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Published byShanon Reeves Modified over 9 years ago
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 158 One night in the spring of 2008 a young man named Dan, who had lived in Chicago for several years, was sitting
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 159 at a table at his favorite pizza restaurant with his friend Thomas. After Dan and Thomas had placed their orders Dan said, "Thomas, I've been thinking about the conversation that we had last week about your friend
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 160 Jeffrey who you spent some time with recently when you were in Los Angeles on your spring break. I hope you don't mind too much but a little earlier tonight I went online with my computer and I had an online video chat
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 161 session with the psychic in India who you told me about last week. I had a very interesting conversation with Kala about Jeffrey and about some other topics and I'd like to get your ideas on what we talked about.”
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 162 "Sure, Dan", said Thomas, "I'm very interested in hearing about what you and Kala talked about. When I did my online video chat session with Kala when I was in Los Angeles, I was pleasantly
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 163 surprised by how knowledgeable she was about a lot of different topics. Why don't you go ahead and tell me about what you and Kala talked about. When you are done
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 164 I'll see if I can add some insights.” "OK, Thomas", said Dan. "Let's go ahead and get started then." (Dan, Thomas and Kala are people who are real for the purposes of this
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 165 story but who are not real in real life). "First of all" said Dan, "I told Kala about how when you were in Los Angeles on spring break you went out to story but who are not real in real life). "First of all" said Dan, "I told Kala about how when you were in Los Angeles on spring break you went out to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 166 dinner with your friend Jeffrey. I told her that you started your talk with Jeffrey by telling him that you believe that everyone is constantly exchanging spiritual energy with other people and that our
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 167 exchanges of spiritual energy with other people are an important part of our relationships with other people. You then told Jeffrey you believe that the spiritual energy that people have exchanged with people who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 168 they knew in the past (people who are no longer physically present) might get transferred to people who they know in the present (people who are physically present). Finally, you told Jeffrey you believe that people such as him who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 169 are spiritually and psychologically vulnerable also have a tendency to transfer their exchanges of spiritual energy from people who they knew in the past to people who they know in the present."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 170 "Then I explained to Kala that the conversation you had with Jeffrey took place at a restaurant in Los Angeles where one of the waitresses is a girl who you know named Amber. As I remember, Thomas, Amber had told you
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 171 about how last summer she got involved with a guy who was spiritually and psychologically vulnerable like Jeffrey so you asked her to come over to your table and tell Jeffrey about that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 172 relationship. Amber explained that at first she was reluctant to get too close to the guy. She was pretty sure that it would not develop into a serious relationship so she felt kind of guilty getting involved with him. But still
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 173 she sensed that he was reaching out to her and that he wanted to get to know her. After a while Amber realized that even though the exchanges of spiritual energy between her and the guy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 174 who was spiritually and psychologically vulnerable were not strong enough for her to be able to get seriously involved with him, it seemed to him like his relationship with Amber was serious. Looking back on the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 175 experience Amber thought that there was a logical basis for her to have a relationship with the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guy. He had been exchanging spiritual energy in the past with girls who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 176 were similar to Amber (girls with normal spiritual structures), and she had been exchanging spiritual energy with spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guys in the past.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 177 The spiritually and psychologically vulnerable guy was transferring to Amber the spiritual energy that he had exchanged with other girls who he knew in the past and she was transferring to him spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 178 energy that she had exchanged in the past with other guys she knew who were spiritually and psychologically vulnerable."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 179 "When Amber left your table to help some of the other customers Jeffrey commented to you that he could feel some very positive energy being exchanged between you and Amber. He asked you why you had
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 180 never gotten involved romantically with Amber. In answer to Jeffrey's question about you and Amber you explained to Jeffrey that most people as they are growing up develop two types of emotions. They develop
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 181 deep emotions for the people who they are really close to emotionally, and they also develop a "practical" set of emotions that they use when they are in situations where they are dealing with people in their school while they are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 182 growing up or where they are dealing with people in business types of situations when they start their working lives. For example, a girl who is running for homecoming queen or for a class office while in high school might
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 183 develop "practical" relationships where she merges the practical part of her soul with her fellow students for the purpose of getting their votes in the school election. This sort of thing also happens
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 184 quite often in business situations where a salesperson, for example, might feel that it is important for them to form a temporary spiritual bond with their client so that they will be able to influence the client when they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 185 need the client to do something that they want them to do (such as when they need the client to sign a contract). The salesperson knows how to use spiritual links to influence the client's thinking at that important
