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TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL Ana Fernandes Rui Martinho.

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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL Ana Fernandes Rui Martinho."— Presentation transcript:

1 TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL Ana Fernandes Rui Martinho

2 Castile and Leon TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

3 Agenda Region Characterisation (at 1993) An Opportunity... The Innovation System Elaboration of the Plan Plan Strategy Plan Implementation – Programmes Final Remarks TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

4 Region Characterisation Economic Structure TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL The 50 ( 0.3%) biggest industrial firms generate 50% of the total turnover. Valladolid, Leon and Burgos counts for 68.9% of the industrial GDP and generates 55.7% of the total region production

5 Region Characterisation R&D and Companies Demand TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL Approximately 10 companies were responsible for 30% of the business R&D Group 1 – Companies that are users but not generators of technology Group 2 – Companies with a certain innovative potential Group 3 – Innovative Companies Group 4 – Big Companies

6 Region Characterisation Technology Supply TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL Technological Centres Duplicities and overlaps Scarcity of Human Resources Deficient Management Technological Parks Technology Park of Boecillo Scientific Park of Leon Business and Innovation Centre Castile and Leon (1990) Burgos (1995)

7 An Opportunity In the Autumn of 1994 EC chose eight regions to develop a Regional Technological Plan to participate in a pilot programme with the intention of promoting the Innovation and Technology Transfer and the Regional Policy and Cohesion. Castile and Leon was one of the regions... TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

8 The Innovation System TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL Support Infrastructures Technological and Scientific BICs, Tech Parks, OTTs Financial Risk Capital Entities Regional Administration Scientific and Technological Supply Network of Tech Centres, Universities, Private Supply Technological Demand Companies, Society, Administration

9 Elaboration of the Plan TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL REGIONAL TECHNOLOGY PLAN Analysis of the technological and Innovation infrastructures Analysis of the Business Demand for Innovation and R&D Establishment of Strategic and Operative Objectives Identification and definition of the strategies and actions Sectoral Meetings CONSENSUS STEERING COMMITEE TECHNOLOGICAL FORUM Analysis of the Interconnection Between Demand and Supply SYNTHESIS AND RESULTS Diagnosis Diffusion Follow-up Evaluation Resources Sectoral Meetings CONSENSUS SYNTHESIS AND RESULTS Strategy of the Regional Tech. Plan STAGE I STAGE II

10 Plan Strategy TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL BASES OF RTP AIM: TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE COMPETITIVENESS IN CASTILE AND LEON LEADING TO THE OPTIMUM DEVELOPMENT OF ITS INNOVATION SYSTEM Support the guidelines of the region’s economic policy Consensus and participation of all the Agents Complementation with other national and international initiatives Gradual development of the actions that will be defined in the plan SCOPE Actions that contribute to the promotion and development of Innovation Integral approach to achieve the success of the RTP Focused upon to all the Agents from Innovation System It covers the business needs Elaboration b y the regions Administration with the support of Central Government and EU Support and participation of Technological Infrastructure Long-term Plan OBJECTIVES Reorganisation and fostering of Technological and Innovation Supply Articulation of the business needs and demands Strengthening of collaboration at all levels To promote and take advantage of the available human potential To facilitate the access to the available capacities on national and international scene To promote an integral approach to innovation To control and evaluate the evolution of the RTP PROGRAMMES INFRASTRUCTURES INNOVATION TRAINING PUBLIC AWARENESS RAISING STRUCTURING OF THE BUSINESS DEMAND

11 Plan Implementation The Infrastructures Programme LINE 1: Support to the development of the Technological Supply Centres –Definition of a specific model of technological supply for Castile and Leon –Discriminatory Support to the development of the Technological Supply Centres –Diffusion, as a whole and individualised, of all the activities in the Technological Supply Centres among the companies in Castile and Leon LINE 2: Fostering of the complete integration of support infrastructure to Innovation and the interface between demand and supply in the Innovation System –Support to the development of the Technological Park of Boecillo –Support to the development of the Business and Innovation Centres (BICs) –Support to coordinated actions of all interfaces organisations –Support to the development of the Scientific Park in Leon TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

12 Plan Implementation The Innovation Programme LINE 1: Support to Technological Development –Support to technological co-operation –Support to business projects of technological development –Support to realisation of technological applications and development for small and medium enterprises LINE 2: Support to the acquisition, the utilisation and exploitation of technologies –Support to the acquisition and implementation by companies of Information and Telecommunications technologies –Promotion of the implementation and improvement of Quality Management Systems in companies –Support to the incorporation and transfer of technologies –Support to the implementation and improvement of the design process and product development –Promotion of environmental improvements in companies –Promotion of energy saving, replacement and diversification –Support to the exploitation of R&D results –Support of the creation of small and medium enterprises in their incubation stage, with a specific focus upon those that render engineering support TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

13 Plan Implementation The Vocational Training Programme LINE 1: Support to the Capacity for Technological Development of Companies and the Technological Supply –Support to the continuous training and a professional improvement of technologists and researchers –Support to the recent graduates –Promotion of technologists mobility –Support to the incorporation of technologists in companies LINE 2: Support to the companies capacity to acquire, use and exploit Technologies –Support to the continuous training and improvement of companies staff –Support to training rotation –Support to self-training of technicians and managers –Support to the entrepreneurs training to start-up and manage new business projects with an innovative character TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

14 Plan Implementation The Public Awareness Raising Programme LINE 1: Raising of Companies Awareness –Support to the realisation of audits –Carrying out of awareness raising campaigns –Putting in practice of consciousness raising campaigns among editors and the media –Carrying out of a periodic survey on Innovation in companies of Castile and Leon and diffusion of results LINE 2: Access to Relevant Information on Innovation and Technological Development –Support to the realisation of displays and diffusion of successful innovative experiences in companies of Castile and Leon –Support to establishment displays of “technological aerials” and promotion the access to relevant information for each company –Actions of diffusion and access to regional and supraregional support TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

15 Plan Implementation The Structuring of the Business Demand Programme LINE 1: Support to the Business Integration and the Unfolding of Innovation and Technological development activities in clusters –Support to the identification of clusters that contribute to the improvement of the companies technological position –Support to the creation and promotion of inter-business “Innovation and Technology Committees” –Support to the setting-up of networks and strategic alliances aimed at product and process innovation TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

16 Final Remarks Sucess Factors Correct Program Definition Participation and Involvement of the Different Agents Good Quality of Management An Estimated Resouces of 74,000 million pesetas 55% Through national and European support programmes 45% Through private resources Follow-up and Evaluation Mechanisms Direct and indirect indicators to monitor the Plan’s progress Better decision-making during the implementation phase Expected Impacts of RTP Gradual increase of the regional technological effort over GDP to 1% by 2001 Increase of private R&D expenditures to 50% of the total expenditure TECHNOLOGY PLAN Castile and Leon REGIONAL

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