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Wireless communication

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1 Wireless communication
1 Team: Mauricio Rodriguez Trujillo Marisa Martinez Guerra Mtz&Rdz´s company: We choose it Because have my last name and the last name of my partner Common examples of wireless equipment in use today include:  Cellular phones and pagers -- provide connectivity for portable and mobile applications, both personal and business  Global Positioning System (GPS) -- allows drivers of cars and trucks, captains of boats and ships, and pilots of aircraft to ascertain their location anywhere on earth  Cordless computer peripherals -- the cordless mouse is a common example; keyboards and printers can also be linked to a computer via wireless  Cordless telephone sets -- these are limited-range devices, not to be confused with cell phones  Home-entertainment-system control boxes -- the VCR control and the TV channel control are the most common examples; some hi-fi sound systems and FM broadcast receivers also use this technology  Remote garage-door openers -- one of the oldest wireless devices in common use by consumers; usually operates at radio frequencies  Two-way radios -- this includes Amateur and Citizens Radio Service, as well as business, marine, and military communications  Baby monitors -- these devices are simplified radio transmitter/receiver units with limited range  Satellite television -- allows viewers in almost any location to select from hundreds of channels  Wireless LANs or local area networks -- provide flexibility and reliability for business computer users Wireless communication is among technology’s biggest contributions to mankind. Wireless communication involves the transmission of information over adistance without help of wires, cables or any other forms of electrical conductors. The transmitted distance can be anywhere between a few meters (for example, a television’s remote control) and thousands of kilometers (for example, radio communication).

2 2 Advantages Wireless communication has the following advantages: Communication has enhanced to convey the information quickly to the consumers. Working professionals can work and access Internet anywhere and anytime without carrying cables or wires wherever they go. This also helps to complete the work anywhere on time and improves the productivity. Doctors, workers and other professionals working in remote areas can be in touch with medical centers through wireless communication. Urgent situation can be alerted through wireless communication. The affected regions can be provided help and support with the help of these alerts through wireless communication. Wireless networks are cheaper to install and maintain. Disadvantages The growth of wireless network has enabled us to use personal devices anywhere and anytime. This has helped mankind to improve in every field of life but this has led many threats as well. Wireless network has led to many security threats to mankind. It is very easy for the hackers to grab the wireless signals that are spread in the air. It is very important to secure the wireless network so that the information cannot be exploited by the unauthorized users. This also increases the risk to lose information. Strong security protocols must be created to secure the wireless signals like WPA and WPA2. Another way to secure the wireless network is to have wireless intrusion prevention system.

3 Wireless communication
3 Wireless communication Wireless communication is the transfer of information without any physical connection between the sender and the receiver using the radio frequency spectrum (air) and hardware, software, and various technologies to transmit information. The wireless communication systems used SIESA Group are designed with a Data very low cost, which does not use telephone lines or satellite coaxial cable. Compared with other similar technologies requires a considerably lower initial investment In 1973 Martin Cooper introduced the first radio telephone while working for Motorola, Cooper pioneering company in this technology, it is regarded as "the father of the cell phone." In 1979 the first commercial system appears in Tokyo Japan by NTT (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp.) two years later in the United States the first commercial analog cellular system working in the 800 MHz band also arises. In other countries the same thing happened and were many parallel but mutually incompatible technologies

4 4 APA: Mary, R. (n.d.). Wireless Communication and types. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from cation Wireless Communication definition. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from eless Wiley, J. (n.d.). Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from The wireless communication systems used SIESA Group are designed with a Data very low cost, which does not use telephone lines or satellite coaxial cable. Compared with other similar technologies requires a considerably lower initial investment. Among the applications of these systems include: streaming video and audio, remote video surveillance, extension of LAN (Local Area Network), Internet Services Broadband, PBX extension (PBXs), voice over IP and multicast video (video transmission to multiple locations simultaneously). The wireless communication systems SIESA Group offers are perfect for the project you wish to undertake, since no other technology can reach remote places and transmitting information at a higher speed.

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