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CARE Sport for Social Change Initiative Moving Forward Project.

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Presentation on theme: "CARE Sport for Social Change Initiative Moving Forward Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARE Sport for Social Change Initiative Moving Forward Project

2 Moving Forward Project Partnership with Nike and Mercy Corps Approach –Incorporate psychosocial programming in initial emergency response proposal, complimentary to overall emergency response –Develop field-based model for using sport and play activities to help youth recover from emergencies –Serve as tools for practitioners –Pilots (Peru, Kenya, China, Georgia) Principles –Incorporated into CARE Emergency Toolkit –Open source –Multi-stakeholder approach

3 Background- Sport for Youth in Emergencies Psychosocial potential of sport to reduce stress and strengthen resiliency Space to play are first elements to disappear Growing evidence of sport’s role to address cognitive, emotional and social skills Importance of including psychosocial component as part of emergency response and in initial proposal

4 Moving Forward Toolkit Toolkit –Manual Preparation Assessment Workshop (3-day) Transition –Templates –Activity Guide –Sport Kit (1 kit per 30 youth participants)

5 Preparation TransitionAssessment Include MF psychosocial programming in initial emergency grant proposal –Estimate up to $50,000 for 6-month implementation Identify coordinator (CARE Country Office staff or external) Select teachers/coaches/mentors from local community to train in MF methodology Select target youth beneficiary group Conduct assessments Workshop preparation –Agenda, duration, activities Determine sport kit provision –Local purchase / production Post-Training Considerations –Who? Where? When?

6 Preparation TransitionAssessment Pre-Assessment Baseline surveys of trained mentors, youth participants, and youth control group Post-Assessment at 6-month conclusion

7 Preparation TransitionAssessment Determine CARE direct implementation or identify partners Estimate cost of continued programming Determine when and how to expand program; target wider/new beneficiary group Adapt MF methodology to address: –Health education –Peace-building –Gender equality –Social inclusion –Other

8 Lessons Learned Trauma too often underestimated and need to address trauma in both youth and adult mentors Incorporate Moving Forward/psychosocial programming into Country Offices’ EPP and initial emergency response proposal, not as stand-alone program Program duration longer than 3 months Emphasize to mentors how to embed thematic messages into the physical activities Commitment letters signed by mentors stress community ownership of the program

9 Next Steps Preposition sport kits at key CARE regional offices Train CARE emergency responders in MF methodology Ensure every Country Office has copy of MF manual Provide Country Offices with template language on psychosocial programming to include in their emergency response proposals Online accessibility –Download documents at –Fully interactive version on –View MF Georgia training video at: –Make MF manual a live document for social networking and peer revisions, open for input/feedback from all users –CARE and Mercy Corps train and advocate incorporation among ECB partners

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