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 186 point where the client might be tempted to back out of the deal. Then you explained to Jeffrey that what you thought was happening between you and Amber was that you were merging the practical part of your soul with her and she
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 187 was merging the practical part of her soul with you. So even though the exchanges of spiritual energy between you and Amber were positive, those exchanges of spiritual energy were not a good basis
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 188 for developing a serious relationship.” "At this point Jeffrey asked you to explain in a little more detail the dynamics of what happens when a spiritually and psychologically for developing a serious relationship.” "At this point Jeffrey asked you to explain in a little more detail the dynamics of what happens when a spiritually and psychologically
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 189 vulnerable person starts to believe that they are developing a serious relationship with a person who is only merging the practical part of their soul with them. In answer to Jeffrey's question you gave
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 190 him another example. You asked Jeffrey to imagine that he got to know a girl named Vanessa who merged the practical part of her soul with him for a short time. While that took place Jeffrey was exchanging his spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 191 energy with Vanessa and she was exchanging her spiritual energy with Jeffrey. You explained to Jeffrey that compared to the amount of spiritual energy that most people exchange with other people he might not have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 192 been exchanging a lot of spiritual energy with Vanessa, but he thought that there was a magical exchange of spiritual energy taking place between him and Vanessa because he could sense that her subconscious
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 193 mind was communicating with his subconscious mind. Then you asked Jeffrey to further imagine that another girl came along who also merged the practical part of her soul with him. It was similar to his exchange of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 194 spiritual energy with Vanessa, but it was different because now his subconscious mind was communicating with this new girl's subconscious mind. You explained to Jeffrey that it was your belief
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 195 that during the time that he knew these girls, he would have been exchanging his spiritual energy with them through the Collective Subconscious when he was with them, and he would have
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 196 been exchanging his spiritual energy with them through the Collective Subconscious when he was not actually with them."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 197 Collective Subconscious of the Group Group Member #1 Group Member #2 Group Member #3
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 198 "At this point, Thomas, I told Kala that after you had explained your ideas about spiritual energy, Jeffrey told you that he thought your ideas about people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 199 communicating subconsciously through the Collective Subconscious made sense. Jeffrey said he thought that gaining insight into how the subconscious mind works might help him to learn how to communicate
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 200 better with other people and might help him to get along better with other people. For example, Jeffrey told you he thought it might be useful for him to try to program his subconscious mind to communicate to the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 201 subconscious minds of the girls who he meets in the future that he has been misinterpreting the situation in the past and that he is sorry if his subconscious mind is sending out signals to their subconscious minds that are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 202 stronger than what is appropriate. Jeffrey then said that he is not the type of person who would want to barge in on someone uninvited when they are at home at night after a long day of work. But by Jeffrey trying
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 203 to form a strong relationship with a girl who is only merging the practical part of her soul with him (the part of her soul that she usually only uses for work situations), he realizes that he might be getting her to think about him
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 204 more than she would like to think about him during her free time when she is not supposed to have to think about things that are related to work. He realized that even though he does not verbally say things to girls
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 205 that might make them feel uncomfortable, his subconscious mind might be making suggestions to their subconscious minds that they consider to be inappropriate due to the fact that the girl is only merging
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 206 the practical part of her soul with him.” "Thomas", continued Dan, "at this point I told Kala how after you had finished telling me about the conversation that you had with Jeffrey, the practical part of her soul with him.” "Thomas", continued Dan, "at this point I told Kala how after you had finished telling me about the conversation that you had with Jeffrey,
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 207 I reminded you that Jeffrey is not your only friend who is spiritually and psychologically vulnerable. I reminded you that I have fought many of the same battles that Jeffrey has fought. I told you at that time
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 208 that I liked Jeffrey's idea about the importance of him realizing that his subconscious mind is communicating with the subconscious minds of the girls who he meets and that this below the surface
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 209 communication between Jeffrey and the girls who he meets might be making them feel uncomfortable. But having tried personally to do variations of what Jeffrey is suggesting where his subconscious mind tries to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 210 subconsciously apologize to the subconscious minds of the girls who he meets for coming on too strongly, I had to say that I didn't think that this was going to totally solve the problem. I told you that I think that Jeffrey has to go
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 211 further and not only change the way that his subconscious mind communicates with the subconscious minds of the girls who he knows, but that Jeffrey also has to change the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 212 way that his subconscious mind communicates with the subconscious minds of the guys who he knows."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 213 "At this point I told Kala how you and I have discussed several times before how many spiritually and psychologically vulnerable people have been made into spiritual slaves by people who have taken some of their
