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Published byTodd Sherman Modified over 9 years ago
1 The University of Minnesota: Annual Image and Reputation Survey 2007
2 2 Research Objectives Explore perceptions and attitudes toward the U Understand similarities and differences in opinions among key audiences and over time Identify trends in attitudes about and support for the U Understand the U’s performance in selected areas Determine the breakthrough and resonance of the U’s marketing campaign “Driven to Discover” Understand which components of the campaign have the most traction
3 3 Methodology DATA COLLECTION: December 4 – December 11, 2006 SAMPLE SIZE: 882 adults in Minnesota, ages 25 and older including samples of 167 opinion leaders (college- educated, news attentive, affluent, registered voters) and 230 Rochester, MN residents SAMPLE: Sample is representative of MN adult population, drawn with a “random digit dial” methodology in which each residential telephone has an equal probability of being reached MARGIN OF ERROR: +/- 3.3% at the 95% confidence level for the entire sample, +/-6.5% among opinion leaders SIGNIFICANCE TESTS: Where a difference is noted as statistically significant ( ), it is computed at the 95% confidence level WEIGHTING: Data was weighted by age and education to ensure an accurate representation of the Minnesotan adult population
4 Executive Summary
5 5 Executive Summary The overall reputation and position of the U remains solid The U continues to have a stronghold on: –Providing a high quality graduate and professional education –Having a world-class medical school –Providing a high quality undergraduate education –Providing a good value for the tuition dollars –Discovering cures for chronic diseases However, financial management and tuition sensitivities continue to be areas of tension for the U The “Driven to Discover” campaign is realizing some early success – and should continue to stay the course
6 Attitudes, Perceptions & Connections
7 7 A majority are satisfied with the U, but feelings are not intense Now, on a scale from 1 to 5, where a 1 is “very dissatisfied” and a 5 is “very satisfied,” how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the University of Minnesota? Mean 3.69 3.71 Total satisfied: 50% Total satisfied: 54% Total dissatisfied: 8% Total dissatisfied: 7% As in the past, dissatisfaction levels are extremely low A majority is also favorable toward the U – 56% of adults, 65% of opinion leaders. The intensity (those saying “very favorable”) has increased significantly since 2005 (25% from 20%).
8 8 Satisfaction with the U has remained steady over the last four years D 3.6 MEAN: 3.6 On a scale from 1 to 5, where a 1 is “very dissatisfied” and a 5 is “very satisfied,” how would you rate your overall satisfaction with the University of Minnesota? *2003 data from a survey conducted by Frank N. Magid Associates, Inc. 3% Not Sure10% Not Sure 3.7 9% Not Sure Neutral (3) Dissatisfied (1 OR 2) Total satisfied (4 OR 5) Neutral (3) Dissatisfied (1 OR 2) Total satisfied (4 OR 5) Neutral (3) Dissatisfied (1 OR 2) Total satisfied (4 OR 5) 3.7 12% Not Sure
9 9 Overall reputation and personal connections are key reasons behind favorable feelings What are the main reasons you feel favorable toward the University of Minnesota? Base: those who feel favorably toward the University, N=526 Total favorable: 56% of Minnesotans While opinion leaders mirror respondents overall, they are significantly more likely to mention a “good research department” (20%)
10 10 Sports controversies and tuition issues drive negative feelings – a shift from 2005 What are the main reasons you feel unfavorable toward the University of Minnesota? Base: Those who feel unfavorably toward the University. Please note small base size, N=67 Total unfavorable: 8% of Minnesotans Top 2005 explanations of dissatisfaction
11 11 Minnesotans overwhelmingly support strategic positioning The University of Minnesota has undertaken an initiative to become one of the world’s top three public research universities. This initiative is aimed at increasing educational outcomes for students, recruiting the best faculty, and strengthening medical, scientific and economic benefits to Minnesotans. Do you favor or oppose this initiative? Opinion leaders are similar to respondents overall: 80% favor and 11% oppose 82% 11%
12 12 While Minnesotans see the U as a good value, there has been some erosion Thinking specifically about tuition at the University of Minnesota, does the University offer a very good value for the money, a somewhat good value, not a very good value, or a poor value for the education they receive? O indicates significant difference from 2006 data at 95% confidence level 79% TOTAL GOOD VALUE: 71% Very good value Somewhat good value Not a very good value Poor value Minnesotans divide blame between the U (26%), market conditions (21%) and state government (19% the legislature, 18% the governor)
13 13 Opinion leaders are more likely to be – and in more ways – connected to the U In which of the following ways are you connected with the University of Minnesota? Do you …? O indicates significant difference from the general public at 95% confidence level Half (51%) of Minnesotans have a connection to the U, as well as 67% of opinion leaders. This is similar to our finding last year.
