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from your text, Principles of Environmental

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1 Chapter 2: Environmental Systems: Connections, Cycles, Flows, and Feedback Loops
from your text, Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications, 3rd ed. William and Mary Ann Cunningham. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006) This slide set includes material from Chapter Two: Principles of Ecology: Matter, Energy and Life. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.

2 Chapter Two Key Terms McGraw-Hill Course Glossary
Ecosystem Energy First law of thermodynamics Food web Herbivores Ions Kinetic energy Matter Metabolism Molecules Nitrogen cycle Omnivores Acids Atom Bases Biological community Biomass Carbon cycle Carnivores Cellular respiration Chemical compounds Conservation of matter Consumers Decomposers Ecology Organic compounds pH Photosynthesis Population Potential energy Primary producers Productivity Second law of thermodynamics Species Tropic level Note the key terms for chapter 2. After reading chapter 2 and the slide set, see if you can define each term. You can consult the McGraw-Hill course glossary (see link above) if you have an Internet connection.

3 Chapter Two - Topics Principles of Matter & Energy
The Building Blocks of Earth and Life Sunlight: Energy for Life Energy and Matter and the Environment Biochemical Cycles and Life Processes Chapter 2 starts with some important topics including energy and mater in the environment, species and ecosystems and how living systems are organized, as well as biochemical processes and processes of life related to chemistry.

4 Part 1: Principles of Matter and Energy
To understand how ecosystems function, it is important to first know something about how energy and matter behave - in the universe and in living things. It is also important to understand the basic building blocks of life, starting with cells and organisms, and proceeding to communities and populations. In order to understand the environment completely, we need to understand ecosystems. These are complex constructs that obey basic principles of conservation of matter and energy. To understand ecosystems, we first need to study the basics building blocks of life, including cells and organisms and then their combination into communities, populations and ecosystems. Most of this we encounter later on in the course.

5 Ecology The scientific study of relationships between organisms and their environment Examines the life histories, distribution, and behavior of individual species, as well as the structure and function of natural systems at the level of populations, communities, ecosystems, and landscapes Encourages us to think holistically about interconnections that make whole systems more than just the sum of their individual parts Examines how and why materials cycle between the living and nonliving parts of our environment We also have some terms that we need to consider. Sometimes the way that environmental terms are used in society and the press is confusing. Scientifically speaking, the term ecology refers to the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment. The environment can be composed of living and non-living things. Extending this idea, ecology can encompass life history, distribution, and behavior of individual species and the structure of the way that natural systems work. Systems can be divided into levels including individuals, populations of individuals, and communities, which include a number of different species that are interrelated; and ecosystems, that extend that relationship to nonliving things. The next level of organization is landscapes. which might include multiple ecosystems, communities, populations. and of course individual organisms. Ecology encourages us to think holistically to recognize the interconnections that make a system more than just the individual organisms and parts added up. It also considers how matter and energy cycle between living and nonliving parts of the environment.

6 Matter and Energy Matter and energy are essential constituents of both the universe and living organisms. Matter - everything that takes up space and has mass Energy - the capacity to do work So let's continue with our definitions. Most people understand matter and energy as essential constituents of organisms and the universe. Matter is something that has mass and that takes up space within the environment, and energy is the ability to do work, or move matter through a gradient. Matter and energy are related. Einstein considered them to be much the same thing in his theory of relativity, but we don't have to extend a consideration of matter and energy that far in ESC110, except for a consideration of nuclear energy.

7 Potential vs. Kinetic Energy
Energy has two forms, potential and kinetic. Potential energy is stored energy, either physical, chemical or nuclear. The energy contained in a piece of coal, behind a hydro dam, or within uranium is potential energy. Kinetic energy is energy that is actually acting on and moving matter. Potential energy - stored energy that is latent but available for use Kinetic energy - the energy contained in moving object

8 Energy Quality Low Quality Energy
Diffused, dispersed, or low in temperature Difficult to gather and use for productive purposes Example: heat stored in the oceans High Quality Energy Intense, concentrated, or high in temperature Useful in carrying out work Example: high-voltage electrical energy Many of our most common energy sources are low-quality and must be concentrated or transformed into high-quality sources before they are useful to us. The use of energy is one of the basic needs of society. In thinking how society uses energy from the environment, it's important to understand the difference between low quality energy, or diffuse energy, and high quality, or concentrated energy. Diffuse energy is hard to gather and use. High quality energy can be converted and utilized easily. For instance, energy in gasoline can be used in an internal combustion engine, the energy in food can be used by living organisms and electrical energy can be used in a variety ways to do useful work. These are concentrated energy forms. Most energy in the environment is of low quality and we often spend effort concentrating that energy so that we can utilize it for some useful purpose.