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 214 spiritual energy away from them. One of the ways that people steal spiritual energy from another person is by saying something unfair about them or doing something unfair to them and then denying that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 215 they have done anything wrong. Whenever a group makes a person into their spiritual slave by treating them unfairly, the one who is the spiritual slave starts contributing spiritual energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 216 to the other members of the group. The ones who dominate the spiritual slave through the years care about that person very deeply because of what the spiritual slave does to strengthen the group, not because they want
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 217 the spiritual slave to become stronger. They might even at times ask the spiritual slave what they need to help make them stronger. But then the ones who asked the spiritual slave what they needed to become stronger will make
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 218 sure that the spiritual slave never receives whatever it is that will make them stronger. I reminded you at this point about how you had told Jeffrey that you and Amber were only merging the practical parts of your souls
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 219 with each other and how you knew that this was not a good basis for developing a serious relationship. I then told you I believe that the guys who try to dominate spiritual slaves such as
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 220 Jeffrey and myself know for certain, just like you know for certain, that they cannot develop a serious relationship with a girl if they are only merging the practical part of their soul with her.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 221 The guys who try to dominate spiritual slaves such as Jeffrey and myself will try to make us believe (both while communicating with us verbally and while communicating with us subconsciously) that we will
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 222 eventually be able to develop a serious relationship with a girl who is only merging the practical part of her soul with us. This tricks us into thinking that we are better off to continue going down the same path that we are
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 223 presently on rather than trying to make a change. The ones who are dominating us want us to stay where we are. That is why I believe that it is important for Jeffrey and myself to communicate to the subconscious minds of the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 224 guys who we know that we are suspicious when they tell us, both in verbal communication and in subconscious communication, that we will eventually be able to develop a serious relationship with a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 225 girl who is only merging the practical part of her soul with us." "At this point I told you that I knew you might be thinking that while in theory it makes sense for Jeffrey and myself girl who is only merging the practical part of her soul with us." "At this point I told you that I knew you might be thinking that while in theory it makes sense for Jeffrey and myself
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 226 to try to stop other people from overpowering us spiritually, it will be hard for us to actually make this happen. It will be hard for us to make this happen because the people who dominate spiritual slaves such as
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 227 Jeffrey and myself usually have more spiritual energy than we do. I told you I think that in order for people such as Jeffrey and myself to avoid being overpowered spiritually by the people who are dominating us through
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 228 the Collective Subconscious, it is important for us to come up with a framework for understanding (and for believing in) spiritual energy exchanges. I told you I thought that Jeffrey and I
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 229 should maybe come up with a variation of Pascal's Wager." "You liked the idea about using a variation of Pascal's Wager. You pointed out that when my subconscious mind and Jeffrey's subconscious should maybe come up with a variation of Pascal's Wager." "You liked the idea about using a variation of Pascal's Wager. You pointed out that when my subconscious mind and Jeffrey's subconscious
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 230 mind try to confront the subconscious minds of the guys who are trying to dominate us and mislead us with false information, their subconscious minds are likely to let us know that there is no way that we will
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 231 be able to overpower them spiritually at a subconscious level through the Collective Subconscious. Their subconscious minds will tell our subconscious minds that we are basing our argument
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 232 (that they are destroying us on a subconscious level by giving us false information) on the idea that people exchange spiritual energy with other people through the Collective Subconscious.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 233 They will argue that we do not really truly believe that people exchange spiritual energy with each other through the Collective Subconscious because we do not have absolute scientific proof. They will argue that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 234 for this reason we will not have enough faith to stop them from overpowering us spiritually on a subconscious level. You then said that what Jeffrey and I can do is to subconsciously communicate to the people who are trying
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 235 to spiritually overpower us that while we might not have absolute scientific proof that people exchange spiritual energy with other people through the Collective Subconscious, we do believe deep down in our hearts that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 236 there is a logical reason for us to believe that exchanges of spiritual energy between people through the Collective Subconscious actually do take place. We have a logical reason to bet (or wager) that people exchange spiritual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 237 energy with other people through the Collective Subconscious because if it is true that people do exchange spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious, and if we do not have a strategy for dealing with that, then
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 238 we will continue to allow other people to hurt us by stealing our spiritual energy. The potential negative consequences for us are too great and too damaging if it is true that this exchange of spiritual energy
