produced Deep Shale Natural Gas0.60 - 5.8 Nuclear (uranium ready to use in a power plant)8 - 14 Conventional Oil8 - 20 Synfuel- Coal Gasification11 - 26 Coal (ready to use in a power plant)13 - 32 Oil Shale22 - 56 Tar Sands27 - 68 Synfuel- Fisher Tropsch (from coal)41 - 60 Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)21 - 2,500 Fuel Ethanol (from corn)2,510 - 29,100 Biodiesel (from soy)14,000 - 75,000 Source: The Groundwater Protection Council and the U.S. Department of Energy


11 2.8 MILLION 2008 Total Employment 2.8 MILLION 2008 Total Employment $385 BILLION 2008 Total Value Added $385 BILLION 2008 Total Value Added $181 BILLION 2008 Total Labor Income $181 BILLION 2008 Total Labor Income Natural Gas Employment (Average Annual Workers) DirectIndirectInduced Source: IHS Global Insight, 2009 2.8 Million American Jobs


13 Today’s Electricity Mix Source: EIA, 2009 Annual Energy Review 45% coal 23% natural gas 20% nuclear 7% hydropower 4% other renewable wind, biomass, geothermal and solar 1% other non-renewable

14 Ready Now 24 % Utilized 72% Utilized 397 GW 313 GW Utilization of Electric Generation Capability (net generation as a percentage of net summer capacity) Source: EIA, 2008 Electric Power Annual


16 Clean Energy Natural GasCoal Carbon Dioxide117,000208,000 Carbon Monoxide40208 Nitrogen Oxides92457 Sulfur Dioxide12,591 Particulates72,744 Mercury00.016 Natural Gas = Fewer Emissions (Pounds per Billion BTU of Energy Input) Source: EIA, Natural Gas Issues and Trends, 1998

17 Meeting Clean Air Goals EPA Non-Attainment Areas – June 2010 Source: EPA, Green Book, June 15, 2010

18 Utilities Going With Natural Gas “Power plant developer will use natural gas instead of coal…” Las Vegas Sun, 3/22/2010 “Power plant developer will use natural gas instead of coal…” Las Vegas Sun, 3/22/2010 “Natural Gas Should Be Key In Energy Planning…” San Antonio Express-News, 6/2/2010 “Natural Gas Should Be Key In Energy Planning…” San Antonio Express-News, 6/2/2010 “Calpine Approved for 600MW Natural Gas-Fired Plant” Power-Gen Worldwide, 2/4/2010 “Calpine Approved for 600MW Natural Gas-Fired Plant” Power-Gen Worldwide, 2/4/2010 “Move to Natural Gas Helps Clear the Air…” Denver Post, 4/4/2010 “Move to Natural Gas Helps Clear the Air…” Denver Post, 4/4/2010 “Tennessee Valley to Build Natural Gas Power Plant” Associated Press, 6/4/2009 “Tennessee Valley to Build Natural Gas Power Plant” Associated Press, 6/4/2009 “Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant to be Built in Central PA” WITF News, 2/22/2010 “Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant to be Built in Central PA” WITF News, 2/22/2010 “Traverse City Light & Power Scraps Plan for Biomass Plant, Opts for Gas.” Bloomberg, 6/28/2010 “Traverse City Light & Power Scraps Plan for Biomass Plant, Opts for Gas.” Bloomberg, 6/28/2010 “N.C. Regulators Approve Plan to Build Natural Gas-Fueled Power Generation” WWAY News, 6/9/2010 “N.C. Regulators Approve Plan to Build Natural Gas-Fueled Power Generation” WWAY News, 6/9/2010 “Natural Gas is Good for Texas and the Environment” Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 7/2/2010 “Natural Gas is Good for Texas and the Environment” Corpus Christi Caller-Times, 7/2/2010 “Renewables Need Helping Hand From Gas” San Diego Union-Tribune, 5/23/2010 “Renewables Need Helping Hand From Gas” San Diego Union-Tribune, 5/23/2010


20 The Opportunity: Heavy-Duty Vehicles Miles Traveled (average per year) Fuel Economy (average mpg) Fuel Consumed (average gallons per year) Heavy-Duty VehiclesVans, Pickups & SUVsPassenger Cars Source: EIA Annual Energy Review 2009

21 Making a Difference Converting just one heavy- duty waste truck from diesel to natural gas … … offers the emissions reduction equivalent of taking 325 cars off the road.

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