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Maximising Technology for Adult Player Development

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Presentation on theme: "Maximising Technology for Adult Player Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maximising Technology for Adult Player Development
Kevin McGuigan (Sport Scientist, Ulster GAA) Brian McClelland (Sport Science Intern, Armagh GAA) Patrick McCarron (Sport Science Intern, Monaghan GAA) Maximising Technology for Adult Player Development

2 Introduction What is our focus; What do we aim to do;
Emerging concepts; Affordability; Application; What do we aim to do; Raise awareness of technology available; Provide usable examples for coaches to take away; Answer any questions you may have.

3 Heart Rate Analysis What does heart rate measure? Demonstration;
Intensity of effort / work rate / stress on the CV system; Demonstration; Cheap options; Practical application

4 Kinovea – Basic Video Analysis
Downloadable video analysis software; Edit Clips; Add Graphics; Split Screen clips; Build in pause screens; Add comments

5 Kinovea: Practical Demo

6 Performance Analysis Process
Measure Performance Practice Source Drills and Games Correct Technique Analyse Weakness

7 Measure Performance: Tagit Gaelic

8 Tagit Gaelic Record & review performance as it happens;
Quantitative assessment of performance & produce a detailed report; iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch; iPhone - £2.49/€3.59; Tagit Video on iPad - £29.99/€37.99.

9 Tagit Gaelic: Practical Demo

10 Using Tagit Gaelic Create personalised templates;
Max of 10 events per template; View data as per event and/or individual.

11 Applying Results & Feedback
Live match stats One to one feedback Team Comparisons Identify weakness Set targets

12 Team Analysis

13 Individual Analysis

14 Analyse Weakness: Dartfish Express

15 Dartfish Express: Analyse Weakness
Video Analysis Software for iPhone/ iPod/ iPad. Helps coaches & players improve performance - Record - Replay (Frame by Frame/ Slow Motion) - Analyse (Draw/ Label/ Arrows/ Add Text) Cost €4.49/ £2.99

16 Dartfish Express: Gathering Video
Practical (Games) Staged (Skills Test) NB: It’s very important to tell the player before they complete test that you are looking for accuracy instead of good technique. The player was instructed to execute a punt kick and was provided with no coaching

17 Dartfish Express: Practical Demo

18 Dartfish Express: Summary of Process
Addressing players 7 & 9; Using Dartfish Express, attempted to identify key issues with kicking technique; Guided player to use GAA Pocket Coach for reference to correct technique; Reassess kicking technique 3 weeks post intervention.

19 Correcting Technique: GAA Pocket Coach

20 GAA Pocket Coach: Correcting Technique
Video & photo reference App for coaching Gaelic football; Includes coaching points for key skills; Cost: £1.49 / €1.79; iPhone (4+); iPad & iPad Mini; Requires IOS7.

21 GAA Pocket Coach: Practical Demo

22 Applying knowledge to Practice: Elevate

23 ESS Gaelic Football Coaching
Gaelic Football coaches will be able to access drills/games and create training sessions with little or no preparation. Create and save your own training sessions. Available on Apple App Store and Google store. Price: Free- Trial version 4 coaching games/drills; £4.99 / € small sided games/drills.

24 Elevate Sports: Practical Demo

25 Dartfish Express – Follow Up Test
Player undertook the exact same kicking test as before. Again told the test was about accuracy. (i.e. how many scores they can get in with the 5 balls) Recorded kicking technique using tablet.

26 Dartfish Express - Final Results
Vast improvements both in Technique and most importantly accuracy.

27 Player Pre & Post Intervention Head

28 Pre & Post Intervention Knee Angle

29 Pre & Post Intervention Kicking With Laces of Boot

30 Pre & Post Intervention Toes Pointed Down, In Direction of Target

31 Summary of the PA Process
Performance Analysis Tagit Gaelic Elevate GAA Pocket Coach Dartfish Express

32 MS Excel – Tracking Trends
Ongoing analysis of trends in a range of aspects; E.G. Team Kick passing – Brian! Individual kick passing – Brian! Measuring performance! Stimulate competition – blocking!

33 MS Excel – Tracking Trends

34 MS Excel – Tracking Trends

35 Conclusions Technology is widely available;
Majority is free / fairly cheap; How much do we actually use what is available; Summary of cost – less than €15 / £10?

36 Questions

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