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Adult II Couples Class. PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Marsha Trollinger Surgery -Tony: Cancer Treatments -Spring Revival -Easter.

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Presentation on theme: "Adult II Couples Class. PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Marsha Trollinger Surgery -Tony: Cancer Treatments -Spring Revival -Easter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult II Couples Class


3 PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Marsha Trollinger Surgery -Tony: Cancer Treatments -Spring Revival -Easter Music Program -LRTF Decisions

4  Benevolence Fund  R.E.A.P. (N/A due to E-Sunday)  Monthly Fellowships  March  April  May  Dinner Out Friday (30 Mar)  5th Sunday Breakfast (29 April)  Quarterly Service Project  Ends of the earth project: Savage family care package  Jerusalem Project ??  Easter Musical Rehearsals  Olive Grove Terrace Visit (25 Mar)  Discipleship University Begins (25 Mar)  Wednesday Night Meal (28 Mar)  Family Campout-Enid Lake (6&7 Apr)  Easter Program (8 Apr)  Youth Crazy Night (11 Apr)  Spring Revival (29 Apr – May 2)

5 Adult II Couples Class

6 Iva May and Dr. Stan May


8 CreationPatriarchsExodus

9 Creation: God reveals His goodness and mercyCreation: God reveals His goodness and mercy Patriarchs: Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, JosephPatriarchs: Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Exodus:Exodus: God watched over and cared for the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness, and worked to shape them into a nation that was holy to Himself. God watched over and cared for the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness, and worked to shape them into a nation that was holy to Himself. The “captivity” generation is eliminated, and a new generation of Israelites that has only known the one true God prepares to possess the Promised Land. The “captivity” generation is eliminated, and a new generation of Israelites that has only known the one true God prepares to possess the Promised Land. Before his death, Moses recorded all these and other stories in the book of the law. Before his death, Moses recorded all these and other stories in the book of the law.

10 Moses knew that Bible literacy (the knowledge of creation, Israel’s history and God’ law) was crucialMoses knew that Bible literacy (the knowledge of creation, Israel’s history and God’ law) was crucial For Israel to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God, they must know and obey itFor Israel to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God, they must know and obey it Before his death, Moses wrote out the Law and commanded the people (and future king) to read the law regularlyBefore his death, Moses wrote out the Law and commanded the people (and future king) to read the law regularly Today’s lesson focuses on the impor-tance of Bible literacy and the role it plays in the spiritual health of God’s peopleToday’s lesson focuses on the impor-tance of Bible literacy and the role it plays in the spiritual health of God’s people




14 www.themegallery. com Bible Literacy and Life Preparation


16 Bible Literacy and Leadership


18 A Chain of Unexpected Consequences

19 Bible Literacy, Accountability and Judgment


21 Bible Literacy and the Health of a Nation

22 Benefits of Public Reading of the Law

23 Conclusions


25 Why does Bible reading languish in the homes of committed believers?Why does Bible reading languish in the homes of committed believers? What can parents do to promote Bible literacy in the home?What can parents do to promote Bible literacy in the home? What is the state of Bible literacy in our church?What is the state of Bible literacy in our church? Why is it at that state?Why is it at that state? A Tyndale House study indicates that 92% of Americans own a Bible, but 64% say they are too busy to read it. Why do people place a low priority on Bible literacy?A Tyndale House study indicates that 92% of Americans own a Bible, but 64% say they are too busy to read it. Why do people place a low priority on Bible literacy?

26  If Israel turned their back on God, Moses warned that one of the curses they would suffer would manifest itself when they went up against their enemies. He said they would enter the field of battle one way, but flee how many ways?  “The LORD shall cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you will go out one way against them, but you will flee seven ways before them… (Dt 28:25)  Where did Moses die?  “The LORD spoke to Moses that very same day, saying, “Go up to this mountain of the Abarim, Mount Nebo…then die on the mountain where you ascend.” (Dt 32:48-50)  Where did Rahab hide the two spies who were sent to check out Jericho??  “ But she had brought them up to the roof and hidden them in the stalks of flax which she had laid in order on the roof.” (Josh 2:6)

27  What did Joshua order the twelve men to do after Israel had safely crossed through the Jordan river on dry ground?  Take for yourselves twelve men from the people….and command them, saying, ‘Take up for yourselves twelve stones from here out of the middle of the Jordan….”  How old was Moses when he died?  Although Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died, his eye was not dim, nor his vigor abated.” (Dt 1:2)

28 Adult II Couples Class

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