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Town Hall VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere | NOAA Administrator January 25, 2004 La Jolla.

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Presentation on theme: "Town Hall VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere | NOAA Administrator January 25, 2004 La Jolla."— Presentation transcript:

1 Town Hall VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere | NOAA Administrator January 25, 2004 La Jolla

2 2 Current Environment Update to Strategic Plan Employee Information  Research Review Team Outcomes New Leadership, Congress NOAA Business Model Budget Outlook NOAA Organizational Structure SES Summit Ocean Commission Report Global Earth Observing System of Systems—GEOSS NOAA In The Media NOAA Accomplishments

3 3 Update to NOAA’s Strategic Plan An informed society that uses a comprehensive understanding of the role of the oceans, coasts and atmosphere in the global ecosystem to make the best social and economic decisions NOAA’s 5-Year Research Plan—new in January 2005 NOAA’s 20-Year Research Vision—new in January 2005

4 4 NOAA’s Mission & Goals To understand and predict changes in the Earth’s environment and manage coastal and marine resources to meet the Nation’s economic, social and environmental needs Mission Goals:  Protect, restore, and manage the use of coastal and ocean resources through an ecosystem approach to management  Understand climate variability and change to enhance society’s ability to plan and respond  Serve society’s needs for weather and water information  Support the Nation’s commerce with information for safe, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation  Provide critical support for NOAA’s mission

5 5 Employee Information Effects of the NOAA Research Review on NOAA’s Fisheries Science Centers Status of NOAA’s SWFSC La Jolla redevelopment project Status of Fisheries Research Vessels

6 6 Employee Information Workforce Management  Out: Zane Schauer, WMO Director COOL  In: Eddie Ribas, WMO Director QuickHire New QuickHire Login Screen InOut

7 7 Current Environment Impressions In: Secretary Designate Carlos Gutierrez Out: Ernest Hollings Committee highlights:  Out: Ted Stevens- Senate Appropriations Chair  In: Thad Cochran- Senate Appropriations Chair  In: Jerry Lewis- House Appropriations Chair  In: Ted Stevens- Commerce Chair  In: Inouye, Ranking member: Appropriations and Commerce

8 8 Thinking Corporate NOAA NOAA “Business” Model LEADERSHIP

9 9 Thinking Corporate NOAA Climate—Existing Program Aligning to Model

10 10 LEADERSHIP Thinking Corporate NOAA Coasts, Estuaries & Oceans—New in FY07

11 11 $ Billions Budget Update Trends

12 12 Budget Update Where We Rank For 2005* AgencyIncreases Veterans Affairs$1.2B Army Corps of Engineers$585M National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $567M Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $336M AgencyCuts Education/local education$500M Federal Aviation Administration$335M Energy Department’s Yucca Mountain Project $303M Environmental Protection Agency$275M National Science Foundation$105M Energy Department’s Biological & Environmental Research Program $69.5M Agencies with the biggest increases over the President’s 2005 budget request......and those with the biggest cuts: *Federal Times, November 29, 2004

13 13 NOAA Organizational Structure

14 14 NOAA Organizational Structure

15 15 SES Summit II Highlights Transparency of Mission Improved Internal Practices  NOAA Management actively listens to employees, incorporates feedback into practices  Employees understand & endorse the mission – ensures long-term care & feeding of NOAA Improved External Practices  External partners have stake in the outcome and drive internal administrative requirements  Enhance connections to constituents to ensure we are giving our “customers” what they want  Buy-in from community/stakeholders puts Average Joe in NOAA’s Corner

16 16 SES Summit II Integration: Moving Forward Under Fiscal Restraint Re-purpose existing systems and capitalize on new developments, technologies, external partners  Linkages between programs facilitate economic & scientific efficiencies  NOAA products and services integrate and meet society’s increasingly complex needs  Partnering with other federal, state, local agencies advance domestic and international agendas–key opportunities on the horizon to work closely with DoE, DHS

17 17 SES Summit II Communication How well we talk to each other is a key barometer of how well NOAA is functioning. Effective Managers know what to put into the hands of employees so there can then be clarity at all levels

18 18 Ocean Commission Report Administration’s Response to the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy

