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Pediatric First Aid for Caregivers and Teachers (PedFACTs) Course Administration Webinar May 22, 2013 Danette Glassy, MD, FAAP.

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Presentation on theme: "Pediatric First Aid for Caregivers and Teachers (PedFACTs) Course Administration Webinar May 22, 2013 Danette Glassy, MD, FAAP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pediatric First Aid for Caregivers and Teachers (PedFACTs) Course Administration Webinar May 22, 2013 Danette Glassy, MD, FAAP

2 Mercer Island Pediatrics, Mercer Island, WA Clinical Professor, University of Washington, School of Medicine Chair, AAP Section on Early Education and Child Care PedFACTs Editor

3 Overview New! Course Format Options Course Content Instructor Materials Instructor Responsibilities Instructor Status Requirements Teaching the Course Course Completion Requirements Supplemental Resources (Website; Facebook)

4 Updates 2 nd Edition Updates: Participant Manual Topics Teaching Package (Combination Instructor’s Toolkit/DVD) Online Modules Instructor Online Orientation Database Supplemental Resources (Website; Facebook Page)

5 New! Course Format Options Onsite Course Students take short online pretest –Print pretest certificate and bring to class (no pass/fail) 4-hour course taught in classroom by a PedFACTs instructor Course consists of lectures, video footage, and hands-on skill stations Written final exam in class Hybrid Course Combination of online learning and hands-on practice in classroom Students take short online pretest, and complete 3 online modules Students take online final exam o Print final exam certificate and bring to onsite course Students attend onsite course for hands-on practice with a PedFACTs instructor Instructor Flexibility: Now Offer Courses in Two Formats

6 New! Course Format Options As part of this change, instructors need to post courses to the PedFACTs database in advance so that students can easily identify and enroll in courses in their area. New Information *The CPR skill station requires one certified CPR Instructor for each group of 6 students. If you do not meet this requirement, you can identify an assisting instructor who does.

7 Course Content PedFACTs 2 nd Edition course content includes: 4Cs of Pediatric First Aid PedFACTs Topics Medication Administration Skill Station CPR and Choking Relief Skill Station Scenarios Information is presented through lectures, discussions, and video footage, or through online modules.

8 4Cs of Pediatric First Aid The PedFACTs course focuses on the 4Cs of Pediatric First Aid in every medical situation. It is critical to emphasize the 4Cs of Pediatric First Aid throughout the course. Information is presented through the onsite course, as well as in the online modules.

9 PedFACTs Topics What is Pediatric First Aid? 4Cs of Pediatric First Aid Difficulty Breathing Loss of Responsiveness, Fainting, and Head Injuries Seizures Poisoning and Ingestions Controlling Infection, Bleeding, and Swelling Bone, Joint, and Muscle Injuries Eye Injuries Session 1: Information is presented through instructor-led lectures, or through online modules. Use the PowerPoint presentations found on the Instructor’s Toolkit as a visual to guide the discussions.

10 Skill Station: Medication Administration The PedFACTs course includes training on rescue medication equipment and devices so that caregivers are familiar with them. Instructors have the option to demonstrate the use of the equipment, or may utilize video segments on Medication Administration from the PedFACTs DVD. After completing this skill station, participants should be able to: Understand how to use a nebulizer Understand how to use an MDI Understand how to use an epinephrine auto-injector Session 2: Instructor-led for Onsite and Hybrid Courses. Know your state regulations for administration of medications. Some states restrict who can administer inhaled medications or epinephrine auto-injectors.

11 Skill Station: CPR and Choking Relief In the CPR and Choking Relief Skill Station, students watch video demonstrations and then practice these skills on manikins. Students must demonstrate competency in the following: First aid for a child or adult who is unresponsive and not breathing First aid for an infant who is unresponsive and not breathing First aid for a child with a blocked airway First aid for an infant with a blocked airway Session 2: Instructor-led for Onsite and Hybrid Courses. The CPR skill station requires one certified CPR Instructor for each group of 6 students. If you do not meet this requirement, you can identify an assisting instructor who does. The CPR skill station requires one certified CPR Instructor for each group of 6 students. If you do not meet this requirement, you can identify an assisting instructor who does.

12 Scenarios In this part of the course, students apply what they have learned in the course to real-life medical situations. Based on student needs, choose two of the following cases to review from the PedFACTs DVD: Allergic Reaction Seizure Unwitnessed Fall Session 2: Instructor-led for Onsite and Hybrid Courses.

13 Instructor Materials The PedFACTs course requires the following materials: PedFACTs Participant Manual Teaching Package –Instructor’s Toolkit CD –Instructor’s DVD The Instructor’s Toolkit CD contains the instructor manual, PowerPoint presentations for PedFACTs topics, selected PedFACTs algorithms, and other materials. The Instructor’s DVD contains all video segments needed for the course. Spend some time becoming familiar with these resources.

