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Panorama of the New Testament (Part 2)
Introduction The Book of Titus Introduction
Paul wrote Titus instructions on how to deal with important issues related to the establishment, function and order of local churches on the island of Crete.
Introduction Titus 1:5 is a key verse to understanding the content of the book. …For this reason I left you in Crete that you would set in order what remains and appoint elders in every city as I directed you…
Introduction A key concept in Titus is the need for good deeds. Titus 1:16, 2:7, 2:14, 3:5, 3:8, 3:14 Two key terms in Titus that are essential to the Christian life: Faith: Titus 1:1, 1:4, 1:13, 2:2, 2:10, 3:15 Grace: Titus 1:4, 2:11, 3:7, 3:15
Introduction Here is an easy division of the Book of Titus.
Titus 1 – Church leaders Titus 2-3 – Christian living
Church Leaders Titus 1 – Church leaders
Titus 1:1-4 –Paul wrote out of a deep concern for Titus and those under his care. Titus 1:1a – He was eager for all of God’s people to be strengthened in their faith. Titus 1:1b – He was desirous that those under Titus’ care grasp the biblical truths that lead to godly living.
Church Leaders Titus 1:2 – Through Titus' ministry Paul wanted believers to be certain of the eternal life which God promised. Titus1:3 – Paul reminded Titus that God authored the message of the gospel and commissioned it to be announced to the world just at the right time in history. Titus 1:4 – Paul considered Titus his spiritual son and desired for God to shower him with grace and bless him with peace.
Church Leaders Titus 1:5-16 – Paul clearly stated why he left Titus in Crete. Titus 1:5 – Paul left Titus so he would give order to the churches in Crete. It was Titus’ job to travel from city to city appointing overseers (pastors, elders, overseers). One of the final tasks in a church-plant is the appointment of leaders. All pastors, elders and overseers must have the qualities mentioned here.
Church Leaders This task of appointing overseers must be done with wisdom following these biblical principles and not, as many churches do, according to business practices or societies’ norms. This is not a political office to be given to the famous, wealthy or influential.
Church Leaders Titus 1:6-9 – Paul left clear instructions concerning the qualifications for overseers. Overseers are the governing board of the local church that includes pastors, overseers or elders. Titus 1:6-8 – In order to qualify to be appointed as an overseer, the potential leader would have to be above reproach or blameless in daily conduct.
Church Leaders Titus 1:6a – Overseers are required to have a good reputation in the area of marriage. Titus 1:6b – They are required to have a good reputation in the area of child-rearing. Their children should be believers who are responsive to the Lord. Their children are not to be known as wild or disobedient.
Church Leaders Titus 1:7 – Since they will be in charge of God’s work, overseers must to have a good reputation in the community. Titus 1:7a – Men who are control-freaks (self-willed or overbearing) are unqualified to be appointed as overseers. Titus 1:7b – Being quick-tempered is a disqualification.
Church Leaders Titus 1:7c – Being a drunk is a disqualification.
Titus 1:7d – Bullies (the violent) are not qualified. Titus 1:7e – Being dishonest in business dealings is also a disqualification.
Church Leaders Titus 1:8 – On the positive, to be appointed as an overseer the individual had to have the following qualities. Titus 1:8a– He must be friendly to strangers. Titus 1:8b– He must enjoy doing good things. Titus 1:8c– He must be sensible or practical in his life.
Church Leaders Titus 1:8d– He must be fair in his business dealings.
Titus 1:8e– He must be pure in his character. Titus 1:8f– He must be self-controlled…
Church Leaders Titus 1:9 – In regards to doctrine and the teaching of God’s word Titus 1:9a– Overseers are to be men who stick to the message just as they were taught. They are not to deviate from the truth. Jude 3-4 Titus 1:9b– This is so they will be able to encourage believers through the faithful teaching of the word.
Church Leaders Titus 1:9c– This is also important because overseers need to be able to correct those who oppose the truth.
Church Leaders Titus 1:10-16 – Titus was to set things in their proper order. 1 Corinthians 14:33, 40; 2 Corinthians 12:20 Titus 1:10 – Paul pointed out four types of false teachers that threatened the churches of Crete. These have been prevalent in all of church history.