19 19 Ocean Commission Report Executive Order: Establishment of Committee on Ocean Policy Chaired by chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality Cabinet level membership Will advise President and heads of agencies on policies concerning ocean-related matters Responsibilities:  Ocean science and technology  Ocean literacy and education  Ocean resource management

20 20 Ocean Commission Report Land/sea interface implications within U.S. Ocean Action Plan Integrated Mapping  Seamless topographic bathymetric charting GIS Capabilities  Management of Coastal Zone  Storm Surge Products  River Flow Climatology Multi-modal Transportation  Optimizing various NOAA Products for one customer Weather Forecasting  Observing Network commended in Ocean Commission Report

21 21 What is GEOSS? Global Earth Observing System of Systems GEOSS is a distributed system of systems built on current international cooperation efforts among existing Earth observing and processing systems GEOSS is  Comprehensive—observations and products from all components  Coordinated—leverages contributing members resources  Sustained—by will and capacity of all members GEOSS enables the collection and distribution of accurate, reliable Earth Observation data, information, products, and services to both suppliers and consumers worldwide—an end-to- end process

22 22 Why GEOSS? Global Earth Observing System of Systems GEOSS — Global System To Meet Societal Needs  Interdisciplinary focus  Identifies gaps in our global capacity  An integrated international system using remote sensing & in situ systems  Facilitates exchange of data and information  Foundation for sound decision-making: global, regional, & local level Social, Economic, & Science Concerns  More than half the world’s population lives within 60 km of the shoreline  Could rise to 3/4 by the year 2020  More than 90% of natural disaster-related deaths occur in developing countries  25% of Earth’s biological productivity & an estimated 80-90% of global commercial fish catch is concentrated in coastal zones  Worldwide agricultural benefits of better El Niño forecasts are conservatively estimated at $450-$550M/year

23 23 Human Health & Well-Being Energy Resources Climate Variability & Change Water Resources Ecosystems Sustainable Agriculture & Desertification Oceans Natural & Human Induced Disasters Weather Information, Forecasting & Warning GEOSS Benefits Focus

24 24 NOAA’s Role in GEOSS NOAA: Where Science Creates Value Earth observations…  Are at the core of NOAA’s mission  Support virtually every activity we perform NOAA has…  Observing capabilities being advanced through scientific and technological research  A broad scope of domestic and international partnerships  Commitment to transform research into useful, operational information

25 25 Pacific Tsunami Warning System Tsunami Warning System in the Pacific (ICG/ITSU) was established in 1968 and presently has 26 member states.

26 26 U.S. Plan For An Improved Tsunami Monitoring System $37.5M over next 2 years Enable enhanced monitoring, detection, warning & communications throughout 32 advanced technology DART buoys Nearly 100% coverage for U.S. coastal tsunami Expanded monitoring capability throughout Pacific & Caribbean basins Part of future global observation & global tsunami warning systems

27 27 NOAA in the Media Director Of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center Presented With Emmy Award  Max Mayfield, director of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center

28 28 NOAA in the Media Tsunami Coverage/NOAA in the News Chip McCrery | DatelineEddie Bernard | Larry King Live VADM Lautenbacher | Fox News

29 29 NOAA in the Media La Jolla A New Approach to Monitoring Rockfish Populations: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle  SWFSC scientists: Dave Demer and John Butler  San Diego Union-Tribune  Pacific Coast Sportfishing Humpback whale cruise  SWFSC chief scientist: Jay Barlow  Many journals, newspapers (NY Times, Science, Nature, etc.) Training the next generation—Scripps Institution of Oceanography and SWFSC:  Grant Award: National Science Foundation’s “Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship” ($3.4M)  SWFSC scientists: Sarah Mesnick, Dale Squires, and Mike Tillman,  SIO press release

30 30 NOAA in the Media La Jolla Antarctica – new species of killer whales?  2 articles relevant to our work in Antarctica— Killer Whale Research and Tasmacetus (beaked whale)  SWFSC scientist: Bob Pitman  The Antarctic Sun The world’s smallest fish! A newly discovered species of Goby  SWFSC’s Bill Watson  New York Times