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 239 does take place and if we have no defense against the people who are misleading us with false information and who are stealing our spiritual energy."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 240 Pascal’s Wager Vs. Dan’s Wager (17 th Century Philosopher Pascal is credited with giving us the idea that it would be safer for a betting man to wager that there is a God than to wager that there is no God. Dan [from this story] created his own version of Pascal’s Wager, which he calls Dan’s Wager) Dan’s Wager If you choose to believe that people exchange spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious, and find that it is not true, then you have lost nothing. But if you choose to believe that people do not exchange spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious, and find that it is true, then you might lose everything. Pascal’s Wager If you choose to believe that there is a Hell, and there is no Hell, then you have lost nothing. But if you choose not to believe there is a Hell, and there really is a Hell, then you will have lost everything. Dan’s Wager If you choose to believe that people exchange spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious, and you find that it is not true, then you have lost nothing. But if you choose to believe that people do not exchange spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious, and you find that it is true, then you might lose everything.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 241 "At this point", continued Dan, "Kala said that she liked very much the variation on Pascal's Wager (Dan's Wager) that you and I had developed. She then said that she wanted to tell me about a conversation that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 242 you had told her about during your online video chat session. She said that you had a conversation with someone named Pastor Ron when you were flying back to Los Angeles for your spring break."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 243 "That's right, Dan", said Thomas. "He was sitting next to me on the airplane. When he introduced himself to me, he said that I could call him Pastor Ron. Pastor Ron was headed to Los Angeles to attend the yearly annual
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 244 meeting of his church. Did Kala tell you about how I asked Pastor Ron to explain to me how it could be possible for a person in a church meeting to speak
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 245 in tongues (to speak in a language that they have never learned)?" "Yes she did, Thomas," said Dan, "and she explained how Pastor Ron told you that he thinks that we ourselves in tongues (to speak in a language that they have never learned)?" "Yes she did, Thomas," said Dan, "and she explained how Pastor Ron told you that he thinks that we ourselves
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 246 might be the mechanism for apparently supernatural phenomenon such as when people speak in tongues or when a sick person is delirious and they seem to be speaking to someone who is not in the room. He believes
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 247 that every person on earth communicates subconsciously with each other by exchanging spiritual energy through the Collective Subconscious. Pastor Ron told you that he thinks it is possible that when this type
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 248 of spiritual event occurs someone at a meeting in their office in Chicago might be communicating subconsciously (through the Collective Subconscious) with a person who is speaking in tongues in a
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 249 church meeting in another city. The person in Chicago might be providing feelings of comfort to that person who is speaking in tongues. Another person who is in Eastern Europe might also
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 250 be communicating subconsciously with the same person in the church meeting who is speaking in tongues. This other person might be providing the foreign language component that is being used in this
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 251 spiritual event. Pastor Ron feels that there might be several people from different parts of the world participating in the spiritual event with none of them being consciously aware of their involvement in what is
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 252 taking place. And he also thinks that something similar might be happening in the Collective Subconscious when a person is sick or delirious and where they appear to be speaking to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 253 someone who is not in the room. They may actually be talking to someone who is trying to comfort them through the Collective Subconscious."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 254 The illustration below shows how an individual in need of spiritual assistance (in this case speaking in tongues) might be able to receive spiritual comfort from several different people who each contribute a part of the spiritual comfort being provided but where none of the people is conscious of the spiritual assistance that they are providing. Individual In Need of Spiritual Assistance Group Member #4 (Provides the Foreign Language) Group Member #1 (Provides Knowledge) Group Member #2 (Provides Comfort) Group Member #3 (Provides the Interpretation)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 255 "At this point", continued Dan, "you told Pastor Ron you knew that some people believe that when we die our souls remain in the Collective Subconscious and perform tasks such as helping people who are still living when they
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 256 take part in spiritual events such as the ones that you and him had been discussing. You told Pastor Ron that you thought this would be a very cold and a very limited sort of an afterlife. In answer to your
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 257 comment, Pastor Ron explained to you that spiritual energy travels between us and other people so quickly that we are not consciously aware of it. For this reason, it seems to us that the spiritual world is limited and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 258 non-fulfilling because we can only sense, or can only see, the spiritual world in a very limited sort of a way. Pastor Ron believes that the spiritual things below the surface that we cannot see are probably very rich and very fulfilling."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 259 "Thomas", continued Dan, "Kala said that after you told her about your conversation with Pastor Ron, she told you that she liked very much Pastor Ron's ideas about the afterlife. But she also told you that she thinks that there
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 260 are a lot of pastors and other church people in our country who would challenge the idea that there might be an afterlife where there is no Hell. Kala reminded me how I had said that it is very difficult for people such as myself who
