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R EDUCING G REEN H OUSE G AS E MISSIONS WITH A M ORE E FFECTIVE C ARBON C APTURE M ETHOD A comparison of the information from the article “Alkali Metal.

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Presentation on theme: "R EDUCING G REEN H OUSE G AS E MISSIONS WITH A M ORE E FFECTIVE C ARBON C APTURE M ETHOD A comparison of the information from the article “Alkali Metal."— Presentation transcript:

1 R EDUCING G REEN H OUSE G AS E MISSIONS WITH A M ORE E FFECTIVE C ARBON C APTURE M ETHOD A comparison of the information from the article “Alkali Metal Nitrate-Promoted High-Capacity MgO Absorbents for Regenerable CO2 Capture at Moderate Temperatures” when presented in the original journal and when presented through a popular science website.

2 C OMPARISON OF S CIENCE D AILY AND C HEMISTRY OF M ATERIALS Layout and Content of ScienceDaily ’s and Chemisty of Materials’ versions Introductions Problems being solved Results of study Missing Information Purpose of each platform Voices and Vocabulary

3 L AYOUT OF A RTICLES Intro Problem New Development Intro Problems Method Results Graphs Discussion Conclusion ScienceDailyChemisty of Materials

4 I NTRO Review of affect of Greenhouse Gases Introduces idea of “trapping carbon dioxide” Allusion to journal article Doesn’t discuss reason why this is still important or current systems until content paragraph Jumps right into the discussion of why carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems are still necessary Quote amount of CO 2 still being released Introduces the downfalls of current systems ScienceDailyChemistry of Materials

5 P ROBLEMS WITH C URRENT S YSTEMS Two sentences summarize main problems with commonly used CCS systems. “Some solid systems that aim to capture these emissons, such as zeolites, are sensitive to water in the gas streams.” “…clays and metal oxides, have to be heated up to more than 900 degrees Fahrenheit…” ScienceDaily

6 P ROBLEMS WITH C URRENT S YSTEMS Explains more options than just the two examples given by ScienceDaily specifically liquid and aqueous options Goes in depth regarding the theoretical amounts of CO 2 that is capable. Highlights the compromise that materials that take less energy to work, store less but materials that store more, require more energy. Chemisty of Materials

7 R ESULTS Dilutes results down to percentages and easy to compare numbers and sentences Relates the better efficiency to what that means for Businesses Showcases graphs and compares MgO without alkali metals to MgO with alkali metals Lists the experimentally found results Discusses trend lines and the rates of the CO 2 absorbtion ScienceDailyChemistry of Materials

8 M ISSING A SPECTS Could include why MgO with alkali metals works better than just MgO Discussion of the chemical reaction occurring in the experiment How the change of temperature affected absorption (transition state from solid to liquid) Could have included in discussion or last few sentences of conclusion, easy to understand percentages or direct comparisons to understand how much better this could potentially be ScienceDaily Chemistry of Materials

9 V OICE /V OCABULARY Quotes the article often- includes authors names and from what University they are from Describes the problems in easy to understand way and why it is a problem Compares using percents and “2-10 times” instead of listing numbers Lists experimental data Uses chemical names Technical Language Assumes basic chemistry knowledge and understanding of why CO 2 is bad for environment Alludes to equations ScienceDailyChemistry of Materials

10 F OCUSES OF W EBSITES Summarizes articles for quick searches and links them in the summary for quick research Posts multiple articles a day, all day. Focuses on “Depth and Breadth” of information “showcasing the top science news stories” “publication of original on forefront, fundamental research … Both theoretical and experimental studies which focus on the preparation or understanding of materials with unusual or useful properties are relevant.” ScienceDailyChemistry of Materials

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