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Western Art through the Ages Part 2 Rococo (18 th Century) Neoclassicism (18 th Century) Romanticism (19 Century) Impressionism (19 th Century)

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Presentation on theme: "Western Art through the Ages Part 2 Rococo (18 th Century) Neoclassicism (18 th Century) Romanticism (19 Century) Impressionism (19 th Century)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Art through the Ages Part 2 Rococo (18 th Century) Neoclassicism (18 th Century) Romanticism (19 Century) Impressionism (19 th Century)

2 …with music by Felix Mendelssohn Frèdèric Chopin Johannes Brahms Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

3 Rococo Art of the French aristocracy portraying nobility in sylvan settings or ornate interiors Venuses and Cupids abound Ladies wear silk finery alongside similarly dressed cavaliers “candy-box” saccharine, frivolous, delicate

4 Rococo--Values Ornamentation Elegance Sweetness

5 Francois Boucher Cupid a Captive

6 Antoine Watteau, Pilgrimage to Cythera

7 Antoine Watteau, Return from Cythera

8 Fragonard The Swing

9 William Hogarth Marriage a la Mode series 6 paintings satirized the tradition of arranged marriages The Marriage Contract


11 William Hogarth The Breakfast Scene


13 Neoclassicism A return to classical antiquity for inspiration Scenes are historical and mythological Figures appear to be sculpted The appeal is to the intellect, not the heart Emotions are restrained Balance is achieved

14 Neoclassicism--values Reason Order Balance Reverence for antiquity

15 Jacques-Louis David, Oath of the Horatii

16 Jacques-Louis David, Le Sacre de l’Empereur Napoleon

17 Jacques-Louis David, Death of Socrates

18 Antone Raphael Mengs The Annunciation 1779

19 Anton Raphael Mengs, Parnassus ca 1755

20 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres Homère déifié, dit aussi L'Apothéose d'Homère

21 Jean-Auguste- Dominique Ingres Jeanne d'Arc au sacre du roi Charles VII, dans la cathédrale de Reims 1854

22 Romanticism A reaction against the “cold and unfeeling” reason of the Enlightenment and against the destruction of nature resulting from the Industrial Revolution. Stress in on light, color, and self- expression, in opposition to the emphasis on line and firm modeling typical of neoclassical art

23 Romanticism--values Emotion Feeling Morbidity Exoticism Mystery

24 J.M.W. Turner, Château d’Arques, near Dieppe, c.1826-27

25 J.M.W. Turner, Yarmouth Sands, Norfolk, c.1824-30

26 Daumier, The Third Class Carriage

27 Manet The Fifer

28 Francisco de Goya, The Third of May

29 Géricault, Raft of the Medusa

30 Impressionism An attempt to portray the fleeting and transitory world of sense impressions based on scientific studies of light Forms are bathed in light and atmosphere Colors are juxtaposed for the eye to fuse from a distance Short choppy brush strokes to catch the vibrating quality of light

31 Impressionism--values Immediate—what is happening now? Accidental—oooops! Transitory—what is changing?

32 Claude Monet Water Lilies 1916

33 Claude Monet, Nympheas

34 Pierre August Renoir Dance at Bougival

35 Pierre August Renoir, Les Deux Soeurs

36 Pierre August Renoir Two Girls at the Piano

37 Edgar Degas The Star

38 Georges Seurat A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

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