Church Leaders Titus 1:10a – There were the rebellious teachers – their words showed contempt for those in spiritual authority and poisoned minds. 2 Timothy 3:1-9, 2 Peter 2:1-3, Jude 8 Titus 1:10b – There were the empty talkers – their teachings lacked biblical support, thereby causing doubt and contributing to the ruin of the hearers. 2 Timothy 2:14, 16-18, Jude 12-13, 2 Peter 2:17
Church Leaders Titus 1:10c – There were the deceivers – their preaching deviously contradicted biblical truth.2 John 1:7-8, 2 Peter 2:18-19 Titus 1:10d – Those of the circumcision – their teachings mixed Jewish laws and traditions with grace. Philippians 3:1-2, Galatians 6:12, Acts 15:1
Church Leaders Titus 1:11-13a – Paul stated the primary risks associated with false teachers. Titus 1:11a – It was Titus’ job to silence false teachers because they upset whole households (churches). Titus 1:11b – He was to silence them because they were using deception for financial gain. 2 Peter 2:15
Church Leaders Titus 1:12-13a – Titus had an especially tough task since the Cretans were known for their shameless behavior. Titus 1:13b-14 – Paul admonished Titus to severely reprove these false teachers so that they might become strong in the truth and stop listening to Jewish myths (fables) and men’s empty ideas (false teaching). 1 Timothy 1:3-7
Church Leaders Many Christians today listen to false teachers on TV or radio for entertainment or curiosity, but this should be avoided. 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 Do not for any reason give attention to false teachers as this will eventually lead to your ruin. 2 Corinthians 11:20
Church Leaders Titus 1:15-16 – Beware of false teachers! Paul gave characteristics of false teachers to help us spot them easily. Titus 1:15 – False teachers are defiled (corrupt) in mind and conscience. Titus 1:15 – False teachers do not hold to the truth. They are liars. Titus 1:16 – False teachers are hypocrites. Even though they claim to know our God by their actions they deny Him!
Christian Living Titus 2-3 – Christian living
Titus 2:1-10 – Paul gave Titus specific instructions for several age groups in the local churches (older men and women, young men and women). Titus 2:1 – Contrary to the false teachers, Titus was to speak the things that promoted sound doctrine and godly living.
Christian Living Titus 2:2 – Titus was instructed to teach the older men to be mature, sound in their doctrine, and to exhibit the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 Titus 2:3 – Older women were to be reverent and blameless in their behavior, walking according to the will of God.
Christian Living Titus 2:4-5 – Older women were to encourage the younger women to love their husbands and children, be busy at home and be filled with good deeds. In this manner God’s word would be honored. Titus 2:6-8a – Titus was also supposed to admonish the young men.
Christian Living Titus 2:6 – Titus was to admonish the young men to have self-control all the time. This is of great importance and is a part of the fruit of the spirit. Galatians 5:23 Titus 2:7a– They were to be shown how to set a good example for others to follow.
Christian Living Titus 2:7b – They were to be taught to be serious students of the word of God. Titus 2:8 – Their speech was to be wholesome and pure so that no one could accuse them of having said anything unrighteous.
Christian Living Titus 2:9-10 – Titus was to instruct slaves (applicable to an employee today) to adorn the doctrine of Christ and bring honor to God by submitting, working hard, not back-talking and not stealing. Doing the opposite of these things is very common in the business world, but that is not to be the case for the believer.
Christian Living Titus 2:11-15 – After giving these commands, Paul now underlined for Titus that which gives us power to live differently. God’s grace alone saves! Titus 2:11 – God’s grace brought us salvation from sin’s penalty. Titus 2:12 – God’s grace brought us salvation from sin’s power. 1 John 2:1-2
Christian Living Titus 2:13 – God’s grace brought us salvation from sin’s presence through the hope of our coming resurrection. Titus 2:14 – In summary, Jesus Christ gave Himself for us not only to save us from sins penalty but to also sanctify us from sin in the present. 1 John 2:2; Ephesians 2:8-9
Christian Living Titus 2:15 – Paul reminded Titus to use his authority to confidently teach these things. We ought to faithfully and confidently assert these things as well.
