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January 2011 Changes to Disability Living Allowance Consultation exercise.

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Presentation on theme: "January 2011 Changes to Disability Living Allowance Consultation exercise."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 2011 Changes to Disability Living Allowance Consultation exercise

2 January 2011 Question 1: What are the problems or barriers that prevent disabled people participating in society and leading independent, full and active lives? Social attitudes Physical/environmental barriers Poverty Employment discrimination

3 January 2011 Question 2: Is there anything else about DLA that should stay the same Everything that meets the personalisation agenda including self assessment Automatic entitlement categories

4 January 2011 Question 3: What are the main extra costs that disabled people face? Personal care, transport, home maintenance, additional heating, healthcare including aids and adaptations, communication equipment, social activities, maintenance of work and social networks

5 January 2011 Question 4: The new benefit will have two rates….what, if any, disadvantages or problems could having two rates per component cause? Are they using this to get rid of low rate care entitlement? Not possible to comment until criteria are explained.

6 January 2011 Question 5: Should some health conditions or impairments mean an automatic entitlement to the benefit, or should all claims be based on the needs and circumstances of the individual applying? Some conditions obviously give rise to greater costs – what’s the point of yearly assessment?

7 January 2011 Question 6: How do we prioritise support to those people least able to live full and active lives? Which activities are most essential for everyday life? Personal care AND access to a full range of social and community, educational, sporting and cultural activities – participation in everything that makes us human.

8 January 2011 Question 7: How can we best ensure that the new assessment appropriately takes account of variable and fluctuating conditions? Self assessment with guidance on recording severity and impact, frequency, variation and predictability Assessors trained to listen and record detail DO NOT use a computerised assessment system

9 January 2011 Question 8: Should the assessment of a disabled person’s ability take into account any aids and adaptations they use? What aids…? Should the assessment only take into account aids and adaptations where the person already has them or should we consider those that the person might be eligible for and can easily obtain? Reasonable Affordable Choice Actual circumstances

10 January 2011 Question 9: How could we improve the process of applying for the benefit…? Advice Self-assessment Input from carers

11 January 2011 Question 10: What supporting evidence will help provide a clear assessment of ability and who is best placed to provide this? Claimants Carers Trusted expert healthcare professionals with adequate time to assess

12 January 2011 Question 11: …part of the new process is likely to be a face-to-face discussion with a healthcare professional. What benefits or difficulties might this bring? Are there any circumstances in which it may be inappropriate….? Trusted (not intimidating) assessors who use the social model Referrals for support Domiciliary option Not computerised

13 January 2011 Question 12: How should the reviews be carried out e.g. what evidence and/or criteria should be used to set the frequency of reviews; should there be different types of review depending on the needs of the individual and their impairment/condition? Can’t have one size fits all Disproportionate and waste of time for some claimants

14 January 2011 Question 13: The system of PIP will be easier for individuals to understand, so we expect people to be able to identify and report changes in their needs. However, we know that some people do not currently keep the Department informed. How can we encourage people to report changes in circumstances? Give guidance about when to report changes and what is a relevant change

15 January 2011 Question 14: What types of advice and information are people applying for PIP likely to need and would it be helpful to provide this as part of the benefit claiming process? Independent advice and information at the start

16 January 2011 Question 15: Could some form of requirement to access advice and support, where appropriate, help encourage the minority of claimants who might otherwise not take action? If so, what would be the key features of such a system, and what would need to be avoided? Access to high quality independent advice and support Promoted through health and other support services, not DWP advice

17 January 2011 Question 16: How do disabled people currently fund their aids and adaptations? Should there be an option to use PIP to meet a one- off cost? DLA is used plus loans from health services/charities Useful for large purchases but also need run-on costs Not enough access to information

18 January 2011 Question 17: What are the key differences that we should take into account when assessing children? Can’t do adult assessment Need to take account of school report but also care and behaviour at home

19 January 2011 Question 18: How important or useful has DLA been at getting disabled people access to other services or entitlements? Are there things we can do to improve these passporting arrangements? Personalisation agenda is met Need automatic triggering and reporting between DWP departments

20 January 2011 Question 19: What would be the implications for disabled people and service providers if it was not possible for PIP to be used as a passport to other benefits and services? Passport to blue badge, free road tax, additional premiums on means tested benefits, potential for Carers Allowance – all essential to prevent family poverty.

21 January 2011 Question 20: What different assessments for disability benefits or services could be combined and what information about the disabled person could be shared to minimise bureaucracy and duplication? Local authority care assessments Not ESA medical assessments

22 January 2011 Question 21: What impact could our proposals have on the different equality groups … and what else should be considered in developing the policy? Advice on keeping benefit when starting work Over 65’s should get mobility component

23 January 2011 Question 22: Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the proposals in this public consultation? Hardship and distress for vulnerable people Money saving exercise

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