9 Conservation of Matter
Under ordinary circumstances, matter is neither created nor destroyed. It is recycled endlessly. Matter is transformed and combined in different ways, but it doesn't disappear. Everything goes somewhere. The atoms and molecules in your body have passed through many other organisms, over millions of years. Two other things that are important about matter and energy are the potential for reuse. Matter itself is not created or destroyed as it's used, and theoretically, it can be recycled endlessly. On the other hand, matter is diffused and dispersed within the environment in such a way that it makes it very difficult to recover matter, just as it is difficult to recover diffused energy. Think of a brand-new car in New England, where they use salt to melt ice on winter roads. It would be very hard to recover all of the steel that has rusted and flaked off over thousands of miles of driving a car. This is a good example of matter dispersion into the environment.

10 Properties of Energy Energy cannot be recycled. Energy is reused, but it is constantly degraded or lost from the system. Most energy used in ecosystems originates as solar energy. Green plants convert some of this energy to chemical energy, which is then converted to heat or kinetic energy by the animal that eats the plant. Energy is very different than matter. Though energy can be reused, it can't be recycled. Energy is constantly degraded as it is used and converted into a less useable form. Energy in most ecosystems originates from the sun. However, entire ecosystems have been discovered that are not dependent on the sun for energy. For instance, off the coast of Washington, in deep ocean trenches, there are communities of organisms that get chemical energy from a chemical process called sulfide oxidation. However, for most ecosystems, green plants capture solar energy, and they pass that high quality energy on through energy systems called food chains.

11 Laws of Thermodynamics
First Law of Thermodynamics Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed Second Law of Thermodynamics With each successive energy transfer or transformation in a system, less energy is available to do work. Even though the the total amount of energy remains the same, the energy's intensity and usefulness deteriorate. The second law recognizes the principle of entropy, the tendency of all natural systems to move towards a state of increasing disorder. It is useful to consider the two laws of thermodynamics when considering energy in the environment. The first law says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed. The second law introduces a concept called entropy, which is the tendency to move to a state of increasing disorder. This concept is extremely important in environmental science. Basically, it says that as energy is used, it is difficult to recapture and reuse it. The total amount of energy will remain the same but its intensity, concentration, and thus usefulness would deteriorate through each use. This explains why my office is so messy. Each and every evening I am not cleaning and straightening, so it tends toward increasing disorder, and after returning from a recent vacation, it was really a mess ;>)

12 The Building Blocks of Earth and Life
The basic units of matter are called “elements”, which can’t be subdivided chemically into smaller units. Elements make up molecules and compounds. It is important to understand basic chemistry in order to understand the critical role of chemistry in Environmental Science.

13 Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds
Most material substances can exist in three interchangeable states: solid, liquid, or gas. Element - substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical reactions Atom - the smallest particle that exhibits the characteristics of an element Molecule - a combination of two or more atoms Compound - a molecule made up of two or more kinds of atoms held together by chemical bonds Matter has some distinctive forms and is made of distinctive components. Most matter exists as solid, liquid or gas, and we can describe our earth in that way as well to certain extent. For instance, the atmosphere would be the gas, the oceans would be the liquids, and the land would be the solids. Of course there are mixtures of those. Elements are substances that can't be broken down into simpler substances, at least by chemical reactions. It requires nuclear reactions to change them. An atom is the smallest particle that exhibits the characteristics of an element' for instance, gold is composed of gold atoms. A molecule is formed when two atoms combine to form in some cases a very. very different substance that doesn't have the properties of either of its components. A compound is held together by chemical bonds caused by sharing of electrons. In an Environmental Science course, it is very important to recognize that life depends on a continuous series of chemical reactions. For example, the continuous series of chemical reactions in your body is what keeps you alive. In some common uses, the word "chemical" implies negativity, such as in the statement, I don't like chemicals in my food! This is an example of inaccurate use of a "loaded" word, since in reality, all food is composed of chemicals. Be on the lookout for specific, technical Environmental Science terms that are used with different meanings outside of Environmental Science. Often, the context of the word is key. Consider the following: a) "better living through chemistry", and b) "I don't like chemicals in my food!"