live by faith” – Habakkuk 2:4
Salvation Reality Permanent Reality Saved from the Penalty of sin Titus 2:11 Colossians 3:1 Future Reality Saved from the Presence of sin Titus 2:13 Colossians 3:4 Present Reality Saved from the Power of sin Titus 2:12 Colossians 3:2-3 Rapture “The Righteous shall live by faith” – Habakkuk 2:4 Believer in Time R.C. Ward, October 2005; adapted from a chart by Ronald C. Merryman
Christian Living Titus 3:1-7 – A look at the believer’s duties toward unbelievers. Titus 3:1 – Concerning secular human government the believer is to be in submission, obedience, and ready to serve. Titus 3:2 – With unsaved neighbors the believer should not be a gossip or quarrelsome but should show gentleness and consideration. Luke 10:29-37
Christian Living Titus 3:3 – All believers were once foolish and sinful; therefore, we ought to show compassion to unbelievers when by nature they act foolish or sinful. Titus 3:4-7 – Paul reminded Titus that we were not saved through our own goodness, but by the mercies of God. Philippians 4:5 Titus 3:4-5 – Why did God save us?
Christian Living Titus 3:4a –God saved us because of His grace (undeserved kindness). Titus 3:4b –God saved us to manifest His love to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Titus 3:5a – God saved us on the basis of Christ’ finished work. Titus 3:5b – God saved us based on His mercy. …but according to his mercy…
Christian Living Titus 3:5-6 –How did God save us?
Titus 3:5a –God did not save us based on any of our good works. Titus 3:5b –God saved us by means of the cleansing work (washing)done by the Holy Spirit. This is not a reference to water baptism. Titus 3:5c –God saved us by regenerating us through the new birth. John 3:3, 5-7
Ministries of the Holy Spirit
Regeneration Regeneration is the term for the spiritual birth that occurs at the moment a person believes in the Lord Jesus Christ.
“state of being renewed”
Ministries of the Holy Spirit Regeneration paliggenesi/a PALINGENESIA “state of being renewed” genna/w a1nwqen GENNAO ANOTHEN “born again” a0nagenna/w ANAGENNAO “cause to be born again”
Ministries of the Holy Spirit
Regeneration God announced the penalty for disobedience – Genesis 2:17. Adam was separated from God the moment he ate the fruit – Genesis 3:6.
Ministries of the Holy Spirit
Regeneration Man is now excluded from the presence of God. Exodus 19:8-13; 20:18-19
Ministries of the Holy Spirit
Regeneration God the Holy Spirit regenerates a person at the moment of believing the Gospel message – John 1:13; 3:5; 1 Peter 1:23. Regeneration is a complete act of God and not a cooperative effort between God and man.
Christian Living Titus 3:6 – God saved us by means of the work of Christ who came to accomplish salvation on our behalf.
Christian Living Titus 3:7 – What were the results to our salvation?
Titus 3:7a –We were declared just before God by grace. Titus 3:7b –We were made heirs of God because of the unconditional hope of our eternal life.
Christian Living Titus 3:8-15 – Titus was reminded to boldly teach these things. Titus 3:8-10 – Titus was to teach these truths so that believers would do good deeds as a worthy testimony before unregenerate men. Ephesians 2:10 Titus 3:9 – Believers should not be controversial.
Christian Living Titus 3:10 – After two warnings, a believer who is contentious about the Law or Jewish myths and genealogies should be rejected. Titus 3:11 – A contentious believer is perverted; his own sin condemns him.
Christian Living Titus 3:12-15 – Paul gave Titus final instructions.
Titus 3:12 – Paul instructed Titus concerning the men he was planning to send and asked Titus to spend the winter with him in Nicopolis. Titus 3:13 – Titus was to house and help two important men (Apollos and Zenas the lawyer) and make sure all their travel needs were supplied.
Christian Living Titus 3:14 – Paul said the believers (our people)needed to be hospitable so that they would not be unfruitful. Titus 3:15 – Paul sent greetings from all his companions. He greeted those who loved him because of their mutual faith and finished with a desire for the grace of God to be with all of them.
Titus Key Observations
This book shows that the character of the overseer (pastor, elder, or overseer) is of crucial importance. You cannot qualify for service in the local church if you are marked by immaturity or sin. Titus 1:7-9
Titus God’s grace not only provides salvation from the penalty of sin but also gives power over sin in our daily lives and will ultimately deliver us from the presence of sin for all eternity. Titus 2:11-13 The life of the believer should be marked by good deeds. Titus 3:8, 14
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