14 14 As seen in years past, a connection to the U creates positive feelings Total favorable: 63% Total satisfied: 58% Connection No connection O indicates significant difference from those with no connection at 95% confidence level Total favorable: 48% Total satisfied: 41% % Very/Somewhat Positive Response
15 Media Environment
16 16 A majority of Minnesotans have heard or read something recently about the U Have you seen, heard or read anything recently about the University of Minnesota? More likely to hear news about the U: College graduates (70%) Men 50+ (65%) Have a connection to the U (62%) Child is a former Student (60%) Adults 35+ (57%) Prospective Students (55%) 2005200620052006 Less likely to hear news about the U: Adults under 35 years old (59%) Adults without a college degree (57%) No university connection (55%) Child is not a former Student (51%) O indicates significant difference from the general public at 95% confidence level 22 point increase from last year
17 17 News recall tends to focus on sports What did you see, hear or read? Anything else? Base: Respondents who had seen, heard, or read anything recently about the University, N=524 Similar trends were seen among opinion leaders year on year. The impact of the news recalled on feelings toward the U tends to be positive to neutral O indicates significant difference from 2005 at 95% confidence level
18 Performance & Goals
19 19 As in years past, residents prioritize a high quality education at a good value Now I am going to read you some goals the University of Minnesota may have. Using a scale of 1 to 10, where a 1 is “not at all important” and a 10 is “very important,” please tell me how important you feel each of the following goals should be for the University of Minnesota. 87% 81% 85% % Very (9-10)/ Somewhat (7-8) Important First Tier Goals Among all respondents 88% 82%
20 20 On second tier goals, Minnesotans prioritize research and creating jobs Now I am going to read you some goals the University of Minnesota may have. Using a scale of 1 to 10, where a 1 is “not at all important” and a 10 is “very important,” please tell me how important you feel each of the following goals should be for the University of Minnesota. 79% 71% % Very (9-10)/ Somewhat (7-8) Important Second Tier Goals Among all respondents 72% 73% 71% 66%
21 21 Minnesotans see the U as having a world-class medical school and offering a quality education Now I’d like to read you the same list and ask you how well that describes the University of Minnesota. Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is “does not describe at all” and 10 is “describes completely,” please tell me how well that attribute or phrase describes the University of Minnesota. 67% 69% 64% 59% 60% First Tier Descriptions 55% % Very (9-10)/ Somewhat (7-8) Describes Among all respondents Neutral/ DK 27% 25% 29% 33% 31% 37% Total “Conducting research …” as a descriptor has risen significantly since 2005
22 22 The U is less likely to be described as a good financial manager Now I’d like to read you the same list and ask you how well that describes the University of Minnesota. Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is “does not describe at all” and 10 is “describes completely,” please tell me how well that attribute or phrase describes the University of Minnesota. 45% 58% 55% 53% Second Tier Descriptions % Very (9-10)/ Somewhat (7-8) Describes Among all respondents Neutral/ DK 38% 33% 31% 36% 51%38% 40%45% 40% Total
23 23 Gap Analysis: Important vs. Describes Providing public services to Minnesotans, such as health care, extension, the Arboretum and the Bell Museum Creating jobs and businesses in the state Helping keep the state's economy strong Discovering innovative solutions to world problems, like energy shortages Being one of the top three research universities in the world Conducting research that improves Minnesotans' quality of life Being a good manager of its financial resources Provides a good value education for the tuition dollars Discovering cures for chronic diseases Creating a well-trained workforce in the state Having a world-class medical school Providing high-quality undergraduate education Providing high-quality graduate and professional education Minnesota General Public Less important, describes more Less important, describes less More important, describes more More important, describes less
24 24 Gap Analysis: General Public, Opinion Leaders Less important, describes moreMore important, describes more General PublicOpinion LeadersGeneral PublicOpinion Leaders Providing public services to Minnesotans, such as health care, extension, the Arboretum and the Bell Museum Conducting research that improves Minnesotans' quality of life Creating jobs and businesses in the state Helping keep the state's economy strong Providing public services to Minnesotans, such as health care, extension, the Arboretum and the Bell Museum Conducting research that improves Minnesotans' quality of life Creating jobs and businesses in the state Helping keep the state's economy strong Providing high-quality graduate and professional education Having a world-class medical school Providing high-quality undergraduate education Provides a good value education for the tuition dollars Creating a well-trained workforce in the state Discovering cures for chronic diseases Providing high-quality graduate and professional education Having a world-class medical school Providing high-quality undergraduate education Provides a good value education for the tuition dollars Creating a well-trained workforce in the state Discovering cures for chronic diseases Less important, describes lessMore important, describes less General PublicOpinion LeadersGeneral PublicOpinion Leaders Being one of the top three research universities in the world Discovering innovative solutions to world problems, like energy shortages Being one of the top three research universities in the world Discovering innovative solutions to world problems, like energy shortages Being a good manager of its financial resources
25 Driven to Discover Campaign
26 26 Advertising is penetrating – those who have heard of the campaign largely cite TV, newspaper ads or university publications Where did you see, hear or read about this campaign? Base: Respondents who had seen, heard, or read anything recently about the Driven to Discover campaign. Please note small base size. Total N=55, Opinion Leader N=23
27 27 Unprompted, those aware have highest recall of the U’s goals and research efforts What did you learn about the University from this campaign? Anything else? Base: Respondents who had seen, heard, or read anything recently about the Driven to Discover campaign. Please note small base size. Total N=55, Opinion Leader N=23
28 28 When prompted, four in ten recall information about the U’s search for cures to chronic diseases Now I’m going to read you some more statements about the University of Minnesota. For each statement, please tell me whether or not you have heard or seen anything about that recently.