14 Fig. 2.3 For an atom, the next step down is size is to the 3 particles called protons (positively charge), electrons (negatively charged) and neutrons (electrically neutral). The atom in this figure is carbon. As shown in its normal state, it has the same number of protons and neutrons. When an extra neutron is added, the atom becomes radioactive (various atomic weights of the same atom are called isotopes). Atoms with unequal numbers of protons and neutrons are unstable and spontaneously decay. The time it takes for one-half of the atoms to decay to the more stable state is defined as its half live. Half lives for atoms can be as short as a few seconds to as long as thousands of years.

15 Periodic Table of the Elements
This chart above is the periodic table of the elements. It depicts the 92 elements that exist in nature and another 21 that can be created artificially. Each element has distinct chemical characteristics. These elements represent a huge variety of potential chemical reactions that can take place. Elements that are required by living organisms cover just about all potential types of chemical reactions that occur and range across the periodic table. Interesting enough, the elements helium, neon, argon, krypton and so on aren't generally part of living systems because they are stable elements that don't participate readily in chemical reactions. Life itself is base on dynamic chemical reactions. Stable is dead.


17 Chemical Bonding Ionic Bond - Formed when one atom gives up an electron to another atom. Covalent Bond - Formed when two or more atoms share electrons. Energy is needed to break chemical bonds. Energy is released when bonds are formed.

18 Fig. 2.4 Molecules have various shapes. The hydrogen atoms on a water molecule look like Mickey Mouse ears and carbon dioxide is linear. These shapes may help you put a personal touch to the molecules. More substantial, perhaps, is the fact that their shapes affect their chemical activity as is most important to the activity of water.

19 Acids and Bases Acids are compounds that readily release hydrogen ions (H+) in water. Bases are substances that readily take up hydrogen ions (H+) and release hydroxide ions (OH-) in solution. Strength measured by concentration of H+. pH scale 0-14 The pH of the environment has a profound effect on the chemical reactivity of substances and the character of life itself.

20 Fig. 2.5 02_05.jpg

21 Water Molecule In addition to elements that are critical for life, there are molecules that play key roles in most organisms. Water is an example of one of these molecules. Water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom that share electrons. We will have a whole chapter on water later on in this course.

22 Water: A Unique Compound
Sixty to 70 percent of the weight of living organisms Medium in which all of life's chemical reactions occur Good electrical conductor Highest surface tension of any common, natural liquid Liquid over a wide temperature range Expands when it crystallizes, unlike most substances High heat of vaporization High specific heat Water is an extremely important and unique compound, making up about 70 percent of the weight of living organisms. Most of the chemical reactions important to life take place in water, and this is true in living as well as non-living systems. Water, particularly water that contains dissolved substances, is a good electrical conductor. Water has a very, very high surface tension, which allows many organisms to float on it. Water remains liquid over a wide rage of temperatures, can exist as a solid in the form of ice, and as a gas in the form of water vapor. Unlike most substances, water expands when it crystallizes and has its maximum density as a liquid just above its freezing point of 0 degrees Centigrade. Because ice is less dense than liquid water, ice doesn't sink to the bottom of lakes and rivers. Water has a high heat of vaporization and a high specific heat and so greatly modifies environments that have lots of water. For instance, Seattle would be a much colder place in the winter and hotter in the summer if there was no Lake Washington and Puget Sound to moderate daily temperatures.

23 This side shows an organism, a water strider, that takes advantage of the surface tension of water to determine where it lives -- on the surface of water, where it can easily float. We will talk about how water cycles on our planet in Chapter 10.

