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Creating Interactive Lessons on the SMARTboard Stephanie J. Madlinger, Ed.S. Cooperating School Districts 1460 Craig Rd. St. Louis,

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Interactive Lessons on the SMARTboard Stephanie J. Madlinger, Ed.S. Cooperating School Districts 1460 Craig Rd. St. Louis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Interactive Lessons on the SMARTboard Stephanie J. Madlinger, Ed.S. Cooperating School Districts 1460 Craig Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146

2 SMART Notebook SMART Notebook software available at Use subject to the license terms in the Software License Agreement Can download onto computer not attached to SMARTboard only if you own a SMARTboard

3 SMART Notebook Power lies in interactivity Can be used many ways –Graphic organizers –Internet activities –PowerPoint presentations –Peer editing

4 SMART – Simple toolbar menus Save Print Undo Next Back Add Blank Select Pen Delete Slide Sorter can be moved to either side of board

5 Windows Toolbar Format text Insert new page Insert new document Shade/covers and reveals Pointer/ chooses Pen-writes and draws Creative pen- colorful writing Eraser Shapes Straight linesLaunch print capture–select areas to capture Full screen

6 Templates Lots of templates found in Design Gallery Can find more on the SmartTech Website ing/activities/notebook.aspx ing/activities/notebook.aspx

7 How to Create a Lesson Think of your objectives How can you get students involved? –Goal is to get them up to the board You know the material –Create task for them to do that requires manipulation –Have rest of class help person at board –Other students take turns at board –Have one student per day designated as “moderator” or “helper” Teacher on one side of board, student on other side –Scan pictures or other materials in

8 Websites Christie McKenzie’s Templates – Scroll down to SMARTboard Templates to download lots of Notebook files such as The Big Word, Daily Math Example, synonyms, and possessives. Pershing County School District Online – Reno, NV – ART.htm ART.htm Has lesson plans for use with SMARTboards and a list of ways to use the SMARTboard in the classroom.

9 Websites Sullivan Public Schools Templates for SMARTboards – 4ets/templates.htm 4ets/templates.htm Has templates arranged according to content area Smart – And Getting Smarter – tboardindex.htm tboardindex.htm Find links to established lessons and to template files you can download. You will be able to view all of them before you download.

10 CSD Website All of these websites can be found on CSD’s iKeepBookmarks page –www.ikeepbook –Click on the SMARTboard Stuff folder

11 New Versions of Software Latest version 9.0 released Jan., 2005 Updates of Notebook software can be obtained automatically Uninstall old version first; then install new Download new versions at

12 Learn Online SMART online orientation sessions 40-minute computer and telephone conferences No-cost overview of the basics Led by a SMART trainer To register, go to enter/online/index.asp enter/online/index.asp

13 Contact Info Stephanie J. Madlinger, Ed. S. Technology Instructor, unitedstreaming Educator Cooperating School Districts 1460 Craig Rd. St. Louis, MO 63146 314-692-1212

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