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HORIZONT 1 XINFO ® The IT Information System HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D- 80339 München Tel ++49(0)89 / 540 162 - 0

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1 HORIZONT 1 XINFO ® The IT Information System HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D- 80339 München Tel ++49(0)89 / 540 162 - 0 XINFO Report Generator

2 HORIZONT 2 XINFO ® Table of Contents Introduction Example Batch Documentation Example Implementation Example Impact Analysis Example Program Documentation

3 HORIZONT 3 XINFO ® XINFO Report Generator New statements like LNCMD, SCAN, IF and GOTO allow to continue to work on previous selections. The output is HTML, graphics like netplans are included as JPEGs Commands like ARRANGE and SORT allow to modify the layout of the output tables without any need to change the displays This allows you to create complex and complete documentations automaticaly. This "Report Generator" is an extension of XINFO’s Batch Interface (BIF) :

4 HORIZONT 4 XINFO ® XINFO Report Generator Document batch streams Document programs Impact Analysis If you want to test the examples on your own: The sources and results are on this CD (XINFO-ReportGenerator_Files*.*) You need XINFO 3.x with the latest server program (XXRIXD4 2008-05-27 or later and the actual PC client (build 191 2008-05-27 or newer) Please read following manual XINFO 3.3 PC-Client User‘s Guide: cd\products\xinfo\V3R3\docu\english\xxrddoce.pdf This presentation shows three possible scenarios:

5 HORIZONT 5 XINFO ® Batch Stream Documentation Prerequesite are basically XINFO’s scheduler scanner. Depending on your needs other scanners may be required, e.g. JCL or SMF This example shows a UC4 JobPlan and all subsequent objects: Dependencies (graphics and tables) All jobs and parameters Scripts and JCL Planning parameters Resources This example shows how to document your Batch Streams automatically. The same functionality is available for all schedulers, e.g. CA-7, Control-M and TWS

6 HORIZONT 6 XINFO ® Resulting „Batch-Doku" Startpunkt ist ein JobPlan der wiederum JobPläne enthält Entry point is a jobplan (or application, group, schid etc.), that contains other job plans The calendars used in the plan Output is HTML

7 HORIZONT 7 XINFO ® Resulting "Batch Docu" Starttime Dependencies (Preds and Succs) Script contents

8 HORIZONT 8 XINFO ® Resulting "Batch Docu" The next JobPlan (one level below) includes jobs

9 HORIZONT 9 XINFO ® Resulting "Batch Docu" Dependencies Job parameters, e.g. Host (CPU), User (Login), Runtime (ERT) etc.

10 HORIZONT 10 XINFO ® Program Documentation Prerequesite are XINFO Source Code Scanner (COBOL, PL/I etc.): The example shows a Cobol-CICS and a Cobol-Batch-Program including:Cobol-CICSCobol-Batch-Program Called Sub Programs (Graphs and tables) Called Functions Attributes of the load modules Used Copy Books (Includes) DB2 Access File usage (Program and JCL) CICS transactions that are calling other programs All batch jobs that are using the documented programs Scheduling data for these jobs Program documentations are needed in many situations, e.g. mergers, migrations, personal changes etc. Kann natürlich auch für PL/1 usw. erstellt werden

11 HORIZONT 11 XINFO ® Resulting "Program Docu" Entry point is a COBOL CICS program Aufgerufene Unterprograms Called sub programs

12 HORIZONT 12 XINFO ® Resulting "Program Docu" Functions used in all programs Load module attributes Copy Books

13 HORIZONT 13 XINFO ® Resulting "Program Docu" DB2 Access CICS transactions that are calling programs

14 HORIZONT 14 XINFO ® Resulting "Program Docu" Another entry point… Aufgerufene Unterprograms Sub programs

15 HORIZONT 15 XINFO ® Resulting "Program Docu" Functions Load module attributes Copy Books DB2 access

16 HORIZONT 16 XINFO ® Resulting "Program Docu" Files JCL parameters

17 HORIZONT 17 XINFO ® Resulting "Program Docu" Scheduling data Batch-Jobs that are using this program

18 HORIZONT 18 XINFO ® Impact Analysis Report In the example the column "DEPTNO" has to be changed. We search for:example All programs using a variable ”DEPTNO" All programs calling these programs All DB2 tables that have a column “DEPTNO" All programs that are using these tables All CICS transactions and/or batch jobs using these programs This kind of report is useful before changing a program to determine the amount of work to be done

19 HORIZONT 19 XINFO ® Impact Analysis Report Programs that are using the variable Programs that are calling these programs

20 HORIZONT 20 XINFO ® Impact Analysis Report DB2 tables having a column with the same name Programs that are using these tables

21 HORIZONT 21 XINFO ® Impact Analysis Report Affected programs CICS transactions

22 HORIZONT 22 XINFO ® How to create a Report in Batch? 1. A Windows.CMD or.BAT file that starts the process (optional, the BIF script can be started from XINFO with “file open”) 2. A.BIF file with BIF commands 3. A (encrypted).LGN file with logon parameters (Userid, pwd, XINFO system) 4. A.SEL file containing the selection parameters If you want to create such a documentation, you need:

23 HORIZONT 23 XINFO ® XINFO PC Client Batch 1..bat file, here BCH_Docu.BAT call xinfo.exe BIF file Special INI file (optional) Delete old output

24 HORIZONT 24 XINFO ® XINFO BIF 2. This is the contents of a.bif file, here BCH_Docu.BIF

25 HORIZONT 25 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Logon 3. Create the.lgn file (online)

26 HORIZONT 26 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Selection 4. Die Start-Selektion ebenso 4. Create selection file online

27 HORIZONT 27 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Ausgabe The name of the resulting HTML file

28 HORIZONT 28 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Line Commands All “right mouse" line commands are available in BIF mode. Use them as “all command“, or use the line commands based on single rows

29 HORIZONT 29 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Line Commands Geben Sie die genaue Bezeichnung des Linecommands an Simply write here the name of the line command as shown in the menu

30 HORIZONT 30 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Close the result to go back to the previous result (and start the next line command) No file name means append to the same output file as specified at the beginning

31 HORIZONT 31 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Arrange Use ARRANGE to specify the columns and their order

32 HORIZONT 32 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Intermediate Result A line command without create statement creates an intermediate table, that can be used to activate other line commands

33 HORIZONT 33 XINFO ® XINFO BIF Loop Scan the last result line by line Lncmd_exec_scan executes the line command only for the actual row If content of column “Obj- Type“ is equal to “JOBP“…

34 HORIZONT 34 XINFO ® Summary Execute dialog functions in batch mode Create complete documentations by using your own layout Including netplans Create complex reports based on all XINFO data (Source, production, history etc.) automatically Resulting HTML files can be accessed easily XINFO Batch Interface (BIF) allows to

35 The IT Information System Garmischer Str. 8 D- 80339 München Tel ++49(0)89 / 540 162 – 0 HORIZONT Software for Datacenters XINFO Many thanks for your attention! Ende ®

36 HORIZONT 36 XINFO ® Many thanks for your attention HORIZONT Software for Datacenters Garmischer Str. 8 D- 80339 München Tel ++49(0)89 / 540 162 - 0 The IT Information System XINFO

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