24 Cells: The Fundamental Units of Life
Microscopic organisms, such as bacteria and protozoa, are composed of single cells. The human body contains several trillion cells of about two hundred distinct types. Enzymes – catalysts that speed up the rate of chemical reactions in living systems Metabolism - all the energy and matter exchanges that occur within a living cell or organism So, we accept that chemicals are the building blocks of life and chemical reactions are the basis for life. Cells are the constructs of those life process, the fundamental basis of life. There are some organisms that are single celled, for instance bacterial and protozoa, which are usually so tiny that we can't see them without a microscope. The human body is an example of a multi-cellular organism composed of several trillions cells differentiated into about two hundred distinct types of cells that carry on different functions within the body. For instance, a hair cell is very, very different than a bone cell or blood cell, and different cells typically have different functions. All cells have molecular catalysts called enzymes that are designed to carry out certain kinds of chemical reactions. Enzymes enable certain chemical reactions to take place in cells, including those reactions that turn food into energy. Metabolism is a general term for these changes.

25 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The wavelengths of visible light drive photosynthesis. We have mentioned that light radiation from the sun is the source of energy for most of life. The part of t he electromagnetic spectrum that includes light encompasses a wide range of frequencies, and what we can actually see as visible light is a very narrow band within that range. Photosynthesis of plants is driven by the narrow range of visible light, ranging from about micrometers. Other wavelengths can have effects on the environment; for instance, x-rays and gamma rays can be deadly, ultraviolet radiation gives us a sun tan, and also, potentially, skin cancer. Infrared energy heats us, and we use microwaves and radio waves to transmit energy. I'm particularly fond of using microwave energy to heat my lunch.

26 Photosynthesis Light energy from the sun is relatively diffuse, and the process of photosynthesis converts it into more concentrated chemical energy that organisms can use. You likely heard about photosynthesis way back in elementary school. However, in case you weren't listening, we'll review how photosynthesis works. Using light energy from the sun, plants convert carbon dioxide, nutrients, and water into complex carbohydrate molecules that can be used by many different types of organisms, including humans. Another way of describing photosynthesis is to say that the process "fixes,” or captures, the light energy of the sun into carbohydrate molecules. Consider that the energy in a glass of milk we might drink for lunch originally came from the sun's light energy, and through photosynthesis, was "fixed” by grass. The grass was eaten by a cow, and the cow used the energy for a variety of chemical reaction, including making milk. The human drinking the milk uses the energy for a variety of chemical reactions. If you were a plant, you could lie out in the sun and make your food, but since you're not, you depend on plants directly or indirectly—by eating animals--for your food. Plants ultimately depend on the sun. Earlier, I mentioned that some systems, like communities in deep ocean trenches and algae in the very hot Morning Glory pool in Yellowstone Park, utilize energy directly from chemicals from the earth, not the sun.

27 Light and Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis
This is another representation of how light energy is converted to chemical energy in photosynthesis. The process depends on chlorophyll, water, and carbon dioxide, with carbohydrates such as sugar being produced as the product of the reaction. Carbohydrates exist in many forms in the environment – as sucrose, glucose, and cellulose, for example. Light and Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis

28 Energy Exchange in an Ecosystem
That original energy captured from the process of photosynthesis can be cycled multiple times within ecosystems on many levels. For instance, photosynthesis can produce sugars and other carbohydrates which then can be used by plants. Grazers such as mice can then eat those plants. Larger animals like cats can eat the mice. In the first step of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere. The utilization of that stored chemical energy through cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere. Thus, there is a symbiosis, or mutually beneficial relationship between energy concentrators, for instance green plants, and energy "utilizers,” including green plants and other organisms.

29 Energy & Matter in the Environment
Organism (species) Population Biological Community Ecosystem Biosphere Organisms in the environment are organized into various different levels, often in complicated, intricate, and very interesting ways. The first level is an individual organism. The next level is that of populations, a group of organisms of the same species considered together. A biological community is an assemblage of organisms that are related to each other in various ways and usually dwell in the same relative geographic area. An ecosystem expands the concept of communities to include the cycling of the matter and energy within a system. (The word "ecosystem” combines the words "ecology” and "system.”) The biosphere includes all living organisms and their physical environment.

30 Food Web: Cross-connected Food Chains
You probably heard about the food chain in your elementary school classes. Ecosytems typically have multiple chains at several levels such as that depicted in the diagram above. For instance, the diagram shows that plants grow in the pond, snails eat the plants, a bass might eat the snails, and an osprey might eat the bass. This sequence would indicate a food chain. When there are several producers (plants) or consumers (animals) and several paths for food and energy to flow, cross connections known as food webs are created.