31 31 NOAA’s Accomplishments Mission and Process Mission Successes  National and international leadership in Earth observations  Hurricane support wins Senate commendation, supplemental appropriation  Rebuilding the Nation’s fisheries  Development of the Integrated Ocean Observing System  Fisheries regulatory process improvements  NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards improves and expands  Coral reef initiative  NOAA fleet modernization and growth Organizational Successes  Program review conducted  NEC and NEP established  Program structure comprehensively covering all NOAA resources established with 14 matrix programs  Goal Leads appointed  Full Council structure established  PA&E established  Annual update of the Strategic Plan

32 32 NOAA’s Accomplishments Mission and Process Mission Successes / 777 U.S. COSPAS-SARSAT saves since 2001  Sea turtle conservation  Operational air quality forecasts in Northeast United States  Early Warning System for Florida Harmful Algal Blooms / Homeland security support  Reducing national uncertainty about climate change / Teacher at Sea Program expands into air / Next Generation Radar (NEXRAD) Level II Radar Data Available in Real Time Organizational Successes  Line Office Strategic Plans in alignment with NOAA Strategic Plan  Councils produce multi-year strategic plans  Full PPBES cycle for FY06-11  Annual Operating Plans for all matrix programs  Monthly and quarterly execution reporting  Comprehensive review of administrative functions – business process re- engineering initiated  Grants on-line implementation

33 33 What You Should Take Away The Future…….is Bright!!! NOAA is:  An Effective, Successful Organization With World-wide Recognition  Composed of Talented, Experienced & Dedicated People  Critical to Meeting the Nation’s & the World’s Economic & Environmental Challenges  Organizationally Positioned to Provide Leadership  Where Science Gains Value NOAA is All of Us Working Together With a Unified Vision & Consistent Message Thank you for your service!

34 Backup Material

35 35 SES Summit II Empower Creativity From All Levels

36 36 Earth Observation Summit Success Earth Observation Summit I & II  53 Countries + EC & 33 International Organizations represented  Assigned the LandSat Mission in FY05  Ocean Observations Earth Observation Summit III  55 Countries + EC & 33 International Organizations currently represented  Agreement on Implementation Plan & Resolution  Set up new GEO Structure & Secretariat GEO-6  Complete Implementation Plan

37 37 NOAA in the Media Teacher at Sea Program NOAA Teacher at Sea Children’s Book  To be published early in 2005 Authors  NOAA Teacher at Sea Mary Cook  8th grade Earth Science teacher at Southside Middle School in Batesville, Arkansas  Dr. Diane Stanitski  TAS alumni now working for the NOAA Office of Climate Observation  Chief Boatswain Bruce Cowden

38 38 Thinking Corporate NOAA NOAA “Business” Model LEADERSHIP

39 39 Mission Excellence… Real Time Operational Surface Transportation Conditions Reporting System Reduce the Aqua-/Mari-culture Trade Deficit by 50% Operational Bio-detection Network in place  Plankton to Whales Operational Phased Array NOAA/FAA Wx/ATC System Operational Next Generation Trawling Gear Replacement

40 40 Mission Excellence… Completed Operational Ocean Observing System Three Regional Ecosystem Management Pilots in place First Ecosystem Based Fishery Management Plan Operational Climate Monitoring System  Carbon, Climate Reference Network Reduce Charting Backlog by 50% One Hour Lead Time for Tornado Forecasts

41 41 Mission Excellence… Real Hurricane Intensity Forecasting Improvement Nationwide Operational Air Quality Network Operational National Drought Monitoring System Operational UAV, UUV Support Fleet Assimilation of NASA & NSF Research into Operational Satellites GOES-R First Operational Integrated Environmental Monitoring Satellite System

42 42 Mission Excellence… NOAA Ownership and Operation of the U.S. Earth Observing Satellites  Including LANDSAT Operational National Water Quality Network  Non-Point Source Reduction Recognized Leadership in Earth Systems Modeling Fishery Capacity Equal to Sustainable Wild Harvest Levels

43 43 Combined Federal Campaign (La Jolla) Campaign Ended Friday, 1/14/2005 As of Jan 21: Coming

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