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BUSA 331 Summer 2015 Professor Paulson Internet Law.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSA 331 Summer 2015 Professor Paulson Internet Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSA 331 Summer 2015 Professor Paulson Internet Law

2 Class Overview Instructor: Pat Paulson, 325 Office hours listed on website E-mail, Lync: Grading in D2L: Web site: Check websites periodically for updates! PgP BUSA 3312

3 Online Class Format Course1 website contains class info! Online-asynchronous View class recordings with Tegrity PgP BUSA 3313

4 Basic Technology External Monitor Tegrity-class recordings D2L-grading, discussions, exams PgP BUSA 3314

5 Background Attorney, Patent Attorney Mechanical Engineer Operations Manager Business Systems Consultant MIS Professor PgP BUSA 3315

6 Course1 Website Course policy and syllabus Assignment and project information Occasional hints Important announcements PgP BUSA 3316

7 Course Description-Catalog An overview and discussion of the current state of the law with respect to computers and internet technology. Legal topics are analyzed to determine the implications for individuals and businesses. Consideration is given to the societal effects of these legal trends. PgP BUSA 3317

8 Course Description Students will be exposed to a sampling of the latest internet business legal issues Students will investigate the changing nature of internet law Students will consider impact of constantly evolving internet technology and legal issues on business PgP BUSA 3318

9 Areas of Concentration Review-legal research sources Current case law Business impact of legal trends PgP BUSA 3319

10 Software Applications Tegrity recordings Cisco VPN Operating system utilities Windows Explorer, OS X Finder Web browser- Firefox or Internet Explorer recommended! PgP BUSA 33110

11 Course Objective When confronted with an internet business legal issue be able to research and make an effective action plan. PgP BUSA 33111

12 Analyze Legal Situation Business objective- solve problems Tools- your mind, legal research tools Methodology Define problem, legal issues Research current statutory law Research current case law Propose course of action PgP BUSA 33112

13 Course Materials Darrell, Issues in Internet Law, 8th edition Society-Technology/dp/1935971166 Society-Technology/dp/1935971166 ISBN-13: 978-1935971160 PgP BUSA 33113

14 Class Info Use Tegrity recordings Use external monitor Monitor 1-assignment Monitor 2-recordings or PowerPoints You can work ahead on assignments, projects You cannot work ahead on exams PgP BUSA 33114

15 Project- Internet legal issue Research internet legal issue of your choice Write a summary paper Draft due by Saturday, June 13th at 8am! Final due by Saturday, June 27th at 8am! PgP BUSA 33115

16 Assignments Assignments and Problems To focus on and hone required skills Do not email assignments to professor Do not print out and hand in assignments Submit assignments using web browser on Course1 You will be emailed a receipt for each assignment that is correctly submitted, use your WSU email address Late assignments penalized PgP BUSA 33116

17 Midterms (2) Test knowledge of material T/F, short answer, possibly essay Open book, open notes Online via D2L PgP BUSA 33117

18 Final Same format as mid-terms, 2 hours Cumulative, test knowledge of legal concepts Open book, open notes Laptop or computer required In D2L PgP BUSA 33118

19 Policy on Collaboration You are permitted to work together on Assignments and projects. However… During exams you are on your own. Therefore… It behooves you to actually do the work! PgP BUSA 33119

20 Grading Grading is based on: 10%Project (draft + final) 40%Assignments 20%Midterms (based on total points) 30%Final PgP BUSA 33120

21 Final Grade Based on 100 total points A 90% or greater B 80 to 89% C 70 to 79% D 60 to 69% F less than 59% PgP BUSA 33121

22 Grading Late Assignments are penalized! No extra credit No make-up exams! Point loss for spelling and grammar Professor Paulson does not give out grades Students earn grades! PgP BUSA 33122

23 After This Course? Enjoy learning new software applications and problem solving? Consider MIS major or minor Feel free to join MISA, the MIS student organization Get involved in the ImagineCup!ImagineCup Have questions about advising, scholarships, internships, careers, graduate school… Contact me at your convenience PgP BUSA 33123

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