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Hobbes and absolutism. THE SUN KING – “L’etat c’est moi.” – Survived the Fronde – Suppressed the Jansenists – spent lots of $$

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1 Hobbes and absolutism

2 THE SUN KING – “L’etat c’est moi.” – Survived the Fronde – Suppressed the Jansenists – spent lots of $$




6 LOUIS XIV’S WARS Louis wants to expand France and challenge the Habsburgs: Spain and Austria 1659 – The Treaty of the Pyrenees – set the boundary between France and Spain

7 1667-68 – THE WAR OF DEVOLUTION – Louis XIV wanted to take Franche-Comte and the Spanish Netherlands – France vs. Dutch, English, Swedish, Spanish – 1668 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen)– little land gained: France annexed Lille and part of Flanders

8 1672-79 – THE DUTCH WAR – Louis XIV made secret payments to keep the English neutral – France takes some territory from the Southern Netherlands and Franche-Comte – No clear winner

9 1689-97 – THE WAR OF THE LEAGUE OF AUGSBURG (a.k.a. KING WILLIAM’s WAR) – Louis XIV orders invasion of the Palatinate – League of Augsburg includes England, Dutch, Spain, Sweden, Bavaria, Saxony, Palatinate – 1692 –tries to invade England – 1697 – Treaty of Ryswick – France keeps gains in Alsace, but it’s clear other Europeans will join forces to fight them

10 1701-1714 – THE WAR OF SPANISH SUCCESSION (a.k.a. QUEEN ANNE’s WAR) – Louis XIV supports his grandson as King of Spain – England, Holland, Austria, Prussia, Portugal vs. France (with Spain and Bavaria as allies) – 1713 Treaty of Utrecht – makes peace between France and England – Austria got the southern Netherlands, France gave Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, and Hudson Bay to England, Philip V keeps throne of Spain, but not France

11 PRUSSIA (Hohenzollerns) Frederick William (The Great Elector) – 1640- 1688 Frederick I (King of Prussia) – 1688-1713 Frederick William I – 1713-1740 Frederick II (Frederick the Great) – 1740-1786

12 AUSTRIA (Habsburgs) Leopold I – 1657-1705 Joseph I – 1705-1711 Charles VI – 1711-1740 – Pragmatic Sanction Maria Theresa 1740-1780 Joseph II (Enlightened Absolutist)

13 Schonnbrun Palace in Vienna



16 SWEDEN Charles XII – dies in battle Loses the Great Northern War (1700-21) vs. Russia

17 POLAND King John III Sobieski – led Polish army to help Vienna vs. Turks in 1683 Polish nobles had power in the Sejm, but the liberum veto made it hard to govern

18 OTTOMAN EMPIRE Peaked under Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520-1566) Organized people into millets Non-Islamic people were known as zimmis

19 RUSSIA The Time of Troubles -> Romanovs take over in 1613 Peter the Great – 1682-1725 – Westernization – Built St. Petersburg – Built up the military/navy – Improved trade – Expanded territory into Baltics – Simplified alphabet – More involved in foreign affairs




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