29 29 Importantly, message recall is significantly higher in targeted DMAs Now I’m going to read you some more statements about the University of Minnesota. For each statement, please tell me whether or not you have heard or seen anything about that recently. Base: Targeted DMAs N=786, Non-targeted DMAs N=96
30 30 Though not statistically significant, targeted DMAs trend better on key campaign attributes Now I’d like to read you the same list and ask you how well that describes the University of Minnesota. Using a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is “does not describe at all” and 10 is “describes completely,” please tell me how well that attribute or phrase describes the University of Minnesota. 60% 53% 56% % Very (9-10)/ Somewhat (7-8) Describes 50% 45% 38% Total 41% 36% Conducts research that improves Minnesotans’ quality of life Discovers cures for chronic diseases Is one of the top three research universities in the world Discovers innovative solutions to world problems, like energy shortages
31 31 Gap Analysis: Important vs. Describes Providing public services to Minnesotans, such as health care, extension, the Arboretum and the Bell Museum Creating jobs and businesses in the state Helping keep the state's economy strong Discovering innovative solutions to world problems, like energy shortages Being one of the top three research universities in the world Conducting research that improves Minnesotans' quality of life Being a good manager of its financial resources Provides a good value education for the tuition dollars Discovering cures for chronic diseases Creating a well-trained workforce in the state Having a world-class medical school Providing high-quality undergraduate education Providing high-quality graduate and professional education Target Media Markets Less important, describes more Less important, describes less More important, describes more More important, describes less
32 32 Gap Analysis: Targeted DMAs, Rest of Minnesota Less important, describes moreMore important, describes more Target MN DMA’sRemaining MN DMA’sTarget MN DMA’sRemaining MN DMA’s Conducting research that improves Minnesotans' quality of life Providing public services to Minnesotans, such as health care, extension, the Arboretum and the Bell Museum Creating jobs and businesses in the state Helping keep the state's economy strong Conducting research that improves Minnesotans' quality of life Providing public services to Minnesotans, such as health care, extension, the Arboretum and the Bell Museum Providing high-quality graduate and professional education Providing high-quality undergraduate education Having a world-class medical school Provides a good value education for the tuition dollars Creating a well-trained workforce in the state Discovering cures for chronic diseases Providing high-quality graduate and professional education Providing high-quality undergraduate education Having a world-class medical school Provides a good value education for the tuition dollars Creating a well-trained workforce in the state Discovering cures for chronic diseases Less important, describes lessMore important, describes less Target MN DMA’sRemaining MN DMA’sTarget MN DMA’sRemaining MN DMA’s Discovering innovative solutions to world problems, like energy shortages Being one of the top three research universities in the world Creating jobs and businesses in the state Helping keep the state's economy strong Discovering innovative solutions to world problems, like energy shortages Being one of the top three research universities in the world Being a good manager of its financial resources
33 Conclusions & Implications
34 34 Stable, Strong Foundation The University of Minnesota continues to enjoy an overall positive reputation –More than half of Minnesotans continue to be satisfied with and favorable toward the U –Negatives remain very low –The network of personal connections to the U remains solid and very supportive of the U –Education quality continues to be a key differentiator –One in four of parents with children at home plan for their child to attend the U in the future
35 35 Initial Campaign Success An early read on the “Driven to Discover” campaign shows initial traction –Majorities of Minnesotans see the underlying goals of the campaign as important (becoming a top research university, conducting research to improve lives, discovering cures for diseases and other world problems) –Key messages have early traction, particularly in targeted media markets –Minnesotans are significantly more likely to believe that the U conducts research to improve their lives
36 36 Some Points of Concern Past points of concern linger –Though overall levels are high, there continues to be a lack of intensity in satisfaction and favorability levels –The media environment tends to be soft – recall of the U in the news is vague or athletics-driven –Financial management remains a point of sensitivity (though nothing specific emerges in exploration of dissatisfaction) –Affordable tuition continues to be a top priority, but a low performance attribute and the U takes a good share of the blame for rising tuition costs
37 37 Moving Forward: “Driven to Discover” As early impact is evident, stay the communications course: –Continue paid media, giving key messages the opportunity to resonate more broadly across targeted demographics –Augment paid media with earned media reinforcing and illustrating U strengths –Continue to leverage those with a U connection as first-tier ambassadors
38 38 Communication Strategy Continue to Reinforce: –Providing high-quality education (undergraduate and graduate) –Having a world-class medical school –Providing a good value education for the tuition dollars –Discovering cures for chronic diseases –Creating a well-trained workforce in the state Continue to Persuade: –Being a good manager of financial resources Continue to Educate: –Value of a public research university –Value of research
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