31 The diagram above shows how we classify organisms in relationship to how they acquire food -- producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, and tertiary consumers. There are typically very few tertiary-level consumers because of the loss of energy during the transfers to each level….remember the two laws of Thermodynamics. We can't get away from their limitations.

32 Energy Pyramid ADD FIG. 2.18 At each step, or trophic level, in the food chain, energy is transferred from one organism to another, and, as predicted by the second law of thermodynamics, it is not completely recycled and not completely utilized. Most of the energy transferred at each trophic level is dispersed into the environment as heat, a form of energy that can't be recovered or reused. We can consider that we are using the increasing entropy of the sun to provide order and concentrated energy here on earth. Of course, since the sun will probably exist for a few billion more years, that's pretty much a limitless source of energy in terms of human existence. Humans have existed perhaps a million years on earth, and will be will be gone far before the sun burns out. Most energy in most ecosystems is stored in the bodies of primary producers. Only about 10 percent of the energy at one energy level passes to the next highest trophic level.

33 The Water Cycle ADD FIG. 2.19 You probably remember the hydrologic (water) cycle from elementary school. Nowhere is this cycle more obvious than in its effect on the Seattle area. Water is an excellent comparison for the cycling of elements and other substances in the environment.

34 The Carbon Cycle ADD FIG. 2.20
Long range transport of many substances in the environment is common. Obviously, solid materials are more likely to stay in place, liquid materials move slowly by nature, and gases can be transported globally in periods as short as a few days. The diagram above shows the cycling of carbon in the environment. In particular, note the long range transportation of carbon dioxide, its fixation into plant material by photosynthesis, which makes it less mobile, and then the accumulation of plant material, which can be turned into a geologic material like coal and oil that cycles extremely slowly. In fact, most of the coal we use for energy has been in place for hundreds of millions of years and we use the term "fossil fuels" to describe its age.

35 The Nitrogen Cycle ADD FIG. 2.21
Nitrogen is also an important element with global significance. Nitrogen is a very important nutrient for plants, and its absence often limits the productivity of plants. In particular, in the Pacific Northwest, the ultimate productivity of most forest land is limited by the lack of available nitrogen. The earth's atmosphere is about 79% nitrogen, but plants cannot use atmospheric nitrogen.

36 Nitrogen Fixation The nodules on the roots of this plant contain
bacteria that help convert nitrogen in the soil to a form the plant can utilize. This slide shows roots of a red alder tree tree, common in the Pacific Northwest. The numerous nodules on the roots contain bacteria-like organisms called Frankia. The relationship that has developed between these two species benefits each in different ways. The red alder provides photosynthesis products (food) to the Frankia. Frankia have the ability to take the nitrogen gas out of the air, which red alder can't use directly, and convert it into a form that the red alder can use. The nitrogen gives red alder a competitive advantage under certain circumstances in Pacific Northwest forests, and indeed, red alder is one of the most successful trees invading freshly disturbed land. land. Other species have to wait until nitrogen builds up in the soil over time.

37 The Phosphorous Cycle ADD FIG. 2.23
Phosphorous is particularly limiting in tropical systems, but can also limit plant growth in the Pacific Northwest. Unlike nitrogen, there are no common forms of phosphorus that are gases. Thus, phosphorus typically cycles more slowly in the environment.

38 The Sulfur Cycle ADD FIG. 2.24
The sulfur cycle is also important in nature. Sulfur can be released as sulfur dioxide in some cases and as hydrogen sulfite in other cases. Volcanoes are a mayor source of world-wide atmospheric sulfur. Sulfur has also been emitted by people digging up coal and other fossil fuels and then burning them. In particular, certain types of coal can contain significant amounts of sulfur, and when it is burned, it turns into sulfuric acid and creates a phenomenon called acid rain. We don't receive much human-made sulfur into the Pacific Northwest, but we have a tremendous upwelling current off the coast that brings sulfur from deep ocean vents (remember the deep-ocean communities?) to the surface where microorganisms convert it into dimethyl sulfide gas which then oxidizes into sulfuric acid.

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