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 261 are spiritual slaves to break free of our spiritual bondage. She said that it is very difficult for us to break free of our spiritual bondage because the people who have made us into their spiritual slaves do not want to lose the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 262 extra spiritual energy that they receive when spiritual slaves are forced to give some of their spiritual energy to the other members of the group. Kala said that there is a reason why many pastors and other church people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 263 continue holding on to the idea that there is a Hell. She thinks that they know that the myth of a physical place called Hell is not real, but they also know that the spiritual slaves who have been forced to give up some
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 264 of their spiritual energy for the benefit of the group are living in a type of living Hell where they do not have the amounts of spiritual energy that are necessary to compete in this world.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 265 Kala knows that it is wrong and very unfair to say that all church people believe that spiritual slavery is ok, but she thinks that there are a lot of people in the church today who feel that the only way to keep the myth of Hell alive is
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 266 by continuing to force spiritual slaves to live in a type of living Hell where they must give up some of their spiritual energy for the benefit of the group."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 267 "The final thing that Kala wanted me to remember was that I might someday meet a church person who tries to make me feel guilty for my lack of faith in the religious myths. She said that I might be confused about why this
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 268 makes me feel uneasy considering the fact that I do not really believe in the myths of Heaven and Hell. In these situations, she said that she thinks I might be confused because while the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 269 church person is saying to my face (saying to me consciously) that they believe in the myth of Heaven and Hell and that they do not believe that people exchange spiritual energy with each
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 270 other through the Collective Subconscious, Kala believes that their subconscious mind is communicating to my subconscious mind that they know that the myth of Heaven and Hell is not real, but that they are convinced that
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 271 people actually do exchange spiritual energy with other people through the Collective Subconscious. This individual knows that I get confused when I talk to people like them. Kala believes that while I am
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 272 talking to this person my conscious mind is trying to tell my subconscious mind that this person believes in God but does not believe in spiritual energy transfers through the Collective Subconscious. At the same
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 273 time my subconscious mind is trying to tell my conscious mind that the subconscious vibrations that it is picking up from the church person indicate that the reverse is actually true. Kala's final comment to me was that she
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 274 hoped that with a conscious insight into the situation, in the future when I meet a person who says one thing to my face (to my conscious mind) and says something else to my subconscious mind, I will not feel the
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 275 conflict that we all feel when our conscious minds and our subconscious minds are not in agreement (or not in alignment)."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 276 "That's pretty good, Dan", said Thomas. "I like Kala's ideas very much, but I think that there is one more thing that we should consider. In the same way that a church person might be able to throw your conscious mind and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 277 your subconscious mind out of alignment by trying to make you feel guilty for not believing in religious myths that they don't believe in themselves, another type of person might try to throw your conscious mind and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 278 your subconscious mind out of alignment in a different way. This person (who might be a church person or who might not be a church person) will let you know in a subtle way, such as possibly rolling their eyes or maybe making
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 279 a muted chuckling noise while you are talking to them, that they are going to take something that you have just said to them about yourself, and they are then going to twist (or spin) it around to take on a very negative
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 280 interpretation that you never intended, and then they are going to tell at least a couple of people the false story (or the lie) about you that they have created. This person knows that while you are talking to them your
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 281 conscious mind is telling your subconscious mind that you are afraid they are going to tell some people a lie about you and that at the same time your subconscious mind will
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 282 be telling your conscious mind that the subconscious vibrations that it is picking up from this person indicate that not only will this person tell a lie about you directly to some people but also that those people who they tell the lie to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 283 will cause you further damage by subconsciously transmitting the lie that they have heard about you to other people by way of the Collective Subconscious."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 284 In a group that has seven members, Group Member #1 has told a lie about a person named Pete to Group Member #2 and Group Member #3 (see below). In the illustration that follows this one, Group Member #2 and Group Member #3 subconsciously communicate the lie that they heard about Pete to other people through the Collective Subconscious. Group Member #1 (The liar who told the lie about Pete) Group Member #2 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true) Group Member #3 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 285 Group Member #2 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true) Group Member #4 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true) Group Member #5 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true) Group Member 3 (Heard the lie about Pete and believes it is true) Group Member #6 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true) Group Member #7 (Subconsciously heard the lie & believes it is true)
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 286 "Dan", continued Thomas, "when you get involved in a situation such as this, you might at a deep subconscious level start to panic about how you are going to be able to defend yourself against the lie about you that you know is