14 Instructor Responsibilities PedFACTs instructors have many important responsibilities to ensure a quality PedFACTs course for students. In addition to having knowledge of PedFACTs content and necessary skills, the instructor must do the following: –Facilitate learning –Conduct all course lessons and activities –Know course content and be proficient in skills –Evaluate students –Submit course rosters

15 Maintaining Instructor Status New Information: Effective January 1 st, 2015 All instructors must have taught at least two courses with the PedFACTs, Second Edition materials. If you do not teach two courses by this date, you will need to reapply to become a PedFACTs instructor and complete the instructor online orientation. All instructors must post class rosters to the website at

16 Teaching the Course Instructor-to-Student Ratios The PedFACTs course requires an instructor-to-student ratio of 1:6 for small group activities Instructor-to-student ratio should not exceed 1:18 for large group activities CPR skills must be taught by a CPR instructor certified through a nationally recognized program o PedFACTs instructors may use an assistant who meets this requirement should they not have the proper certification in CPR

17 Large Group Activities PedFACTs topic discussions Video footage Scenario discussions Small Group Activities CPR skill station Choking relief skill station Medication administration skill station (if applicable) Teaching the Course

18 Online Course Evaluation Form At the end of the course, instructors should encourage students to go online and complete a Course Evaluation Form at Feedback from this evaluation is used in planning PedFACTs updates and new Remediation Sometimes a student will be unable to demonstrate skills in CPR or choking relief. Other students may not pass the final exam on the first attempt. In these cases you should work with the student to develop a remediation plan. The student may take the PedFACTs final examination a second time. If the student does not pass again, they must retake the course to receive a course completion certificate. Teaching the Course

19 Course Fees PedFACTs instructors can establish their own course fees. Consider the following when establishing fees: –Local demand for PedFACTs courses –Affordability for students –Availability of course

20 Equipment Requirements CPR and Choking Relief Skill Station One child manikin* (at a minimum) for each group of 6 students One infant manikin* for each group of 6 students One adult manikin* AED (optional) CPR Anytime Kit ® for each student (optional) Face shields Sanitizing supplies Paper towels Timer *One CPR and Choking Relief Skills Station set-up for each group of 6 students. Use a manikin with a mouth/airway, closed chest, and full body if possible. This type of manikin best demonstrates abdominal thrusts and attempted removal of an obstruction if visible. This type of manikin also allows students to demonstrate effective rescue breaths with adequate chest rise.

21 Equipment Requirements Medication Administration Skill Station* Home nebulizer with nebulizer cup, plastic tubing, face mask, handheld mouthpiece Placebo MDI Spacer Training (placebo) epinephrine auto-injector Sample first aid kit *Instructors may choose to demonstrate the use of the equipment, or may utilize the video footage on Medication Administration from the PedFACTs DVD.

22 Supply Requirements Required Materials PedFACTs Participant Manual (one for instructor and each student) PedFACTs Teaching Package (one for instructor) Photocopies of required course handouts –All handouts may be printed from the Teaching Package

23 Course Completion Requirements To earn an AAP PedFACTs course completion certificate, students must complete the following: New Information! - Effective January 1 st, 2014 Prior to working with a PedFACTs instructor in the onsite portion of a PedFACTs course –All students must self-study the participant manual and take the pretest examination, or online modules and final examination. –Students will redeem an online access code* found within their participant manual and register for a course with an instructor. *Individual access codes can be purchased for $5.95 by calling Jones & Bartlett Learning at 978-443-5000.

24 Course Completion Requirements Students must print out and bring required online certificates to the course Successfully complete the CPR and Choking Relief Skill Station Correctly answer 80% of the questions on the final examination Course completion certificates are sent to the student by email once the course roster has been posted and approved.

25 Final Exam The exam is administered as follows: Onsite course: Students take a written exam at the end of Session 1, and the instructor grades them. Hybrid course: Students take the exam online after they have completed all online modules. Students print out their final exam certificate and bring it to the skill stations.

26 Course Completion Certificates Students who successfully complete a course taught by a PedFACTs instructor are eligible to receive an AAP PedFACTs course completion certificate. Many students give their employers a copy of the course completion certificate for personnel records. The course completion certificate is valid for 2 years. After the course, visit and submit your roster within 30 Steps for successful course completion: 1.During the course, track the students’ progress by filling out the Course Completion Requirements Checklist for each student 2. Log on to the instructor website by visiting 3. Go to the Roster 4. Indicate students who successfully completed the course (refer to the Course Completion Requirements Checklist)

27 5. Submit the roster 6. AAP staff will review and approve the roster 7. Students will receive their course completion certificate by email Some students may not want the AAP PedFACTs course completion certificate. Instead, students may just want to become familiar with pediatric first aid skills without having to take an exam. These students do not need to demonstrate competency of skills performance or complete the PedFACTs final examination. Course Completion Certificates Replacing lost, damaged, or incorrect certificates is the responsibility of the PedFACTs instructor. Validate that a student successfully completed the PedFACTs course by checking the Course Completion Requirements Checklist for the class.

28 Supplemental Resources: PedFACTs Website PedFACTs instructors are encouraged to visit the PedFACTs website at The Website contains up-to-date information on relevant child care topics, updated course materials, and other helpful documents for your courses. Please send any suggestions for additional online resources, and questions or concerns you may have regarding the new edition to:

29 Supplemental Resources: Facebook Become a friend of the New! PedFACTs Facebook page at Find more up-to-date information on PedFACTs Other relevant AAP child care information Network with other instructors like yourself

30 Questions?

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