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 287 going to be told (both consciously and subconsciously) to so many people. Even if you were able to find all of the people who hear the lie directly from the liar and if you were able to tell them the truth
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 288 (or tell them your side of the story), you would still have no idea what to do about the people who had only heard the lie subconsciously (people who had not consciously heard the lie in a conversation with another
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 289 person, but who had only heard the lie subconsciously when it was transmitted to them through the Collective Subconscious)."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 290 "When another person intimidates you by letting you know that they are going to tell a lie that will hurt you, that person knows that you will be worried about how you are going to defend yourself against the lie.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 291 But they also know that you are going to be worried about the fact that this sort of intimidation seems to happen to you more often than it does to other people and that you don't know how to stop it from happening. Dan, I think
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 292 that because you have had your spiritual energy stolen from you by other people in the past (thereby reducing your levels of spiritual energy), it is possible that the connection between your conscious mind and your
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 293 subconscious mind is weaker than the connection that most other people have between their conscious mind and their subconscious mind. In my opinion, bullies prefer to try to pick on people who are spiritually and
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 294 psychologically vulnerable. It is fairly easy for them to frighten a spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person because other people have been frightening that person by stealing their
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 295 spiritual energy throughout their lives. I think that bullies who try to intimidate a person in this way enjoy the fact that they are taking a person who was already weak and they are making them even weaker. And in my opinion
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 296 I also think that they are able to increase their own spiritual energy levels when they do this because they are stealing some of the spiritually and psychologically vulnerable person's spiritual energy."
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 297 "When this sort of thing happens to you, Dan, I know that there are a lot of things that are going through your mind and that it is easy to panic. But if you could gain some insight into what is happening you might be
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 298 able to defend yourself better against this type of attack in the future. Maybe the next time that this happens you could remind yourself when you are talking to the bully that your conscious mind and your subconscious mind
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 299 are in conflict and are out of alignment at that moment. And also remind yourself that you are at that moment concerned about how you are going to defend yourself against the lies that you know the bully
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 300 is going to tell about you. Maybe try to communicate to your subconscious mind that you are consciously aware that the bully is going to tell lies about you directly to other people and that some of
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 301 those people who hear the lies might subconsciously transmit the lies to other people through the Collective Subconscious. Also try to communicate to your subconscious mind that you do not think that you should
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 302 get overly worried about what is going to happen when the bully tells their lies because everybody on earth has to deal with having lies told about them both consciously and subconsciously. Try to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 303 communicate to your subconscious mind that the biggest problem you are facing at that moment is that the bully is trying to steal your spiritual energy by making you panic because
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 304 of the conflict that you are feeling because your conscious mind is not in alignment with your subconscious mind. If you can get yourself to stop panicking when this happens, the bully will not be able to
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 305 steal your spiritual energy and you will for this reason have more spiritual energy available to you. And because you have more spiritual energy available to you than you would have had if you had allowed the bully
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 306 to steal your spiritual energy, you will be able to better defend yourself against any conscious or subconscious lies that are told about you than you would have been if you would have panicked
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 307 when you were talking to the bully." "Finally Dan, I think that you should try to subconsciously communicate to the bullies who try to hurt you (church people bullies, non-church when you were talking to the bully." "Finally Dan, I think that you should try to subconsciously communicate to the bullies who try to hurt you (church people bullies, non-church
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 308 people bullies, men bullies, and women bullies) that you have developed a variation of Pascal's Wager (Dan's Wager) that allows you to believe that exchanges of spiritual energy between yourself and other people
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 309 actually do take place through the Collective Subconscious, and that this will hopefully help you to better defend yourself against people such as them in the future when they try to steal your spiritual energy.
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 310 Hopefully by gaining a conscious insight into some of the ways that other people might try to hurt you spiritually and psychologically, you will be able to reduce the conflicts
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 311 between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind and bring them into a closer alignment. By reducing those conflicts and by using your variation of Pascal's Wager, you will hopefully be able to increase
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 312 your levels of spiritual energy by learning how to prevent other people from stealing your spiritual energy and also increase your levels of spiritual energy by developing faith that people really do exchange
The Philosophy of Exotischism Losing Your Faith 313 Copyright 2011 Don Bergquist spiritual energy with each other through the Collective Subconscious."
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